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Asking for help

Florian Hartig edited this page Jan 24, 2024 · 2 revisions

This page describes how to proceed in case you have problems, errors or question in your practical work with DHARMa

How to ask for help

DHARMa is open source software, and in the spirit of open source I would much prefer if also your questions and the answers are out in the open, so that other people can profit from them was well. To achieve this, the way would be to ask questions on the DHARMa development page via our issue tracker To post there, you need to create a GitHub account, but this takes only a few seconds. Alternatively, you can create a post at and send me an email so that I can comment there.

If you have concerns posting to a public forum you can also write to me via email.

How to structure the question

It goes without saying that it's easier to help if the question is well-structured and has all the info I need. For a typical question about residual interpretation, please send me at least:

  1. Motivation of the study
  2. Your model and DHARMa code as you execute it
  3. DHARMa results
  4. Your question

In case of anything complicated, in particular error messages that are not obvious, I would likely need a reproducible example. Please see here on how to create one. In case you don't want to share your data in public, create the example in public and send me the data privately via email. In many cases, however, it is possible to create a reduced example that produces the error / problem with just a part or a randomised version of your data. If that is possible, this option is preferred.

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