The Infix to Postfix Calculator is a sophisticated Java-based application designed to seamlessly convert mathematical expressions from the conventional infix notation, where operators are interspersed among operands, to the postfix notation, which positions operators after their respective operands. This conversion facilitates a more efficient computation process, leveraging the elegance of stack data structures for evaluation.
- Efficient Infix to Postfix Conversion: Utilizes advanced algorithms and data structures to ensure accurate and swift conversion processes.
- Simple interactive GUI: Features a simple user-friendly graphical interface for inputting infix expressions and displaying the converted postfix notation and evaluation results.
- Versatile Expression Support: Capable of handling a wide range of mathematical operations, including but not limited to, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
To utilize the app, the following steps must be executed:
- Ensure Java is installed on your system. This application requires Java SE 8 or later.
- Download the provided Java files:,, and
- Compile these files into a .jar executable. This can be achieved by executing the following command in your terminal or command prompt:
*Replace [Main-Class] with the class name containing the main method, typically PostfixCalculatorApp.
To run the application, use the following command:
java -jar InfixToPostfixCalculator.jar
Please ensure all three files are compiled into a .jar file as described in the installation section. This step is crucial for the successful execution of the application using the java –jar c:\path\to\jar\file.jar command.