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Add alphaEquivRefresh to Foil implementation of LambdaPi
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fizruk committed Jun 18, 2024
1 parent 5a50b24 commit 5ab716f
Showing 1 changed file with 166 additions and 6 deletions.
172 changes: 166 additions & 6 deletions haskell/lambda-pi/src/Language/LambdaPi/Impl/Foil.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,14 +36,19 @@ import Control.Monad.Foil.Relative
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.String
import qualified Language.LambdaPi.Syntax.Abs as Raw
import Language.LambdaPi.Syntax.Layout (resolveLayout)
import Language.LambdaPi.Syntax.Lex (tokens)
import Language.LambdaPi.Syntax.Par (pProgram)
import Language.LambdaPi.Syntax.Par (pProgram, pTerm)
import Language.LambdaPi.Syntax.Print (printTree)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> :set -XDataKinds

-- | Type of scope-safe \(\lambda\Pi\)-terms with pairs.
data Expr n where
-- | Variables: \(x\)
Expand All @@ -69,7 +74,13 @@ data Expr n where
UniverseE :: Expr n

instance Show (Expr VoidS) where
show = ppExpr
show = printTree . fromFoilTerm'

instance IsString (Expr VoidS) where
fromString input =
case pTerm (tokens input) of
Left err -> error ("could not parse λΠ-term: " <> input <> "\n " <> err)
Right term -> toFoilTermClosed term

-- | Patterns.
data Pattern n l where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,6 +212,23 @@ extendScopePattern = \case
PatternVar binder -> extendScope binder
PatternPair l r -> extendScopePattern r . extendScopePattern l

-- | Refresh (if needed) bound variables introduced in a pattern.
-- This is a more flexible version of 'withRefreshed'.
:: (Distinct o, InjectName e, Sinkable e)
=> Scope o
-> Pattern n l
-> (forall o'. DExt o o' => (Substitution e n o -> Substitution e l o') -> Pattern o o' -> r) -> r
withFreshPattern scope pattern cont =
case pattern of
PatternWildcard -> cont sink PatternWildcard
PatternVar x -> withFresh scope $ \x' ->
cont (\subst -> addRename (sink subst) x (nameOf x')) (PatternVar x')
PatternPair l r -> withFreshPattern scope l $ \lsubst l' ->
let scope' = extendScopePattern l' scope
in withFreshPattern scope' r $ \rsubst r' ->
cont (rsubst . lsubst) (PatternPair l' r')

-- | Refresh (if needed) bound variables introduced in a pattern.
-- This is a more flexible version of 'withRefreshed'.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,6 +268,29 @@ substitute scope subst = \case
ProductE l r -> ProductE (substitute scope subst l) (substitute scope subst r)
UniverseE -> UniverseE

-- | Perform substitution in a \(\lambda\Pi\)-term
-- and normalize binders in the process.
substituteRefresh :: Distinct o => Scope o -> Substitution Expr i o -> Expr i -> Expr o
substituteRefresh scope subst = \case
VarE name -> lookupSubst subst name
AppE f x -> AppE (substitute scope subst f) (substitute scope subst x)
LamE pattern body -> withFreshPattern scope pattern $ \extendSubst pattern' ->
let subst' = extendSubst subst
scope' = extendScopePattern pattern' scope
body' = substitute scope' subst' body
in LamE pattern' body'
PiE pattern a b -> withFreshPattern scope pattern $ \extendSubst pattern' ->
let subst' = extendSubst subst
scope' = extendScopePattern pattern' scope
a' = substitute scope subst a
b' = substitute scope' subst' b
in PiE pattern' a' b'
PairE l r -> PairE (substitute scope subst l) (substitute scope subst r)
FirstE t -> FirstE (substitute scope subst t)
SecondE t -> SecondE (substitute scope subst t)
ProductE l r -> ProductE (substitute scope subst l) (substitute scope subst r)
UniverseE -> UniverseE

