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enable szenario text for remaining Cd-Od tasks (#206)
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marcellussiegburg committed Oct 30, 2024
1 parent 8a5ec90 commit d13977e
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Showing 5 changed files with 214 additions and 75 deletions.
166 changes: 118 additions & 48 deletions src/Modelling/CdOd/DifferentNames.hs
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Expand Up @@ -2,17 +2,20 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Modelling.CdOd.DifferentNames (
DifferentNamesConfig (..),
DifferentNamesInstance (..),
DifferentNamesTaskTextElement (..),
ShufflingOption (..),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,6 +55,7 @@ import Modelling.Auxiliary.Output (
import Modelling.CdOd.Auxiliary.Util
import Modelling.CdOd.CD2Alloy.Transform (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,6 +125,13 @@ import Control.OutputCapable.Blocks (
import Control.OutputCapable.Blocks.Generic.Type (
GenericOutput (Code, Paragraph, Special, Translated),
import Control.OutputCapable.Blocks.Type (
import Control.Monad.Random (
Expand All @@ -133,7 +144,13 @@ import Data.Bitraversable (bitraverse)
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.Containers.ListUtils (nubOrd, nubOrdOn)
import Data.GraphViz (DirType (Forward))
import Data.List (group, intersect, permutations, sort)
import Data.List (
import Data.Maybe (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,6 +182,7 @@ data DifferentNamesInstance = DifferentNamesInstance {
showSolution :: Bool,
mapping :: NameMapping,
linkShuffling :: ShufflingOption String,
taskText :: !DifferentNamesTaskText,
-- | whether every relationship has an associated link (in the mapping)
usesAllRelationships :: Bool
} deriving (Eq, Generic, Read, Show)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -283,25 +301,104 @@ instance Show ShowName where
mappingShow :: [(Name, Name)] -> [(ShowName, ShowName)]
mappingShow = fmap (bimap ShowName ShowName)

type DifferentNamesTaskText = [SpecialOutput DifferentNamesTaskTextElement]

data DifferentNamesTaskTextElement
= GivenCd
| GivenOd
| MappingAdvice
deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Generic, Ord, Read, Show)

:: (MonadCache m, MonadDiagrams m, MonadGraphviz m, MonadThrow m, OutputCapable m)
=> FilePath
-> DifferentNamesInstance
-> LangM m
differentNamesTask path task = do
let cd = fromClassDiagram $ cDiagram task
od = oDiagram task
paragraph $ translate $ do
toTaskText path task
paragraph simplifiedInformation
paragraph directionsAdvice
paragraph hoveringInformation
pure ()

:: (
MonadCache m,
MonadDiagrams m,
MonadGraphviz m,
MonadThrow m,
OutputCapable m
=> FilePath
-> DifferentNamesInstance
-> LangM m
toTaskText path task =
specialToOutputCapable (toTaskSpecificText path task) (taskText task)

:: (
MonadCache m,
MonadDiagrams m,
MonadGraphviz m,
MonadThrow m,
OutputCapable m
=> FilePath
-> DifferentNamesInstance
-> DifferentNamesTaskTextElement
-> LangM m
toTaskSpecificText path DifferentNamesInstance {..} = \case
GivenCd ->
paragraph $ image $=<< cacheCd cdDrawSettings mempty cd path
GivenOd -> paragraph $ image $=<<
cacheOd oDiagram Forward True path
MappingAdvice -> do
paragraph $ translate $ do
english [iii|
Please note: Links are already grouped correctly and fully,
i.e., all links with the same name (and only links with the same name!)
in the OD correspond to exactly the same relationship name in the CD.
german [iii|
Bitte beachten Sie: Links sind bereits vollständig und korrekt gruppiert,
d.h., alle Links mit dem selben Namen
(and auch nur Links mit dem selben Namen!)
im OD entsprechen genau dem selben Beziehungsnamen im CD.
paragraph $ translate $
if usesAllRelationships
then do
english [iii|
Thus, every link name and every relationship name should occur
exactly once in your mapping.
german [iii|
Deshalb sollte jeder Linkname und jeder Beziehungsname
genau einmal in Ihrer Zuordnung auftauchen.
else do
english [i|Thus, every link name should occur exactly once in your mapping.|]
german [iii|
Deshalb sollte jeder Linkname
genau einmal in Ihrer Zuordnung auftauchen.
pure ()
pure ()
cd = fromClassDiagram cDiagram

