provides simple and useful packages for react developing env:
Simple reducer-like
state-management with method action dispatch mode for react components.
Create reducer-like
export function counting(state:number){
return {
// reproduced state for render
count: state,
// action method
increase:()=>state + 1,
// action method
decrease:()=>state - 1,
// action method, define parameters freely.
add(...additions: number[]){
return additions.reduce((result, current)=>{
return result + current;
}, state);
Use reducer-like
import {counting} from './model';
import {useModel} from '@airma/react-state';
// give it an initialState can make it fly.
const {count, increase, decrease, add} = useModel(counting, 0); // initialState `0`
// call method `increase\decrease\add` can change `count` and make component rerender
The reducer-like
function has a simple name model
. Use API model
can make it more simple.
import {model} from '@airma/react-state';
// api model returns a wrap function for your model function.
// it keeps a same type of parameters and return data with the wrapped function.
const counting = model(function counting(state:number){
return {
count: state,
increase:()=>state + 1,
decrease:()=>state - 1,
add(...additions: number[]){
return additions.reduce((result, current)=>{
return result + current;
}, state);
// you can get useModel from the model wrapped function.
const {count, increase, decrease, add} = counting.useModel(0);
Though, the basic function about model
is enhancing React.useReducer
to manage a local state, it also supports store usage with or without React.Context
to manage a global state.
import {memo} from 'react';
import {model} from '@airma/react-state';
const countingStore = model(function counting(state:number){
return {
count: state,
increase:()=>state + 1,
decrease:()=>state - 1,
add(...additions: number[]){
return additions.reduce((result, current)=>{
return result + current;
}, state);
const Increase = memo(()=>{
// use store.useSelector can share state changes from store,
// when the selected result is changed it rerender component.
const increase = countingStore.useSelector(i => i.increase);
return <button onClick={increase}>+</button>;
const Count = memo(()=>{
// use store.useModel can share state changes from store.
const {count} = countingStore.useModel();
return <span>{count}</span>;
const Decrease = memo(()=>{
const decrease = countingStore.useSelector(i => i.decrease);
return <button onClick={decrease}>-</button>;
// provide store to component for a React.Context usage.
const Component = countingStore.provideTo(function Comp() {
return (
Using model(xxx).createStore().static()
can build a global store.
import {model} from '@airma/react-state';
const countingStore = model(function counting(state:number){
return {
count: state,
increase:()=>state + 1,
decrease:()=>state - 1,
add(...additions: number[]){
return additions.reduce((result, current)=>{
return result + current;
}, state);
const Increase = memo(()=>{
const increase = countingStore.useSelector(i => i.increase);
return <button onClick={increase}>+</button>;
const Count = memo(()=>{
const {count} = countingStore.useModel();
return <span>{count}</span>;
const Decrease = memo(()=>{
const decrease = countingStore.useSelector(i => i.decrease);
return <button onClick={decrease}>-</button>;
// use global store without provider.
const Component = function Comp() {
return (
The useSelector
API is helpful for reducing render frequency, only when the selected result is changed, it make its owner component rerender.
In @airma/react-state
, store is dynamic, every provider
copies a working instance for a context usage.
That means:
- The store data can be destroyed with its
component unmount. - Components with same store provider can be used together in one parent component without state change effect to each other.
The store provider system in @airma/react-state
is designed with a tree structure. The nearest provider
finds store one-by-one from itself to its root parent provider
, and links the nearest matched provider
store to the subscriber useModel/useSelector
No, only the hooks subscribing this store
may rerender their owners. Every store change is notified to its subscriber like useModel
and useSelector
, and then the subscriber rerenders its owner by useState
Async action often makes the problem about stale data and zombie-children. So, a special tool to resolve this problem is necessary, you can try @airma/react-effect with it.
There are more examples, concepts and APIs in the documents of @airma/react-state
Simple asynchronous state-management for react. It is considered as a combined hook with React.useEffect
and React.useState
Create a callback which always returns a promise.
// parameters groupId
export function fetchUsers(groupId: number): Promise<User[]> {
return userRequest.fetchUsersByGroupId(groupId);
Use asynchronous callback.
import {fetchUsers} from './session';
import {useQuery} from '@airma/react-effect';
// useQuery calls `fetchUsers` just like a `useEffect` works.
// When the owner component is mounting, or each variable([props.groupId]) is changing, the `fetchUsers` is called.
const [
] = useQuery(fetchUsers, [props.groupId]);
const {
// (Users[] | undefined), the promise resolving data.
// Before useQuery works out, it is undefined.
data: users,
// boolean, if useQuery is fetching data.
// boolean, if current query has a rejection.
// unknown, the promise rejection
// (undefined | Parameters<typeof fetchUsers>),
// The parameters of current query result.
// Before useQuery works out, it is undefined.
// boolean, if useQuery has fetched data successfully.
} = sessionState;
// call `recall` function can trigger useQuery works manually.
// call `recallWithVariables` function can trigger useQuery works manually with temporary parameters.
