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Map Manager Architecture

James Rae edited this page Jan 6, 2016 · 2 revisions

While generating a map object is generally a one-line process, the Map Manager section aims to help with creating the other visual things that support a map. These things can include

  • Scale Bar
  • North Arrow
  • Overview Map
  • Mouse Co-ordinate Display

The options for what the map will have will be part of the config object. Map Manager should have a function that takes a Map object and a config snippet, iterates the config snippet, and applies the appropriate things to the map object (e.g. generates a scale bar and applies it to the map).

TODO Add links to config structure documentation

We also provide a function that will link any provided event handlers to the Dojo on events for an ESRI map object. Events wrapped include click, extent-change, pan-end, pan-start, update-end, update-start, zoom-end, zoom-start. See the event handlers page for more details

Note we use the name MapManager to avoid confusion, as Map is a very common term in mapping APIs.