This is a PIXI-based web application that simulates a ball drawing game. Users can interact with the game by pressing a button to start the ball drawing animation. The application showcases various PIXI features, including animations, filters, and sound integration.
Ball Drawing Animation: Balls are animated across the screen, simulating a drawing game.
Sound Integration: Background music and sound effects are integrated using the Howler.js library.
Responsive Design: The application adjusts to different screen sizes.
Clone the repository: git clone
Navigate to the project directory: cd pixi_lottery_game
Install dependencies: npm install
To start the game, run: npm start This will start the development server, and the game will be available at http://localhost:3007.
src/: Source code directory.
assets-loader.js: Utility for loading assets.
index.js: Main entry point of the application.
GameTest.js: Core game logic and PIXI setup.