Matchi-compatible matcher for testing implementations against Fix specifications.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "matchi-fix"
And then execute:
bundle install
Or install it yourself:
gem install matchi-fix
A Matchi-compatible matcher that allows testing objects against Fix specifications. Enables verification of implementation conformance to Fix test specifications across different testing frameworks like Minitest and RSpec. Integrates seamlessly with the Fix testing framework's powerful specification system while maintaining Matchi's clean matcher interface.
To make Matchi::Fix available:
require "matchi/fix"
The Fix matcher allows testing values against Fix specifications. After requiring matchi-fix
, you can use the Fix
matcher in your tests through anonymous specification: { it MUST be 42 }.match? { 42 } # => true
or through registered specification by name:
# First, define a Fix specification
Fix :Calculator do
on(:add, 2, 3) do
it MUST eq 5
on(:multiply, 2, 3) do
it MUST eq 6
# Then use the matcher to test implementations
calculator =
# Using direct matcher syntax #=> true/false
On missing specifications:
# => KeyError
On passing both specification name and specification code: { "Spec block" }
# => ArgumentError
- Source code:
Matchi::Fix follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
This project is sponsored by Sashité