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Introduce SinkableK (WIP)
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fizruk committed Oct 28, 2024
1 parent 917805a commit 0f0a3ab
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Showing 2 changed files with 241 additions and 3 deletions.
241 changes: 238 additions & 3 deletions haskell/free-foil/src/Control/Monad/Foil/Internal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-methods #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -608,8 +610,8 @@ class Sinkable (e :: S -> Type) where
-> e l

default sinkabilityProof
:: (GenericK e, GSinkable (RepK e), GSinkableReqs (RepK e) n l) => (Name n -> Name l) -> e n -> e l
sinkabilityProof rename = toK . gsinkabilityProof rename . fromK
:: (GenericK e, GSinkableK (RepK e)) => (Name n -> Name l) -> e n -> e l
sinkabilityProof rename = toK . gsinkabilityProof1 rename . fromK

-- | Sinking a 'Name' is as simple as applying the renaming.
instance Sinkable Name where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -688,7 +690,7 @@ extendRenamingNameBinder _ (UnsafeNameBinder name) cont =
-- what 'Sinkable' is to expressions.
-- See Section 2.3 of [«Free Foil: Generating Efficient and Scope-Safe Abstract Syntax»]( for more details.
class CoSinkable (pattern :: S -> S -> Type) where
class SinkableK pattern => CoSinkable (pattern :: S -> S -> Type) where
-- | An implementation of this method that typechecks
-- proves to the compiler that the pattern is indeed
-- 'CoSinkable'. However, instead of this implementation,
Expand All @@ -700,6 +702,14 @@ class CoSinkable (pattern :: S -> S -> Type) where
-- ^ A continuation, accepting an extended renaming from @l@ to @l'@ (which itself extends @n'@)
-- and a (possibly refreshed) pattern that extends @n'@ to @l'@.
-> r
default coSinkabilityProof
:: (GenericK pattern, GCoSinkable (RepK pattern), GCoSinkableReqs (RepK pattern) n n' l)
=> (Name n -> Name n')
-> pattern n l
-> (forall l'. (Name l -> Name l') -> pattern n' l' -> r)
-> r
coSinkabilityProof f p cont = gcoSinkabilityProof f (fromK p) $ \f' p' ->
cont f' (toK p')

-- | Generalized processing of a pattern.
Expand All @@ -719,6 +729,17 @@ class CoSinkable (pattern :: S -> S -> Type) where
-> (forall o'. DExt o o' => f n l o o' -> pattern o o' -> r)
-- ^ Continuation, accepting result for the entire pattern and a (possibly refreshed) pattern.
-> r
default withPattern
:: (Distinct o, GenericK pattern, GCoSinkable (RepK pattern), GCoSinkableReqs (RepK pattern) n o l)
=> (forall x y z r'. Distinct z => Scope z -> NameBinder x y -> (forall z'. DExt z z' => f x y z z' -> NameBinder z z' -> r') -> r')
-> (forall x z z'. DExt z z' => f x x z z')
-> (forall x y y' z z' z''. (DExt z z', DExt z' z'') => f x y z z' -> f y y' z' z'' -> f x y' z z'')
-> Scope o
-> pattern n l
-> (forall o'. DExt o o' => f n l o o' -> pattern o o' -> r)
-> r
withPattern withBinder z f scope p cont = gwithPattern withBinder z f scope (fromK p) $ \z' p' ->
cont z' (toK p')

-- | Auxiliary data structure for collecting name binders. Used in 'nameBinderListOf'.
newtype WithNameBinderList r n l (o :: S) (o' :: S) = WithNameBinderList (NameBinderList l r -> NameBinderList n r)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1113,3 +1134,217 @@ type GSinkableFieldEvalTypeError e = TypeError
instance GSinkableFieldEvalTypeError e => GSinkableField (Eval e) where
type GSinkableFieldReqs (Eval e) n l = GSinkableFieldEvalTypeError e
gsinkabilityProofField = undefined

-- * Generic 'CoSinkable'

class GCoSinkable (p :: LoT (S -> S -> Type) -> Type) where
type GCoSinkableReqs p (n :: S) (n' :: S) (l :: S) :: Constraint
:: GCoSinkableReqs p n n' l
=> (Name n -> Name n')
-> p (n :&&: l :&&: LoT0)
-> (forall l'. (Name l -> Name l') -> p (n' :&&: l' :&&: LoT0) -> r)
-> r

