released this
09 Feb 03:03
Add workflow execution on event and ContextExtractor API #476
Add task execution restful api #478
AIFlow add WorkflowEventManager to listen and handle events #492
Support start new workflow execution with context #479
Introduce the workflow frontend of the AIFlow UI #509
Add FlinkSqlProcessor #527
Support job execution label #529
Frontend support metadata ui #533
Notification service supports the idempotence #553
Add read-only job plugin #555
Support celery executor on event based scheduler #482
Add AirFlowScheduler with airflow restful api #486
Bug Fixes
Make AI Flow be able to use Notification Service with HA enabled #510
Duplicated entry when create dagrun #570
EventBaseScheduler catches and prints exceptions #586
Scheduler should find schedulable tasks once dagrun finished #587
EventBaseScheduler would trigger task multiple times incorrectly #598
You can’t perform that action at this time.