Build a “Pomodoro timer”.
- A “work” timer that counts down to zero (usually 25 minutes)
- A second “break” timer that counts down to zero (usually 5 minutes)
- Buttons to start a session, pause the timer, or cancel the session and restart
- Customisable lengths of time for work/break
- Play an alarm sound to make it obvious the time is up
🎊 🎉 This is my Pomodoro Timer made using HTML, CSS, vanilla JavaScript. 🎉 🎊
I was aware of what a pomodoro timer was, but i did further research on the subject and got inspiration on my timers functionality from the Apple Apps store
I decided on the what features I wanted my timer to have
- Set pomodoro interval (0-60minutes)- default set to 25minutes.
- Set short break (0-60minutes)- default set to 5 minutes.
- Set long break (0-60minutes)- default set to 30 minutes.
- [-] A START button, which when pressed changes to STOP.
- A INTERVAL box which shows 0/4 at the start and increases with each interval. At 4/4 , long break is activated after which the interval re-sets to 0/4.
- Bell at end of interval/break,
- Border color changes with pomodoro interval/break
- [-] Flashes red at 10second mark.
I created a new repo in github, with a file. I used SSH to git clone the repo in my local terminal
I created a index.html and decided to add
tags instead of creating separate files. If the script code gets tolong I may create a separatescript.js
Issue 1 - When i was cloning my github repo to my local terminal, i ran the SSH link but kept getting this error.
zsh: no such file or directory:
Solution 1 -
I forgot to add git clone
before adding the SSH link. 🙈 😂
Issue 2 - I wanted to add a boiler HTML template using the Emmet abbreviation !
. It wouldn't work.
Solution 2 - I was adding !
to an untitled file so i was unable to access the boilerplate. Once is saved the file with html extension index.html
it worked.:exclamation:
Issue 3 - VS code live server was opening a listing directory instead of running the code in the browser.
(To take a screen shot on a mac press Shift+Command+3 )
Solution 3- The folder where i saved my project files (hml, css, js) did not have a workspace assigned to it. So my files were pointing to the wrong path. I created a new folder "pomodoro-timer" in my fac21 folder on my desktop and opened VS code and opened new folder ("pomodoro-timer). I then opened the index.html file and the live sever worked!!! 😄 ✨
I was able to solve this issue using this Stack Overflow article and this YouTube video. This YouTube video helped me learn more about workspace.
Issue 4 - I kept getting this error when i clicked the start button.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'innerText' of null
at startInterval (script.js:28)
Solution 4- I had a space bar when defining my id ('interval- sec)!!! Once i removed it countdown worked
const intervalSecs = document.getElementById("interval-secs");
Issue 5- I had one function startInterval
which was doing several things at once, and i was calling it in the start button event listener. These are the issues it caused
- round counter was updating after the short break had happened
- the long break was only decreasing by one second after which the interval timer started again.
Solution 5- There were too many things going on in that one function. So i split everything up into smaller functions, whereby in all the start functions i set a setInterval()and in all the stop functions i set a clearInterval():
- startRoundTimer - setInterval( beginRound)
- stopRoundTimer - clearInterval , reset round time
- startShortTimer - setInterval( beginShort)
- stopShortTimer - clearInterval , reset short break time
- startLongTimer - setInterval( beginLong)
- stopLongTimer - clearInterval , reset round counter long break time
Issue 6- I wanted to display the timer in the browser tab. I didn't know where to put the code as i had different counters for minutes and seconds
document.title = intervalMins.innerText + ":" + intervalSecs.innerText;
Solution 6- I put the code in all three start functions - startRoundTimer, startShortTimer, startLongTimer.
Unresolved Issues
When i tried to pause the short/long break timer it worked, as in it paused but then when you press the start button
- it starts to count from the interval timer and not continue with the short/long break timer.
I was unable to pad the timer with
when it was less than 10 secs- i tried if/else statement, template literals, concatenate, padStart. Nothing worked! 😭 😭 😭
- YouTube - Markdown Inserting Images by Thomas Bradley
- Medium- Getting Images into Markdown Documents and Weblog Posts with Markdown Monster by Rick Strahi
- codebase - Syntax highlighting in markdown by Dan Quinney
- coolors - *Generate colour palattes *
- icons8 - Icons, illustrations, photos, music, and design tools
- Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 - FAC21 Pre-course challenges