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Hypergrid plug-in to get/delete/modify a data row based on a unique single- or multi-column ID

These functions are all basically wrappers for the various findRow overloads.


Important: Your data source must support the findRow function.

Using the build files with <script> tags and Hypergrid's require()

Build files are available on the CDN for Hypergrid itself and the primary-key API.

In <head>...</head> element, include one of each of the following (after including Hypergrid itself):

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Using CommonJS modules with Browserify's or Webpack's require()

In a .js file that serves as input to Browserify or Webpack:

var Hypergrid = require('fin-hypergrid');

Instantiate with plug-in(s):

var grid = new Hypergrid({
    plugins: [
        ... // more plug-ins go here
    ... // more insantiation options go here


Instructions: Create a simple Hypergrid example that installs the plug-in (as above). Then copy & paste each of the following code blocks into Chrome's developer console and hit the return key, observing the changes to the grid as you do so.

  1. Set up some variables:
var behavior = grid.behavior;
var dataModel = behavior.dataModel;
var findKey = "symbol";
var findVal = 'FB';
  1. Add a new row:
var newDataRow = {};
newDataRow[findKey] = findVal; = 'Facebook';
newDataRow.prevclose = 125.08;
// To see the new row you must (eventually) call:
  1. Modify an existing row:
var modKey = 'name';
var modVal = 'Facebook, Inc.';
var dataRow = dataModel.modifyRowById(findKey, findVal, modKey, modVal);
// To see the modified cells you must (eventually) call:
  1. Delete (remove) a row:
var oldRow = dataModel.deleteRowById(findKey, findVal);
// To see the row disappear you must (eventually) call:
  1. Replace an existing row:
findVal = 'MSFT';
var newRow = {symbol: "ABC", name: "Google", prevclose: 666};
var oldRow = dataModel.replaceRowById(findKey, findVal, newRow);
// To see the row change you must (eventually) call:

This replaces the row with the new row object, returning but otherwise discarding the old row object. That is, the new row object takes on the ordinal of the old row object. By contrast, modifyDataRow keeps the existing row object, updating it in place. 6. Fetch a row (find the row and return the row object):

findVal = 'ABC';
var dataRow = dataModel.getRowById(findKey, findVal);
  1. Get a row's index (find the row and return its ordinal) (for use with Hypergrid's various grid coordinate methods):
var rowIndex = dataModel.getRowIndexById(findKey, findVal);
  1. Erase (blank) a row:
var oldRow = dataModel.eraseRowById(findKey, findVal);
// To see the row blank you must (eventually) call:


Updating the rendered grid

The following calls should be made sparingly as they can be expensive. The good news is that they only need to be called at the very end of a batch grid data changes.

  1. Call grid.behavior.reindex(). This call does nothing when the data source pipeline is empty. Otherwise, applies each data source transformations (filter, sort) in the pipeline. Needed when adding, deleting, or modifying rows.
  2. Call grid.behaviorChanged() when the number of rows (or columns) changes as a result of the data alteration.
  3. Call grid.repaint() when cells are updated in place. Note that behaviorChanged calls repaint for you so you only need to call one or the other.

Search key hash option

Search key(s) may be provided in a single hash parameter instead of in two distinct parameters (à la underscore.js) For any of the methods above that take a search key, the first two arguments (findkey and findVal) may be replaced with a single argument findHash, a hash of key:value pairs, optionally followed by a 2nd argument findList, a whitelist (an array) of which keys in findHash to use. These overloads allow for searching based on multiple columns:

Example 1

Single-column primary key:

behavior.getRow({ symbol: 'FB' });

Example 2

Multi-column primary key (target row must match all keys):

behavior.getRow({ symbol: 'FB', name: 'Facebook' });

Example 3

Limit the column(s) that comprise the primary key with findList, an array of allowable search keys:

var findWhiteList = ['symbol'];
behavior.getRow({ symbol: 'FB', name: 'the facebook' }, findKeyList);

In the above example, name is ignored because it is absent from the key list. This example is therefore functionally equivalent to example 2.a.

Modifications hash option

Field(s) to modify may be provided in a hash instead (à la jQuery.js) This overload allows for updating multiple columns of a row with a single method call:

var modHash = { name: 'Facebook, Inc.', prevclose: 125};
dataModel.modifyRowById('symbol', 'FB', modHash);

The above is equivalent to the following separate calls which each update a specific field in the same row:

dataModel.modifyRowById('symbol', 'FB', 'name', 'Facebook, Inc.');
dataModel.modifyRowById('symbol', 'FB', 'prevclose', 125);

Normally all included fields will be modified. As in findList (described above), you can limit which fields to actually modify by providing an additional parameter modList, an array of fields to modify. The following example modifies the "prevClose" field but not the "name" field:

var modWhiteList = ['prevclose'];
dataModel.modifyRowById('symbol', 'FB', modHash, modWhiteList);


The overloads discussed above in Search key hash option and Modifier hash option may be combined. For example, the full list of overloads for {@link rowById.modifyRowById} is:

behavior.modifyRowById(findKey, findVal, modKey, modVal);
behavior.modifyRowById(findKey, findVal, modHash);
behavior.modifyRowById(findKey, findVal, modHash, modWhiteList);
behavior.modifyRowById(findHash, modKey, modVal);
behavior.modifyRowById(findHash, modHash);
behavior.modifyRowById(findHash, modHash, modWhiteList);
behavior.modifyRowById(findHash, findWhiteList, modKey, modVal);
behavior.modifyRowById(findHash, findWhiteList, modHash);
behavior.modifyRowById(findHash, findWhiteList, modHash, modWhiteList);


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