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Improve documentation for HasNameBinders
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fizruk committed Oct 29, 2024
1 parent 5e3a03a commit 02a8d1b
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Showing 3 changed files with 131 additions and 94 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion haskell/free-foil/src/Control/Monad/Foil.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ module Control.Monad.Foil (
Expand Down
219 changes: 128 additions & 91 deletions haskell/free-foil/src/Control/Monad/Foil/Internal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-methods #-} -- disabled to avoid overlapping type instances
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-overlapping-patterns -Wno-inaccessible-code #-} -- disabled because I think GHC is wrong
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-patterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas #-}
Expand All @@ -44,17 +44,17 @@
-- — the number of bits in an 'Int' (32 or 64).
module Control.Monad.Foil.Internal where

import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..))
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..))
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.IntMap
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Data.IntSet
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Bifunctor
import Generics.Kind
import Unsafe.Coerce
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import Data.Kind (Type)
import qualified Data.Type.Equality as Type
import Generics.Kind
import Unsafe.Coerce

-- * Safe types and operations

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -731,15 +731,15 @@ class CoSinkable (pattern :: S -> S -> Type) where
-- ^ Continuation, accepting result for the entire pattern and a (possibly refreshed) pattern.
-> r
default withPattern
:: (Distinct o, GenericK pattern, GUnsafeHasNameBinders (RepK pattern))
:: (Distinct o, GenericK pattern, GHasNameBinders (RepK pattern))
=> (forall x y z r'. Distinct z => Scope z -> NameBinder x y -> (forall z'. DExt z z' => f x y z z' -> NameBinder z z' -> r') -> r')
-> (forall x z z'. DExt z z' => f x x z z')
-> (forall x y y' z z' z''. (DExt z z', DExt z' z'') => f x y z z' -> f y y' z' z'' -> f x y' z z'')
-> Scope o
-> pattern n l
-> (forall o'. DExt o o' => f n l o o' -> pattern o o' -> r)
-> r
withPattern = gunsafeWithPatternViaUnsafeHasNameBinders
withPattern = gunsafeWithPatternViaHasNameBinders

-- | Auxiliary data structure for collecting name binders. Used in 'nameBinderListOf'.
newtype WithNameBinderList r n l (o :: S) (o' :: S) = WithNameBinderList (NameBinderList l r -> NameBinderList n r)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -979,9 +979,9 @@ instance SinkableK NameBinders where
instance GenericK NameBinderList where
type RepK NameBinderList = ((Var0 :~~: Var1) :=>: U1) :+: Exists S
(Field (NameBinder :$: Var1 :@: Var0) :*: Field (NameBinderList :$: Var0 :@: Var2))
toK (L1 (SuchThat U1)) = NameBinderListEmpty
toK (L1 (SuchThat U1)) = NameBinderListEmpty
toK (R1 (Exists (Field x :*: Field xs))) = NameBinderListCons x xs
fromK NameBinderListEmpty = L1 (SuchThat U1)
fromK NameBinderListEmpty = L1 (SuchThat U1)
fromK (NameBinderListCons x xs) = R1 (Exists (Field x :*: Field xs))

instance GenericK V2 where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1115,27 +1115,14 @@ instance (Bifunctor f, GSinkableK (Field x), GSinkableK (Field y)) => GSinkableK

-- * Kind-polymorphic types with binders

-- ** Safe

getNameBinders :: UnsafeHasNameBinders f => f n l -> NameBinders n l
getNameBinders = UnsafeNameBinders . IntSet.fromList . unsafeGetNameBinders

setNameBinders :: UnsafeHasNameBinders f => f n l -> NameBinders n l' -> f n l'
setNameBinders e (UnsafeNameBinders m) = fst (unsafeSetNameBinders e (IntSet.toList m))
-- ** Generic version of 'withPattern'

ggetNameBinders :: forall f n l. (GenericK f, GUnsafeHasNameBinders (RepK f)) => f n l -> NameBinders n l
ggetNameBinders = UnsafeNameBinders . IntSet.fromList . gunsafeGetNameBinders . fromK @_ @f @(n :&&: l :&&: LoT0)

gsetNameBinders :: forall f n l l'. (GenericK f, GUnsafeHasNameBinders (RepK f)) => f n l -> NameBinders n l' -> f n l'
gsetNameBinders e (UnsafeNameBinders m) = toK @_ @f @(n :&&: l' :&&: LoT0) $
fst (gunsafeSetNameBinders (fromK @_ @f @(n :&&: l :&&: LoT0) e) (IntSet.toList m))

