export SCRAM_ARCH=slc7_amd64_gcc700 cmsrel CMSSW_10_5_X cd CMSSW_10_5_X/src/ cmsenv git-cms-init git clone https://github.com/abeschi/PhiSym -b 2019BugFix cd PhiSym ./EcalCalibAlgos/scripts/setup_ext_tools.sh
cd production2017 cmsenv voms-proxy-init -voms cms --valid 168:00 source /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/crab3/crab.sh
Use the submit.sh script to submit GRID tasks for RECO (aka step-1) and MERGER (aka step-2)
- Produce slim EDM files with information stored on a lumi-base
- Produce a json file suitable for the splitting script
- Optionally at this step is possible to store spectra for each channel (DO NOT DO THIS ON THE GRID. SPECTRA FILES ARE HUGE)
- The number of luminosity blocks summed at this step can be set from the cfg python (default 1).
- Bad channels are processed in the same way of the good ones, except that a flag is set in the PhiSymInfos collection.
Contains PhiSym custum RecHits and Lumi-informations collections definition:
- raw-id -> detector id of the cristall.
- nhits -> number of events with recHit energy inside acceptance window.
- sumEt -> up to 10 mis-calibrated values + central value.
- sumEt2 -> sum of the squared transverse energy.
- sumLS -> sum of the laser correction.
- sumLS2 -> sum of the squared laser correction.
- nEvents -> number of events recorded during the lumi block(s).
- x,y,z -> beamspot 3D avarage position and RMS.
- start/end lumi -> first and last lumi block (if lumis sum is enabled in the producer).
- badChannels -> map<bad channel id, channel status>, the “bad channel status threshold” is set by the producer.