Flexor-dbt support for steam ingested reviews and examples
For every game, the package exposes 3 types of data:
- Data referenced from the source ordered by review_timestamp (View).
- Various
transformations on the unstructured data. Each transformation is stored in a separate incremental table. The tables columns are
- flex json column (with the flex transformation results)
- flex_id string column (used for joins)
- Statistics on the game (Views).
In addition the package expose all_games comparison statistics view
To use this dbt package, you must have the following:
- Working dbt core/cloud (
pip install dbt-core dbt-snowflake dbt-bigquery
) - A BigQuery or Snowflake dataset configured with a profiles.yml file
- [Optional]: Ingested steam reviews (Flexor provided examples in sources.yml file)
- [Optional]: To enable flex function to use any user input (
) contact flexor first
To enable flex function to use any user input, change flex_online_mode
to true
dbt deps
dbt run
dbt run-operation load_all_precalculated_flex
on. -
Create a new file: `models/battlefield_game/flex_transformations/battlefield_game_transformation_name.sql`` With the content:
{{ flexor.flex(ref('battlefield_game'), 'Transformation question?') }}
- Get ingested game data from flexor.
- Copy folder structure and mass-rename the folders/files.
Write any dbt/SQL queries.