-- | Generic generalized processing of a pattern via 'GUnsafeHasNameBinders'.
-- | Generic generalized processing of a pattern via 'GHasNameBinders'.
-- This can be used as a default implementation of 'withPattern'.
:: forall pattern f o n l r.
(Distinct o, GenericK pattern, GUnsafeHasNameBinders (RepK pattern))
(Distinct o, GenericK pattern, GHasNameBinders (RepK pattern))
=> (forall x y z r'. Distinct z => Scope z -> NameBinder x y -> (forall z'. DExt z z' => f x y z z' -> NameBinder z z' -> r') -> r')
-- ^ Processing of a single 'NameBinder', this will be applied to each binder in a pattern.
-> (forall x z z'. DExt z z' => f x x z z')
Expand All @@ -1149,82 +1136,132 @@ gunsafeWithPatternViaUnsafeHasNameBinders
-> (forall o'. DExt o o' => f n l o o' -> pattern o o' -> r)
-- ^ Continuation, accepting result for the entire pattern and a (possibly refreshed) pattern.
-> r
gunsafeWithPatternViaUnsafeHasNameBinders withBinder id_ comp_ scope pat cont =
gunsafeWithPatternViaHasNameBinders withBinder id_ comp_ scope pat cont =
withPattern withBinder id_ comp_ scope (ggetNameBinders pat) $ \result binders ->
cont result (gsetNameBinders (unsafeCoerce pat) binders) -- FIXME: safer version

-- ** Unsafe

class UnsafeHasNameBinders f where
unsafeGetNameBinders :: f n l -> [RawName]
default unsafeGetNameBinders :: forall n l. (GenericK f, GUnsafeHasNameBinders (RepK f)) => f n l -> [RawName]
unsafeGetNameBinders = gunsafeGetNameBinders . fromK @_ @f @(n :&&: l :&&: LoT0)
unsafeSetNameBinders :: f n l -> [RawName] -> (f n l', [RawName])
default unsafeSetNameBinders :: forall n l l'. (GenericK f, GUnsafeHasNameBinders (RepK f)) => f n l -> [RawName] -> (f n l', [RawName])
unsafeSetNameBinders e names =
let (e', names') = gunsafeSetNameBinders (fromK @_ @f @(n :&&: l :&&: LoT0) e) names
cont result (gunsafeSetNameBinders (unsafeCoerce pat) binders) -- FIXME: safer version

-- ** Manipulating nested 'NameBinder's

-- | If @'HasNameBinders' f@, then @f n l@ is expected to act as a binder,
-- introducing into scope @n@ some local variables, extending it to scope @l@.
-- This class allows to extract and modify the set of binders.
class HasNameBinders f where
-- | Extract a set of binders from a pattern.
getNameBinders :: f n l -> NameBinders n l
getNameBinders = UnsafeNameBinders . IntSet.fromList . getNameBindersRaw

-- | Replace binders in a pattern.
-- This function is unsafe, because it does not check if the new set of binders
-- has the same size. It can therefore crash at runtime.
-- You should probably not use this.
-- This is only used for 'gunsafeWithPatternViaHasNameBinders', which is then safe to use.
unsafeSetNameBinders :: f n l -> NameBinders n l' -> f n l'
unsafeSetNameBinders e (UnsafeNameBinders m) = fst (reallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw e (IntSet.toList m))

-- | Extract 'RawName's of all binders occurring in a pattern.
getNameBindersRaw :: f n l -> [RawName]
default getNameBindersRaw :: forall n l. (GenericK f, GHasNameBinders (RepK f)) => f n l -> [RawName]
getNameBindersRaw = ggetNameBindersRaw . fromK @_ @f @(n :&&: l :&&: LoT0)

