Releases: fnar/minecraft-roguelike
v2.4.6 KameiB Bug Hunt Patch
- ✨🐢 Add KameiB's Turtle Shell novelty item
- 🐛 Add missing zombie villager to spawnable entities list
- 🐛 Prevent crash on client-side when using
command - 🐛 Fix bug where novelty items were missing enchantments
- 🐛 Fix bug where dyes were not getting mapped to the correct colours
- 🐛 Fix issue where some blocks (slabs, leaves, and vines) were mapping incorrectly
Special thanks again to @KameiB for your tireless bug hunting and testing! Best of luck with Localizator (whose efforts helped to find many of these bugs)!
v2.4.5 That Update Where KameiB Did the Lang Stuff
- 🎉 Thanks to @KameiB for adding language support
- 🐛 Fix issue where settings files were being read for each chunk generation (poor performance, now only read when needed, i.e. during dungeon generation)
- 🐛 Prevent replacing end portal frames
- 🐛 Fix issue where hallways were longer than intended
- 🐛 Fix issue where RogueConfig.LOOTING had no effect, leading to users not being able to configure drop chances for mobs spawned by RLD.
- 🐛 Fix issue where gear asked to be enchanted at level 0 resulted in being enchanted at level 1
- 🐛 Fix issue where some spawners (e.g. creeper, enderman, spider) would replace their mobs with other mobs
- ✨ Add new configuration,
- Optional List of doubles in the range [-1.0,1.0]
- Default value of "-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0"
- Controls the probability that spawned mobs gear will be enchanted. Each subsequent value represents the enchant chance for the corresponding dungeon layer level, in order of descent. Negative values indicate that this feature is disabled for that level, leaving the chance for mobs' gear to be enchanted up to the mod's discretion (e.g. 5% + a factor based on dungeon level). This exists mainly to support RLCraft so that @Shivaxi can tightly control the probability of enchanted gear per mob.
- Negative values are ignored and rely on the mod's default roll for enchanted gear.
- Rolls for special gear are not affected by this configuration (5%)
- ✨ Add new configuration,
- List of doubles in the range [0.0,1.0]
- Default value of "0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1"
- Controls the chance that an impediment (door, secret wall, bars) will be generated for rooms at entrances
- 🐛 Fix issue where levers were breaking off of walls (in lamp segments)
- 🐛 Fix issue where
's garden was dirt instead of farmland - ✨ Add new room,
- ✨ Add new room,
- ✨ Add secret config
(boolean) which when set to true, enables mobs to be equipped with shields in the mainhand if rogueSpawners are enabled - 🐛 Fix issue where dungeon layouts were generating exactly the same for each dungeon of the same type
Full Changelog: v2.4.3...v2.4.4
v2.4.3 Mob Spawner Fix Patch
🐛 Fix issues with mob spawners:
- Entity gear was not enchanted (and was actually wrong) as it was being overwritten by the originally-spawned mob's gear
- The above lead to shield designs and enchantments not manifesting on gear (or any other NBT)
🐛 Fix issue where mobs were sometimes wearing random armour on their heads
- This was due to the Mob equipper logic in not taking an armour type. Sometimes, when rolling for a helmet, it would generate a special chestpiece, leggings, or boots that the mob would wear on their head. Pretty funny, honestly.
Full Changelog: v2.4.2...v2.4.3
v.2.4.2 overrideMobEquipmentEnchantmentLevels Config Patch
✨ Introduce new chest types, GARDEN
, and MAGIC
✨Introduce new configuration: "overrideMobEquipmentEnchantmentLevels"
- Optional List of integers in the range -1:MAX_INT that represents the level of which equipment should be enchanted when spawning a mob that has enchanted gear on that dungeon level. Each subsequent integer maps to a dungeon layer level (e.g. first layer, second layer, ... currently only 5 layers exist with indices 0-4). E.g., with the value "-1,10,15,20,30", the first level (index 0) would use the mod's internal leveling for enchanting gear, then would enchant dungeon level 2 at enchantment level 10, then dungeon level 3 at enchantment level 15, etc.
This feature was specifically requested by @Shivaxi ( to help solve a problem with RLCraft ( and So Many Enchantments ( where mobs enchanted by Roguelike Dungeons disproportionately have armour enchanted with Thorns, Advanced Thorns, and Fiery Thorns. The root cause is due to the prevalence of damage-reflect enchantments, the lack of competing enchantments for armour, and the high level that Roguelike Dungeons prefers to enchant gear at. Despite suggestions to reduce the number of damage-reflection enchantments, or to further reduce their occurrence, this seemed to be the path of least resistance. Crush it, Shiv.
