A wireless EnergyCam Setup with a Windows PC to monitor the energy usage
FAST EnergyCam: The quick and inexpensive way to turn your conventional meter into a smart metering device (http://www.fastforward.ag/eng/index_eng.html)
FAST EnergyCam RF and FAST USB Communication Interface to configure the Energycam prior to installation (available at http://umwelt-messtechnik.de/index.php?cat=c91_Smart-Grid-Komponenten-Smart-Grid-Komponenten.html)
wireless M-Bus USB Stick (2 manufacturers are supported)
- IMST IM871A-USB Stick ( available at http://www.tekmodul.de/index.php?id=shop-wireless_m-bus_oms_module or http://webshop.imst.de/funkmodule/im871a-usb-wireless-mbus-usb-adapter-868-mhz.html)
- AMBER Wireless M-Bus USB Adapter (http://amber-wireless.de/406-1-AMB8465-M.html)
- Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express can be used to compile the application.
- Display commandline options
..\bin>ecwmbus /h
Commandline options:
ecwmbus /c:3 /m:T /i
/c:3 : COM3
/m:T : T2 mode
/i : show detailed infos
- Connect to a stick on COM 3 using T2 Mode
..\bin>ecwmbus /c:3 /m:T /i
- The commandline application shows you all received wireless M-Bus packages.
- You can add meters that are watched. The received values of these are printed on the screen.