Releases: florianhartig/DHARMa
Releases · florianhartig/DHARMa
DHARMa 0.4.7
New Features
- Includes support for the package
. - New function for testing residual phylogenetic autocorrelation
Major change
- New optional argument 'rotation' in
for the rotation of the residual space prior to calculating the quantile residuals to account for residual covariance as created by temporal, spatial or phylogenetic autocorrelation.
Minor changes
- Residual plots: Option to change the red color for significant results to any color of preference through options(DHARMaSignalColor = "red"). This is a good option for color-blind-friendly plots.
- Documentation: improved help files and vignette.
DHARMa 0.4.6
New Features
- new function benchmarkRuntime() for checking runtime of functions
- new function simulatedLRT() to generate a simulated likelihood ratio test
- fixed issue with parallelization in runBenchmarks
- various minor bugfixed and help improvements
DHARMa 0.4.5
DHARMa 0.4.4
DHARMa 0.4.4
Major changes
- remodelled tests so that all tested packages can be used conditionally
Minor changes
- re-introduced glmmTMB to suggests
- phyr moved to enhances
- re-modelled package unit tests
- added RStan, CmdStanR, rjags, BayesianTools to enhances, as they coudld be used with DHARMa
- moved parallel calculations in runBenchmark to R native parallel functions
New features
- Added rotation option to all functions that create residuals (simulateResiduals, recalculateResiduals, createDHARMa)
- Added help comments about autocorrelation structures, in particular in simulateResiduals, testSpatialAutocorrelation, testTemporalAutocorrelation
- Added example about the use of rotation in testTemporalAutocorrelation
- Improved help of dispersion test
reintroduced glmmTMB
DHARMa 0.4.3
- Removed glmmTMB completely, see #289
DHARMa 0.4.2
- Moved glmmTMB from suggest to import because this package is used in the vignette, see #289
Minor changes
- Added hurricane dataset
- Help and vignette updates
DHARMa 0.4.1
- Force method = traditional for refit = T, as it turns out that the PIT method is not a good idea on the residuals, see #272
DHARMa 0.4.0
This is a bugfix release for 0.3.4, but on reflection I decided that 0.4.0 should have been a minor release, so I pushed the version number up to 0.4.0
DHARMa 0.3.4
0.3.4 is a relatively important release with various minor improvements a smaller new features, most noteworthy the support of glmmAdaptive
New features
- added parametric dispersion test in testDispersion (
- support for glmmAdaptive (
- new plot for categorical predictors
- new plots for result of runBenchmarks
Major changes
Minor changes
- changed test statistics in standard dispersion test to standardized variance, to be more in line with standard dispersion parameters
- defaults for plot function unified
- removed option to provide no x,y / time in the correlation tests
- recalculateResiduals now allows subsetting #246
- better input checking in correlation tests #190