This is a reliable part of KYC. A member of the network sends a request from his wallet to a certain Oracle to confirm his involvement in a particular address. Along with the request he pays the possible fee of the Oracle. Then asks Oracle to confirm that he is the owner of the abandoned account. Oracle has received a request to confirm it or not. In the case of confirmation, the Oracle receives a fee. Oracle can be a reliable data operator (bank, service, payment system, exchange, government agency, etc.).
The same account can be confirmed by different oracles with different levels of trust. The Oracle indicates a trusted resource address on the network where you can check the confirmation.
The Creator of the contract becomes the first Oracle and can invite other oracles. Oracle can change its details (except address) and fee.
request(string account, address oracle)
request a confirmationaccount
confirmed(string account, address address, address oracle)
check a confirmation -
remove(string account, address oracle)
remove request or confirmation -
withdraw(string account, address oracle)
withdraw fee from unconfirmed requestaccount
getOracleName(address oracle)
name -
getOracleUrl(address oracle)
url -
getOracleFee(address oracle)
requested(string account, address address)
check request for a confirmationaccount
confirm(string account, address address)
confirm anaccount
revoke(string account, address address)
revoke confirmation -
invite(address oracle, string name, string url, uint fee)
invite a new oracle -
setOracleName(string name)
setOracleUrl(string url)
setOracleFee(uint fee)