defaultDifferentNamesTaskText :: DifferentNamesTaskText
defaultDifferentNamesTaskText = [
Paragraph $ singleton $ Translated $ translations $ do
english "Consider the following class diagram:"
german "Betrachten Sie folgendes Klassendiagramm:"
paragraph $ image $=<< cacheCd (cdDrawSettings task) mempty cd path
paragraph $ translate $ do
german "Betrachten Sie folgendes Klassendiagramm:",
Special GivenCd,
Paragraph $ singleton $ Translated $ translations $ do
english "and the following object diagram (which conforms to it):"
german "und das folgende (dazu passende) Objektdiagramm:"
paragraph $ image $=<<
cacheOd od Forward True path
paragraph $ do
translate $ do
german "und das folgende (dazu passende) Objektdiagramm:",
Special GivenOd,
Paragraph [
Translated $ translations $ do
english [iii|
Which relationship in the class diagram (CD) corresponds
to which of the links in the object diagram (OD)?
Expand All @@ -321,42 +418,11 @@ differentNamesTask path task = do
Um anzugeben, dass a im CD zu x im OD und b im CD
zu y im OD korrespondieren, schreiben Sie es als:
code . show $ mappingShow differentNamesInitial
pure ()
paragraph $ translate $ do
english [iii|
Please note: Links are already grouped correctly and fully,
i.e., all links with the same name (and only links with the same name!)
in the OD correspond to exactly the same relationship name in the CD.
german [iii|
Bitte beachten Sie: Links sind bereits vollständig und korrekt gruppiert,
d.h., alle Links mit dem selben Namen
(and auch nur Links mit dem selben Namen!)
im OD entsprechen genau dem selben Beziehungsnamen im CD.
paragraph $ translate $ if usesAllRelationships task
then do
english [iii|
Thus, every link name and every relationship name should occur
exactly once in your mapping.
german [iii|
Deshalb sollte jeder Linkname und jeder Beziehungsname
genau einmal in Ihrer Zuordnung auftauchen.
else do
english [i|Thus, every link name should occur exactly once in your mapping.|]
german [iii|
Deshalb sollte jeder Linkname
genau einmal in Ihrer Zuordnung auftauchen.
pure ()
paragraph simplifiedInformation
paragraph directionsAdvice
paragraph hoveringInformation
pure ()
Code . uniform . show $ mappingShow differentNamesInitial
Special MappingAdvice

differentNamesInitial :: [(Name, Name)]
differentNamesInitial = bimap Name Name <$> [("a", "x"), ("b", "y")]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -526,6 +592,7 @@ defaultDifferentNamesInstance = DifferentNamesInstance {
showSolution = False,
mapping = toNameMapping $ BM.fromList [("a","y"),("b","x"),("c","z")],
linkShuffling = ConsecutiveLetters,
taskText = defaultDifferentNamesTaskText,
usesAllRelationships = True

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -582,6 +649,7 @@ getDifferentNamesTask tryNext DifferentNamesConfig {..} cd = do
showSolution = printSolution,
mapping = toNameMapping bm',
linkShuffling = ConsecutiveLetters,
taskText = defaultDifferentNamesTaskText,
usesAllRelationships = isCompleteMapping
else tryNext
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -645,6 +713,7 @@ instance RandomiseLayout DifferentNamesInstance where
showSolution = showSolution,
mapping = mapping,
linkShuffling = linkShuffling,
taskText = taskText,
usesAllRelationships = usesAllRelationships

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -679,5 +748,6 @@ renameInstance inst@DifferentNamesInstance {..} names' nonInheritances' linkNs'
showSolution = showSolution,
mapping = toNameMapping bm',
linkShuffling = shuffling,
taskText = taskText,
usesAllRelationships = usesAllRelationships

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