-- | This is a version of 'unsafeSetNameBinders'
-- that takes in a list of 'RawName's.
-- It does not check if the given list has enough elements.
-- It does not check if the raw names are fresh in the scope @n@.
-- It does not check if the raw names given are distinct.
-- You should never use this. This is only used for generic implementation of 'HasNameBinders'.
reallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw :: f n l -> [RawName] -> (f n l', [RawName])
default reallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw :: forall n l l'. (GenericK f, GHasNameBinders (RepK f)) => f n l -> [RawName] -> (f n l', [RawName])
reallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw e names =
let (e', names') = greallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw (fromK @_ @f @(n :&&: l :&&: LoT0) e) names
in (toK @_ @f @(n :&&: l' :&&: LoT0) e', names')

instance UnsafeHasNameBinders NameBinder where
unsafeGetNameBinders (UnsafeNameBinder (UnsafeName name)) = [name]
unsafeSetNameBinders _ (name:names) = (UnsafeNameBinder (UnsafeName name), names)
instance HasNameBinders NameBinder where
getNameBindersRaw (UnsafeNameBinder (UnsafeName name)) = [name]
reallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw _ (name:names) = (UnsafeNameBinder (UnsafeName name), names)

instance HasNameBinders NameBinderList

-- ** Generic (and slightly unsafe)

ggetNameBinders :: forall f n l. (GenericK f, GHasNameBinders (RepK f)) => f n l -> NameBinders n l
ggetNameBinders = UnsafeNameBinders . IntSet.fromList . ggetNameBindersRaw . fromK @_ @f @(n :&&: l :&&: LoT0)

instance UnsafeHasNameBinders NameBinderList
gunsafeSetNameBinders :: forall f n l l'. (GenericK f, GHasNameBinders (RepK f)) => f n l -> NameBinders n l' -> f n l'
gunsafeSetNameBinders e (UnsafeNameBinders m) = toK @_ @f @(n :&&: l' :&&: LoT0) $
fst (greallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw (fromK @_ @f @(n :&&: l :&&: LoT0) e) (IntSet.toList m))

class GUnsafeHasNameBinders f where
gunsafeGetNameBinders :: f as -> [RawName]
gunsafeSetNameBinders :: f as -> [RawName] -> (f bs, [RawName])
class GHasNameBinders f where
ggetNameBindersRaw :: f as -> [RawName]
greallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw :: f as -> [RawName] -> (f bs, [RawName])

instance GUnsafeHasNameBinders V1 where
gunsafeGetNameBinders _ = error "absurd: Generics.Kind.V1"
gunsafeSetNameBinders _ _ = error "absurd: Generics.Kind.V1"
instance GUnsafeHasNameBinders U1 where
gunsafeGetNameBinders U1 = []
gunsafeSetNameBinders U1 names = (U1, names)
instance GHasNameBinders V1 where
ggetNameBindersRaw _ = error "absurd: Generics.Kind.V1"
greallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw _ _ = error "absurd: Generics.Kind.V1"
instance GHasNameBinders U1 where
ggetNameBindersRaw U1 = []
greallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw U1 names = (U1, names)

instance (GUnsafeHasNameBinders f, GUnsafeHasNameBinders g) => GUnsafeHasNameBinders (f :+: g) where
gunsafeGetNameBinders (L1 x) = gunsafeGetNameBinders x
gunsafeGetNameBinders (R1 x) = gunsafeGetNameBinders x
instance (GHasNameBinders f, GHasNameBinders g) => GHasNameBinders (f :+: g) where
ggetNameBindersRaw (L1 x) = ggetNameBindersRaw x
ggetNameBindersRaw (R1 x) = ggetNameBindersRaw x

gunsafeSetNameBinders (L1 x) names = first L1 (gunsafeSetNameBinders x names)
gunsafeSetNameBinders (R1 x) names = first R1 (gunsafeSetNameBinders x names)
greallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw (L1 x) names = first L1 (greallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw x names)
greallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw (R1 x) names = first R1 (greallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw x names)

instance (GUnsafeHasNameBinders f, GUnsafeHasNameBinders g) => GUnsafeHasNameBinders (f :*: g) where
gunsafeGetNameBinders (x :*: y) = gunsafeGetNameBinders x <> gunsafeGetNameBinders y
gunsafeSetNameBinders (x :*: y) names =
let (x', names') = gunsafeSetNameBinders x names
(y', names'') = gunsafeSetNameBinders y names'
-- | FIXME: this is, perhaps, the most "unsafe" place for the user
-- since it does not reject "parallel" binders:
-- data BadPattern n l = BadPattern (NameBinder n l) (NameBinder n l)
-- This instance will treat both binders in the same way as "nested":
-- data GoodPattern n l = forall i. GoodPattern (NameBinder n i) (NameBinder i l)
-- However, Template Haskell code at the moment will never generate "parallel" binders,
-- and the very user is unlikely to misuse this instance, since "parallel" binders
-- require extra effort to support it.
-- Still, it would be better to detect and reject any "parallel" or otherwise improper binders.
instance (GHasNameBinders f, GHasNameBinders g) => GHasNameBinders (f :*: g) where
ggetNameBindersRaw (x :*: y) = ggetNameBindersRaw x <> ggetNameBindersRaw y
greallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw (x :*: y) names =
let (x', names') = greallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw x names
(y', names'') = greallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw y names'
in (x' :*: y', names'')