:: (Distinct o, GCoSinkableReqs p n o l)
=> (forall x y z r'. Distinct z => Scope z -> NameBinder x y -> (forall z'. DExt z z' => f x y z z' -> NameBinder z z' -> r') -> r')
-> (forall x z z'. DExt z z' => f x x z z')
-> (forall x y y' z z' z''. (DExt z z', DExt z' z'') => f x y z z' -> f y y' z' z'' -> f x y' z z'')
-> Scope o
-> p (n :&&: l :&&: LoT0)
-> (forall o'. DExt o o' => f n l o o' -> p (o :&&: o' :&&: LoT0) -> r)
-> r

instance GCoSinkable V1 where
type GCoSinkableReqs V1 n o l = ()
gcoSinkabilityProof _f _v1 cont = cont id (error "absurd: Generics.Kind.V1")

instance GCoSinkable U1 where
type GCoSinkableReqs U1 n o l = ()
gcoSinkabilityProof _f U1 cont = cont id U1

instance GCoSinkable p => GCoSinkable (M1 i c p) where
type GCoSinkableReqs (M1 i c p) n o l = GCoSinkableReqs p n o l
gcoSinkabilityProof f (M1 p) cont =
gcoSinkabilityProof f p $ \f' p' ->
cont f' (M1 p')

instance (GCoSinkable p, GCoSinkable p') => GCoSinkable (p :+: p') where
type GCoSinkableReqs (p :+: p') n o l = (GCoSinkableReqs p n o l, GCoSinkableReqs p' n o l)
gcoSinkabilityProof f (L1 p) cont =
gcoSinkabilityProof f p $ \f' p' ->
cont f' (L1 p')
gcoSinkabilityProof f (R1 p) cont =
gcoSinkabilityProof f p $ \f' p' ->
cont f' (R1 p')

-- * Kind-polymorphic sinkability

data RenamingsK (as :: LoT k) (bs :: LoT k) where
RNil :: RenamingsK LoT0 LoT0
RCons :: (Name a -> Name b) -> RenamingsK as bs -> RenamingsK (a :&&: as) (b :&&: bs)

-- class IdRenamingsK as where
-- idRenamings :: RenamingsK as as
-- instance IdRenamingsK LoT0 where
-- idRenamings = RNil
-- instance IdRenamingsK as => IdRenamingsK ((a :: S) :&&: as) where
-- idRenamings = RCons id idRenamings

-- class ComposeRenamingsK as bs cs where
-- composeRenamingsK :: RenamingsK as bs -> RenamingsK bs cs -> RenamingsK as cs

-- instance ComposeRenamingsK LoT0 LoT0 LoT0 where
-- composeRenamingsK RNil RNil = RNil
-- instance ComposeRenamingsK as bs cs => ComposeRenamingsK (a :&&: as) (b :&&: bs) (c :&&: cs) where
-- composeRenamingsK (RCons f fs) (RCons g gs) = RCons (g . f) (composeRenamingsK fs gs)

class SinkableK (f :: S -> k) where
:: forall as bs r.
RenamingsK as bs
-> f :@@: as
-> (forall cs. RenamingsK as cs -> f :@@: cs -> r)
-> r
default sinkabilityProofK :: forall as bs r.
(GenericK f, GSinkableK (RepK f))
=> RenamingsK as bs
-> f :@@: as
-> (forall cs. RenamingsK as cs -> f :@@: cs -> r)
-> r
sinkabilityProofK rename e cont =
gsinkabilityProofK rename (fromK @_ @f e) $ \rename' e' ->
cont rename' (toK @_ @f e')

instance SinkableK Name where
sinkabilityProofK renameK@(RCons rename RNil) name cont = cont renameK (rename name)
instance SinkableK NameBinder where
sinkabilityProofK (RCons _ RNil) (UnsafeNameBinder name) cont =
cont (RCons unsafeCoerce RNil) (UnsafeNameBinder name)
instance SinkableK NameBinders where
sinkabilityProofK (RCons _ RNil) (UnsafeNameBinders s) cont =
cont (RCons unsafeCoerce RNil) (UnsafeNameBinders s)

instance GenericK NameBinderList where
type RepK NameBinderList = (((~) :$: Var0 :@: Var1) :=>: U1) :+: Exists S
(Field (NameBinder :$: Var1 :@: Var0) :*: Field (NameBinderList :$: Var0 :@: Var2))
toK (L1 (SuchThat U1)) = NameBinderListEmpty
toK (R1 (Exists (Field x :*: Field xs))) = NameBinderListCons x xs
fromK NameBinderListEmpty = L1 (SuchThat U1)
fromK (NameBinderListCons x xs) = R1 (Exists (Field x :*: Field xs))

instance GenericK V2 where
type RepK V2 = V1
toK _v1 = error "absurd: Generics.Kind.V1"
fromK = absurd2

instance GenericK U2 where
type RepK U2 = (((~) :$: Var0 :@: Var1) :=>: U1)
toK (SuchThat U1) = U2
fromK U2 = SuchThat U1

instance SinkableK NameBinderList where
sinkabilityProofK _ _ _ = undefined
instance SinkableK V2
instance SinkableK U2 where
sinkabilityProofK _ _ _ = undefined

sinkabilityProof1 :: SinkableK f => (Name n -> Name n') -> f n -> f n'
sinkabilityProof1 rename e = sinkabilityProofK (RCons rename RNil) e $ \_ e' -> unsafeCoerce e'

gsinkabilityProof1 :: GSinkableK f => (Name n -> Name n') -> f (n :&&: LoT0) -> f (n' :&&: LoT0)
gsinkabilityProof1 rename e = gsinkabilityProofK (RCons rename RNil) e $ \_ e' -> unsafeCoerce e'

gsinkabilityProofK' :: GSinkableK f => RenamingsK as bs -> f as -> f bs
gsinkabilityProofK' renameK e = gsinkabilityProofK renameK e $ \_ e' -> unsafeCoerce e'