-- | Convert a raw pattern into a scope-safe one.
:: Distinct n
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -312,6 +363,44 @@ fromFoilTermClosed
-> Raw.Term
fromFoilTermClosed freshVars = fromFoilTerm freshVars emptyNameMap

-- | Convert a scope-safe pattern into a raw pattern converting raw
-- identifiers directly into 'Raw.VarIdent'
:: Pattern n l -- ^ A scope-safe pattern that extends scope @n@ into scope @l@.
-> Raw.Pattern
fromFoilPattern' pattern =
case pattern of
PatternWildcard -> Raw.PatternWildcard loc
PatternVar z -> Raw.PatternVar loc (binderToVarIdent z)
PatternPair l r ->
let l' = fromFoilPattern' l
r' = fromFoilPattern' r
in Raw.PatternPair loc l' r'
loc = error "location information is lost when converting from AST"
binderToVarIdent binder = Raw.VarIdent ("x" ++ show (nameId (nameOf binder)))

-- | Convert a scope-safe term into a raw term converting raw
-- identifiers directly into 'Raw.VarIdent'.
:: Expr n -- ^ A scope safe term in scope @n@.
-> Raw.Term
fromFoilTerm' = \case
VarE name -> Raw.Var loc (nameToVarIdent name)
AppE t1 t2 -> Raw.App loc (fromFoilTerm' t1) (fromFoilTerm' t2)
LamE pattern body ->
Raw.Lam loc (fromFoilPattern' pattern) (Raw.AScopedTerm loc (fromFoilTerm' body))
PiE pattern a b ->
Raw.Pi loc (fromFoilPattern' pattern) (fromFoilTerm' a) (Raw.AScopedTerm loc (fromFoilTerm' b))
PairE t1 t2 -> Raw.Pair loc (fromFoilTerm' t1) (fromFoilTerm' t2)
FirstE t -> Raw.First loc (fromFoilTerm' t)
SecondE t -> Raw.Second loc (fromFoilTerm' t)
ProductE t1 t2 -> Raw.Product loc (fromFoilTerm' t1) (fromFoilTerm' t2)
UniverseE -> Raw.Universe loc
loc = error "location information is lost when converting from AST"
nameToVarIdent name = Raw.VarIdent ("x" ++ show (nameId name))

-- | Convert a raw term into a scope-safe \(\lambda\Pi\)-term.
:: Distinct n
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -350,6 +439,10 @@ toFoilTerm scope env = \case

Raw.Universe _loc -> UniverseE

-- | Convert a raw term into a closed scope-safe term.
toFoilTermClosed :: Raw.Term -> Expr VoidS
toFoilTermClosed = toFoilTerm emptyScope Map.empty

-- | Match a pattern against an expression.
matchPattern :: Pattern n l -> Expr n -> Substitution Expr l n
matchPattern pattern expr = go pattern expr identitySubst
Expand All @@ -360,6 +453,34 @@ matchPattern pattern expr = go pattern expr identitySubst
go (PatternPair l r) e = go r (SecondE e) . go l (FirstE e)

-- | Compute weak head normal form (WHNF).
-- >>> whnf emptyScope "(λx.(λ_.x)(λy.x))(λy.λz.z)"
-- λ x0 . λ x1 . x1
-- >>> whnf emptyScope "(λs.λz.s(s(z)))(λs.λz.s(s(z)))"
-- λ x1 . (λ x0 . λ x1 . x0 (x0 x1)) ((λ x0 . λ x1 . x0 (x0 x1)) x1)
-- Note that during computation bound variables can become unordered
-- in the sense that binders may easily repeat or decrease. For example,
-- in the following expression, inner binder has lower index that the outer one:
-- >>> whnf emptyScope "(λx.λy.x)(λx.x)"
-- λ x1 . λ x0 . x0
-- At the same time, without substitution, we get regular, increasing binder indices:
-- >>> "λx.λy.y" :: Expr VoidS
-- λ x0 . λ x1 . x1
-- To compare terms for \(\alpha\)-equivalence, we may use 'alphaEquiv':
-- >>> alphaEquivRefreshed emptyScope (whnf emptyScope "(λx.λy.x)(λx.x)") "λx.λy.y"
-- True
-- We may also normalize binders using 'refreshExpr':
-- >>> refreshExpr emptyScope (whnf emptyScope "(λx.λy.x)(λx.x)")
-- λ x0 . λ x1 . x1
whnf :: Distinct n => Scope n -> Expr n -> Expr n
whnf scope = \case
AppE f arg ->
Expand All @@ -378,6 +499,45 @@ whnf scope = \case
t' -> SecondE t'
t -> t

