- Written in Golang
- LDAP based
- DUO support (Push notification)
- Okta support is coming
- Reading configuration from HashiCorp Vault is coming
Copy binary to server and place config file next to it. That is it
Contains parametes that allows configuration of RADIUS server connection
- address that sever should listen for requests. Recommended value -
. Mandatory.Secret
- password to connect to RADIUS server. Mandatory.
- address of the LDAP server. Mandatory.UserDN
- user DN template that will be used to bind to LDAP server. Use{{username}}
as a placeholder where to fill in user name. Server will use this to validate user LDAP auth by rendering user name instead of{{username}}
and then performing bind to the LDAP server. Mandatory.User
- binder user DN that will be used to run LDAP searches whenGroupFilter
is specified. Not used otherwise. Optional.Password
- bind user password that will be used to run LDAP searches whenGroupFilter
is specified. Not used otherwise. Optional.BaseDN
- used to scope down group membership checkes whenGroupFilter
is specified. Not used otherwise. Optional.GroupFilter
- LDAP search query that could be used to check user group memebership. Or whatever you want to check. Use{{username}}
as a placeholder where to fill in user name. Search considered successful if only one entry returned. Will not run any searches if not specified. Optional. Requires -User
Optional section that enables MFA with DUO. Read here how to get credentials If you do not use DUO just omit this section. Note! DUO MFA only works for users with mobile push-capable device configured, i.e. server will attempt to send push-based auth request via DUO and if user will have no device configured then auth request will be automatically rejected.
- should MFA check be performedIKey
- DUO integration keySKey
- DUO security keyAPIHost
- DUO API hostTimeOut
- DUO client time out. Defines how long duo client will wait for user to react on push notification. Default to 30 sec
Will only use LDAP auth
First get server up and running
# Build the server
bash scripts/build.sh
# Render configuration (requires secretshub-cli)
sudo apt-get install -y curl gnupg2
curl -fsSL https://apt.secrethub.io/pub | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb https://apt.secrethub.io stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/secrethub.sources.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y secrethub-cli
bash scripts/render-config.sh
# Run it
./build/rserver-linux-amd64 -c ./build/config.gcfg
For the test we need a client
sudo apt-get install freeradius-utils
radtest <username> <password> localhost 1812 <radius secret>
Checking packets sent to server
sudo tshark -f "udp port 1812" -i any -V