instance GUnsafeHasNameBinders f => GUnsafeHasNameBinders (M1 i c f) where
gunsafeGetNameBinders (M1 x) = gunsafeGetNameBinders x
gunsafeSetNameBinders (M1 x) names =
let (x', names') = gunsafeSetNameBinders x names
instance GHasNameBinders f => GHasNameBinders (M1 i c f) where
ggetNameBindersRaw (M1 x) = ggetNameBindersRaw x
greallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw (M1 x) names =
let (x', names') = greallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw x names
in (M1 x', names')

instance GUnsafeHasNameBinders f => GUnsafeHasNameBinders (a :~~: b :=>: f) where
gunsafeGetNameBinders (SuchThat x) = gunsafeGetNameBinders x
instance GHasNameBinders f => GHasNameBinders (a :~~: b :=>: f) where
ggetNameBindersRaw (SuchThat x) = ggetNameBindersRaw x

gunsafeSetNameBinders :: forall as bs. (a :~~: b :=>: f) as -> [RawName] -> ((a :~~: b :=>: f) bs, [RawName])
gunsafeSetNameBinders (SuchThat x) names =
greallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw :: forall as bs. (a :~~: b :=>: f) as -> [RawName] -> ((a :~~: b :=>: f) bs, [RawName])
greallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw (SuchThat x) names =
-- this is sort of safe...
case unsafeCoerce (Type.Refl :: Interpret a bs Type.:~: Interpret a bs) :: Interpret a bs Type.:~: Interpret b bs of
Type.Refl ->
let (x', names') = gunsafeSetNameBinders x names
let (x', names') = greallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw x names
in (SuchThat x', names')

instance GUnsafeHasNameBinders f => GUnsafeHasNameBinders (Exists k f) where
gunsafeGetNameBinders (Exists x) = gunsafeGetNameBinders x
gunsafeSetNameBinders (Exists x) names =
let (x', names') = gunsafeSetNameBinders x names
instance GHasNameBinders f => GHasNameBinders (Exists k f) where
ggetNameBindersRaw (Exists x) = ggetNameBindersRaw x
greallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw (Exists x) names =
let (x', names') = greallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw x names
in (Exists x', names')

instance GUnsafeHasNameBinders (Field (Kon a)) where
gunsafeGetNameBinders (Field _x) = []
gunsafeSetNameBinders (Field x) names = (Field x, names)
instance GHasNameBinders (Field (Kon a)) where
ggetNameBindersRaw (Field _x) = []
greallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw (Field x) names = (Field x, names)

instance UnsafeHasNameBinders f => GUnsafeHasNameBinders (Field (Kon f :@: Var i :@: Var j)) where
gunsafeGetNameBinders (Field x) = unsafeGetNameBinders x
gunsafeSetNameBinders (Field x) names =
let (x', names') = unsafeSetNameBinders x names
instance HasNameBinders f => GHasNameBinders (Field (Kon f :@: Var i :@: Var j)) where
ggetNameBindersRaw (Field x) = getNameBindersRaw x
greallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw (Field x) names =
let (x', names') = reallyUnsafeSetNameBindersRaw x names
in (Field (unsafeCoerce x'), names') -- FIXME: safer version?
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions haskell/soas/src/Language/SOAS/Impl/Generated.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ instance Foil.SinkableK (Binders' a)
instance Foil.SinkableK (TypeBinders' a)

-- FIXME: derive via GenericK
instance Foil.UnsafeHasNameBinders (Binders' a)
instance Foil.HasNameBinders (Binders' a)
instance Foil.CoSinkable (Binders' a)

-- FIXME: derive via GenericK
instance Foil.UnsafeHasNameBinders (TypeBinders' a)
instance Foil.HasNameBinders (TypeBinders' a)
instance Foil.CoSinkable (TypeBinders' a)

mkFreeFoilConversions soasConfig
Expand Down

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