Full Changelog: v2.4.1...v2.4.2
v2.4.1 Interim Development Patch
- ✨Add new configuration: vanillaStructuresToCheckMinimumDistanceFrom
- Enables users to specify which structures they want to check the minimum distance from when a dungeon is trying to spawn.
This feature was specifically added by request from @Shivaxi. Special thanks to @Charles445.
- Enables users to specify which structures they want to check the minimum distance from when a dungeon is trying to spawn.
- ✨Set Terracotta theme to choose random colour
- ✨Print to logs when a dungeon is generated
- 🐛Fix issue where inherited themes are overwritten by older ancestors
- 🐛Ensure that NetherFortress crops have soil
v2.4.0 Doors Update
- ✨ Add doors and doorways to some larger rooms, for dungeon diversity
- ✨ Add new room, Platforms Room, with key
- ✨ Add new room, Netherportal Room, with key
- ✨ Add new theme,
- ❗
room can grow water crops, if the room's theme's liquid is specified as water (or specifically not lava), rather than the default netherwart - 🐛 Fix issue with Mixtures being Awkward Potions
- 🐛 Set leaf blocks to not decay when part of a dungeon's theme
- 🐛 Fix issue where loot generation was failing
- 🐛 Fix issue where settings files names must be unique
- 🐛 Fix bug where NetherFort room chests were all the same type
v2.3.2 Empty Chest Patch
- ❗ Changes segment spawners to generate within the wall, sometimes, covered in glass, sometimes hidden
- ❗ Changes the Spawner in the Brick room to spawn in different locations in the room
- ❗ Changes chests in the Brick room to sometimes spawn beneath of the Spawner
- 🐛 Fix an issue where dungeon chests are empty
v2.3.1 LootTable Entropy Patch
- ✨ Adds new DungeonSetting field,
, which includes the setting only if the required mods are present - ✨ Adds new configuration,
. This configuration handles when a mod declared as 'required' in a DungeonSetting is missing. When this setting is enabled, an error is reported when settings are reloaded (/roguelike settings reload
). When disabled, settings that are missing their requirements are ignored. - 🔧 Fixes an issue where the default value for spawnAttempts is set to match spawnMinimumDistanceFromVanillaStructures instead of its configured default when the field is missing
- 🔧 Fixes an issue where chests generated using loot table configurations contain the exact same contents per loot table (#45)
v2.3.0 Development Update
- ✨A large collection of example/usable settings can now be found currently residing in the github repo.
- ✨ Adds a new tower,
, which loosely resembles villager houses. - ✨ Sets the Loot Rule field level as optional and defaults to all levels (0-4).
- ✨ Introduces new configuration
which enables users to set a minimum distance between vanilla structures and Roguelike Dungeons. - ✨ Introduces new configuration
which controls how many attempts are made to find a valid location when attempting to spawn a Roguelike Dungeon. - 🔧 Fixes an issue where the higher inherited settings take precedent.
- 🔧 Fixes an issue where the looting configuration never worked.
- 🔧 Fixes an issue where the Dungeons are not inheriting their settings before being selected for spawning.
- 🔧 Fixes an issue where custom Dungeons would spawn in biomes against their criteria, because their spawn criteria was not being inherited.
- 🔧 Fixes an issue where items were getting enchanted with level-0 enchantments
- ❗ Changes the field "loot_rules" of DungeonSettings to "lootRules".
- ❗ Changes the field "loot_tables" of DungeonSettings to "lootTables".
- ❗ Changes the field "num_rooms" of DungeonSettings to "numRooms".
- ❗ Undo: Renamed room previously named "NETHERFORT" to "FORTRESS" -- It is returned to the name "NETHERFORT" (sorry!).
- ❗ RoomsSettings now inherit from both of their parents, instead of choosing only one.
- ❗ Levels fields of RoomSetting, Filters, Spawners, Themes, Layouts defaults to All floors if not provided.
- ❗ Segments are now inherited from parents.
- ❗ SpawnCriteria is now inherited.
- ❗ Dungeons now check distance to nearby vanilla structures and skip if too nearby. Previously they only checked if they were near strongholds. Uses configuration
to determine minimum distance. - ❗ Dungeons can now spawn in Ocean, Beach, River, and Mushroom biome types.
- ❗ Reworks
logic in attempt to encourage more even distribution, prevent dungeon clustering, and be more straightforward. Users should not notice a significant difference.
Thank you all of the testers, issue reporters, Supporters in Discord.
Special thanks to @Ameranth and The Perfect Storm for continued contributions. 👏🎉