-- | Normalize all binder identifiers in an expression.
refreshExpr :: Distinct n => Scope n -> Expr n -> Expr n
refreshExpr scope = substituteRefresh scope identitySubst

-- | \(\alpha\)-equivalence check for two terms in one scope
-- via normalization of bound identifiers (via 'refreshExpr').
-- This function may perform some unnecessary
-- changes of bound variables when the binders are the same on both sides.
alphaEquivRefreshed :: Distinct n => Scope n -> Expr n -> Expr n -> Bool
alphaEquivRefreshed scope e1 e2 =
refreshExpr scope e1 `unsafeEqExpr` refreshExpr scope e2

-- | Unsafely check for equality of two 'Pattern's.
-- This __does not__ include \(\alpha\)-equivalence!
unsafeEqPattern :: Pattern n l -> Pattern n' l' -> Bool
unsafeEqPattern PatternWildcard PatternWildcard = True
unsafeEqPattern (PatternVar x) (PatternVar x') = x == coerce x'
unsafeEqPattern (PatternPair l r) (PatternPair l' r') =
unsafeEqPattern l l' && unsafeEqPattern r r'
unsafeEqPattern _ _ = False

-- | Unsafely check for equality of two 'Expr's.
-- This __does not__ include \(\alpha\)-equivalence!
unsafeEqExpr :: Expr n -> Expr l -> Bool
unsafeEqExpr e1 e2 = case (e1, e2) of
(VarE x, VarE x') -> x == coerce x'
(AppE t1 t2, AppE t1' t2') -> unsafeEqExpr t1 t1' && unsafeEqExpr t2 t2'
(LamE x body, LamE x' body') -> unsafeEqPattern x x' && unsafeEqExpr body body'
(PiE x a b, PiE x' a' b') -> unsafeEqPattern x x' && unsafeEqExpr a a' && unsafeEqExpr b b'
(PairE l r, PairE l' r') -> unsafeEqExpr l l' && unsafeEqExpr r r'
(FirstE t, FirstE t') -> unsafeEqExpr t t'
(SecondE t, SecondE t') -> unsafeEqExpr t t'
(ProductE l r, ProductE l' r') -> unsafeEqExpr l l' && unsafeEqExpr r r'
(UniverseE, UniverseE) -> True
_ -> False

-- | Interpret a λΠ command.
interpretCommand :: Raw.Command -> IO ()
interpretCommand (Raw.CommandCompute _loc term _type) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -410,18 +570,18 @@ lam scope mkBody = withFresh scope $ \x ->
-- | An identity function as a \(\lambda\)-term:
-- >>> identity
-- λx0. x0
-- λ x0 . x0
identity :: Expr VoidS
identity = lam emptyScope $ \_ nx ->
VarE (nameOf nx)

-- | Church-encoding of a natural number \(n\).
-- >>> churchN 0
-- λx0. λx1. x1
-- λ x0 . λ x1 . x1
-- >>> churchN 3
-- λx0. λx1. x0 (x0 (x0 (x1)))
-- >>> F.churchN 3
-- λ x0 . λ x1 . x0 (x0 (x0 x1))
churchN :: Int -> Expr VoidS
churchN n =
lam emptyScope $ \sx nx ->
Expand Down

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