This is a web application written in typescript that displays various features of the PixiJS engine.
Card animations: Adding a stack of cards on the canvas then reversing the stack.
main challenge was to find a way to change the layer of the cards that were added on stage, solved by finding the sortableChildren property of the container and mapping the z index of the cards so they can be reversed in a natural way
Text and images object tool: Display a container with random images or random texts with varying font sizes or both.
main challenge was finding a way to generate the random objects, solved by creating an array of MixedObject class that supports both fonts for texts and images
Particles animation: Display an awesome fire effect.
main challenge was finding a good realistic fire configuration, solved by playing around with colors until it looked decent
Switching between the features mentioned above using a friendly UI.
main challenge was to keep Pixi application optimized, solved by safely stopping emitters/animations and using a sprite pool for the massive number of sprites
Clone the repository: git clone
Navigate to the project directory: cd pixi_effects
Install dependencies: npm install
To start the application, run: npm start This will start the development server, and the application will be available at http://localhost:8080.
src/: Source code directory.
assets/: Folder for assets images.
index.ts: Main entry point of the application.
App.ts: Core logic and Pixi setup.