Every time useQuery
fetches a latest data as sessionState.data
by calling asynchronous callback, it is very useful.
The asynchronous callback for useQuery
or useMutation
is named session
in @airma/react-effect
. It makes a simple usage API
like model
for @airma/react-state
import {session} from '@airma/react-effect';
const fetchUsersSession = session((groupId: number): Promise<User[]> => {
return userRequest.fetchUsersByGroupId(groupId);
}, 'query'); // use sessionType `query` to mark out, it is a session for `useQuery` not `useMutation`.
const [
] = fetchUsersSession.useQuery([props.groupId]);
API useQuery
or useMutation
can be used as a context or global asynchronous state-management hook too.
import {session} from '@airma/react-effect';
// create a store for sharing state change.
const fetchUsersSession = session((groupId: number): Promise<User[]> => {
return userRequest.fetchUsersByGroupId(groupId);
}, 'query').createStore();
const ChildQueryComponent = ()=>{
// when `fetchUsersSession.useQuery` works,
// the `sessionState change` is shared with a same store subscriber like `useSession`.
const [
] = fetchUsersSession.useQuery([props.groupId]);
const ChildReceptionComponent = ()=>{
// the store.useSession can accept the sessionState change caused by the same store `useQuery` or `useMutation`.
const [
] = fetchUsersSession.useSession();
// provide store to component.
const Component = fetchUsersSession.provideTo(function Comp(){
return (
Use session(xxx,'query'|'mutation').createStore().static()
can create a global store, which can be used directly without provider.
import {session} from '@airma/react-effect';
// make store global
const fetchUsersSession = session((groupId: number): Promise<User[]> => {
return userRequest.fetchUsersByGroupId(groupId);
}, 'query').createStore().static();
const ChildQueryComponent = ()=>{
const [
] = fetchUsersSession.useQuery([props.groupId]);
const ChildReceptionComponent = ()=>{
const [
] = fetchUsersSession.useSession();
// a global store API can be used directly without provider.
const Component = function Comp(){
return (
The API useMutation
or (session\sessionStore).useMutation
is similar with useQuery
The different is useMutation
should be triggered to work manually.
import {session} from '@airma/react-effect';
const saveUserSession = session((user: User): Promise<void> => {
return userRequest.saveUser(user);
}, 'mutation'); // use sessionType `mutation` to mark out, it is a session for `useMutation` not `useQuery`.
const [
] = saveUserSession.useMutation([state.user]);
// trigger it manually
The useMutation
API works with a block mode. If it is working, it refuses other triggered missions.
Set triggerOn
config property to useQuery
or useMutation
can change the default trigger ways of these hooks.
Make useMutation
works when variables changes.
import {session} from '@airma/react-effect';
const saveUserSession = session((user: User): Promise<void> => {
return userRequest.saveUser(user);
}, 'mutation');
const [
] = saveUserSession.useMutation({
variables: [state.user],
// This setting makes useMutation works when `state.user` changes.
triggerOn: ['update', 'manual']
Be careful if the config of useMutation
is using update
or mount
trigger way, it works without a block protection
Make useQuery
works only when it is triggered manually.
import {session} from '@airma/react-effect';
const fetchUsersSession = session((groupId: number): Promise<User[]> => {
return userRequest.fetchUsersByGroupId(groupId);
}, 'query');
const [
] = fetchUsersSession.useQuery({
variables: [props.groupId],
triggerOn: ['manual']
There are full strategies to decorate the actions about useQuery
and useMutation
, like debounce, throttle, once, memo, and so on.
Set these strategies to useQuery
or useMutation
can help session works better.
import {session} from '@airma/react-effect';
const fetchUsersSession = session((groupId: number): Promise<User[]> => {
return userRequest.fetchUsersByGroupId(groupId);
}, 'query');
const [
] = fetchUsersSession.useQuery({
variables: [props.groupId],
// Strategy.debounce makes useQuery works debounce with 300 ms duration time.
// Strategy.memo makes useQuery use the old sessionState.data, if the work out data equals old data by calling `JSON.stringify`.
strategy: [Strategy.debounce(300), Strategy.memo()]
dependent @airma/react-state
, and the state sharing way is just like @airma/react-state
There are more examples, concepts and APIs in the documents of @airma/react-effect
A lot of APIs about @airma/react-state
and @airma/react-effect
are too similar. So, @airma/react-hooks
is a better choosen for using both of them. It combine these two packages APIs together.
import {model, session} from '@airma/react-hooks';
const countingStore = model(function counting(state:number){
return {
count: state,
increase:()=>state + 1,
decrease:()=>state - 1,
add(...additions: number[]){
return additions.reduce((result, current)=>{
return result + current;
}, state);
const fetchUsersSession = session((groupId: number): Promise<User[]> => {
return userRequest.fetchUsersByGroupId(groupId);
}, 'query').createStore();
// combine different stores together, and provide to a root component
const Component = countingStore.with(fetchUsersSession).provideTo(function Comp(){