class GSinkableK f where
:: forall as bs r.
RenamingsK as bs
-> f as
-> (forall cs. RenamingsK as cs -> f cs -> r)
-> r

gsinkK :: GSinkableK f => RenamingsK xs as -> RenamingsK xs bs -> f as -> f bs
gsinkK _ _ = unsafeCoerce

instance GSinkableK V1 where
gsinkabilityProofK irename _v1 cont =
cont irename (error "absurd: Generics.Kind.V1")

instance GSinkableK U1 where
gsinkabilityProofK irename U1 cont =
cont irename U1

instance GSinkableK f => GSinkableK (M1 i c f) where
gsinkabilityProofK irename (M1 x) cont =
gsinkabilityProofK irename x $ \irename' x' ->
cont irename' (M1 x')

instance (GSinkableK f, GSinkableK g) => GSinkableK (f :+: g) where
gsinkabilityProofK irename (L1 x) cont =
gsinkabilityProofK irename x $ \irename' x' ->
cont irename' (L1 x')
gsinkabilityProofK irename (R1 x) cont =
gsinkabilityProofK irename x $ \irename' x' ->
cont irename' (R1 x')

instance (GSinkableK f, GSinkableK g) => GSinkableK (f :*: g) where
gsinkabilityProofK irename (x :*: y) cont =
gsinkabilityProofK irename x $ \irename' x' ->
gsinkabilityProofK irename' y $ \irename'' y' ->
cont irename'' (gsinkK irename' irename'' x' :*: y')

instance GSinkableK f => GSinkableK (Exists S f) where
gsinkabilityProofK irename (Exists x) cont =
gsinkabilityProofK (RCons id irename) x $ \(RCons _ irename') x' ->
cont irename' (Exists x')

-- instance GSinkableK f => GSinkableK (c :=>: f) where
-- gsinkabilityProofK irename (SuchThat x) cont =
-- gsinkabilityProofK irename x $ \irename' x' ->
-- cont irename' (SuchThat x')

instance GSinkableK (Field (Kon a)) where
gsinkabilityProofK irename (Field x) cont =
cont irename (Field x)

instance SinkableK f => GSinkableK (Field (Kon f :@: Var0)) where
gsinkabilityProofK irename@(RCons _ RNil) (Field x) cont =
sinkabilityProofK irename x $ \rename' x' ->
cont rename' (Field x')

instance SinkableK (f a) => GSinkableK (Field (Kon f :@: Kon a :@: Var0)) where
gsinkabilityProofK irename@(RCons _ RNil) (Field x) cont =
sinkabilityProofK irename x $ \rename' x' ->
cont rename' (Field x')

instance SinkableK (f a b) => GSinkableK (Field (Kon f :@: Kon a :@: Kon b :@: Var0)) where
gsinkabilityProofK irename@(RCons _ RNil) (Field x) cont =
sinkabilityProofK irename x $ \rename' x' ->
cont rename' (Field x')

-- FIXME: generalize to arbitary variables
instance SinkableK f => GSinkableK (Field (Kon f :@: Var1 :@: Var0)) where
gsinkabilityProofK (RCons f (RCons g RNil)) (Field x) cont =
sinkabilityProofK (RCons g (RCons f RNil)) x $ \(RCons g' (RCons f' RNil)) x' ->
cont ((RCons f' (RCons g' RNil))) (Field x')
instance SinkableK f => GSinkableK (Field (Kon f :@: Var0 :@: Var2)) where
gsinkabilityProofK (RCons f (RCons g (RCons h RNil))) (Field x) cont =
sinkabilityProofK (RCons f (RCons h RNil)) x $ \(RCons f' (RCons h' RNil)) x' ->
cont (RCons f' (RCons g (RCons h' RNil))) (Field x')

instance (Functor f, GSinkableK (Field x)) => GSinkableK (Field (Kon f :@: x)) where
gsinkabilityProofK irename (Field x) cont =
cont irename (Field (fmap
(unField . gsinkabilityProofK' @(Field x) irename . Field)

instance (Bifunctor f, GSinkableK (Field x), GSinkableK (Field y)) => GSinkableK (Field (Kon f :@: x :@: y)) where
gsinkabilityProofK irename (Field x) cont =
cont irename (Field (bimap
(unField . gsinkabilityProofK' @(Field x) irename . Field)
(unField . gsinkabilityProofK' @(Field y) irename . Field)
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions haskell/free-foil/src/Control/Monad/Free/Foil.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,6 +72,9 @@ instance GenericK (AST binder sig) where
instance (Bifunctor sig, Foil.CoSinkable binder) => Foil.Sinkable (ScopedAST binder sig)
instance (Bifunctor sig, Foil.CoSinkable binder) => Foil.Sinkable (AST binder sig)

instance (Bifunctor sig, Foil.CoSinkable binder) => Foil.SinkableK (ScopedAST binder sig)
instance (Bifunctor sig, Foil.CoSinkable binder) => Foil.SinkableK (AST binder sig)

instance Foil.InjectName (AST binder sig) where
injectName = Var

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