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Encoding personal names

Yasmin Faghihi edited this page May 17, 2023 · 4 revisions

Personal names should always be encoded using <persName>. All personal names including fictional characters should carry a unique @xml:id in the name authority file.

In each TEI manuscript record, the persons @xml:id is referred to using @key.

If the person you are encoding has not yet been mentioned in FIHRIST, no @xml:id exists.

Note: please check the data set thoroughly for variants of the name or various names of the same person!

A new @xml:id will be generated if you add an empty @key to <perName> in the record.

For example: <persName role="fmo ato ins seal "key="">‘Alī Akbar al-Ḥusaynī</persName>

Peoples names encoded as <persName> can occur in two instances:

As part of a running text

For example: A scribe named <persName xml:lang="fa-Latn-x-lc" role="scr" key="person_f7813">Bāyazīd</persName> completed this manuscript.

Note: please ensure to include a @role in <perName> @role codes can be found further down in this directory.

Nested in structural elements like: <author> , <editor>

For example: <author key="person_98930150"> <persName xml:lang="fa-Latn-x-lc" type="standard">Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī,1207–1273</persName> <persName xml:lang="fa">جلال الدین رومی</persName> </author>

Note: in this instance the @key should be nested in <author> and NOT repeated in <persName>. This is vital when using empty @keys to avoid multiple @xml:ids being generated for the same person!