What's Changed
- RANCHER-479 Added common library by @kdubniak in #1
- Move common to charts folder by @kdubniak in #3
- RANCHER-535 Configure index and artifactory for helm charts v2 by @kdubniak in #4
- Rancher 535 Webhook test by @kdubniak in #5
- RANCHER-577 Fix misconfiguration with folio-helm repo by @kdubniak in #7
- Rancher 577 by @kdubniak in #8
- Rancher 577 Update library version for all charts by @kdubniak in #9
- RANCHER-345 by @Volodymyr-Kartsev in #10
- RANCHER-599 Add AWS connect params to data-export by @kdubniak in #11
- RANCHER-603 Added mod-bulk-operation by @kdubniak in #12
- RANCHER-604 Add mod-settings module by @kdubniak in #13
- RANCHER-605 Rename mod-di-converter-storage by @kdubniak in #14
- Remove edge-ea-data-export by @hjiebsco in #15
- RANCHER-578 by @Volodymyr-Kartsev in #16
- RANCHER-617 Env variables for mod-bulk-operations by @kdubniak in #17
- RANCHER-619 Add kafka connect to mod-orders by @kdubniak in #18
- RANCHER-619 Fix. Add local fs params to mod-data-export-worker only by @kdubniak in #19
- Update mod-data-export version by @kdubniak in #20
- Rancher 614 by @renatsafiulin in #21
- RANCHER-622 Add reset password for mod-search by @kdubniak in #22
- RANCHER-621 Add jmxMetrics to bulk-operation by @kdubniak in #23
- RANCHER-688 Add mod-consortia module by @kdubniak in #24
- RANCHER-621 Add jmxMetrics to mod-oai-pmh by @kdubniak in #25
- RANCHER-688 Add kafka connect to mod-consortia by @kdubniak in #26
- RANCHER-690 Add kafka connection to mod-inn-reach by @kdubniak in #27
- RANCHER-740 Add kafka connection to mod-users by @kdubniak in #29
- Rancher 675 - Add healthcheck endpoint for helm-common-lib by @renatsafiulin in #28
- RANCHER-760 Fix okapi healthcheck path by @kdubniak in #30
- RANCHER-760 Disable HC for edge modules by @kdubniak in #31
- Rancher 767 - Increase timeout for module's healthChecks by @renatsafiulin in #32
- Add kafka to mod-remote-storage by @kdubniak in #33
- Rancher 767 - Increase timeout for module's healthChecks by @renatsafiulin in #34
- RANCHER-793 Disable HC for mod-service-interaction by @kdubniak in #35
- RANCHER-793 Disable healthChecks for all charts by @kdubniak in #36
- RANCHER-764-RANCHER-765 Add host reader parameters by @kdubniak in #37
- Rancher-866 by @eldiiar-duishenaliev in #39
- Rancher 901 by @eldiiar-duishenaliev in #40
- Update Chart.yaml by @eldiiar-duishenaliev in #41
- RANCHER-901 common chart version update with quote by @eldiiar-duishenaliev in #42
- RANCHER-908 define SYSTEM_USER_PASSWORD var for modules by @OHaimanov in #44
- Standardize Probe options between each type of probe by @jonrober in #46
- RANCHER-903 by @eldiiar-duishenaliev in #45
- Rancher-903 by @eldiiar-duishenaliev in #47
- Adjust autoscaling apiVersion based on k8s version by @jonrober in #43
- add value for thr mod-remote-storage backend module by @guram-jalaghonia in #48
- add java options and version to the charts by @guram-jalaghonia in #50
- RANCHER-926 SYSTEM_USER_PASSWORD env variable add by @eldiiar-duishenaliev in #49
- Rancher-970 by @eldiiar-duishenaliev in #51
- RANCHER-970 Reason: failed to convert java.lang.String to @com.faster… by @eldiiar-duishenaliev in #53
- RANCHER-970 Reason: failed to convert java.lang.String by @OHaimanov in #54
- RANCHER-970 Reason: failed to convert java.lang.String by @OHaimanov in #55
- Adjust mod-inn-reach helm chart with new INNREACH_TENANTS env variable by @vkapylou in #56
- fix for mod-erm-usage-harvester help part. by @eldiiar-duishenaliev in #57
- RANCHER-941 Support ECS OAI-PMH on rancher by @OHaimanov in #59
- Rancher-1046 by @eldiiar-duishenaliev in #60
- RANCHER-864 mod-agreements & service-interaction RAM requests increase according to value of 75%. by @eldiiar-duishenaliev in #61
- RANCHER-1077 Check and add missing SYSTEM_USER_PASSWORD for modules by @OHaimanov in #62
- RANCHER-1089 Add SYSTEM_USER_NAME for mod-inn-reach by @OHaimanov in #63
- RANCHER-1108 mod-lists & mod-fqm-manager s3 enable. by @eldiiar-duishenaliev in #64
- RANCHER-1129 adding new environment variable by @aatoyan in #66
- RANCHER-1122 add new module by @aatoyan in #65
- RANCHER-1139 Add module mod-batch-print to rancher by @OHaimanov in #67
- RANCHER-1147 adjust mod-circulation helm chart by @DmytrMoroz in #68
- RANCHER-1147 change mod-circulation vhart version by @DmytrMoroz in #69
- RANCHER-1147 change mod-circulation chart version by @DmytrMoroz in #70
- RANCHER-1157 add quote by @aatoyan in #72
- RANCHER-1163, RANCHER-1164 Add new module mod-tlr and mod-requests-mediated by @OHaimanov in #73
- RANCHER-1201 Add dcb, circulation modules and edge-dcb by @DmytrMoroz in #76
- Rancher 1210 by @aatoyan in #77
- RANCHER-1257 by @aatoyan in #80
- RANCHER-1211 change chart version by @aatoyan in #81
- RANCHER-1211 by @aatoyan in #83
- RANCHER-1272 Add kafka env for mod-tlr by @OHaimanov in #84
- RANCHER-1268 by @aatoyan in #85
- RANCHER-1272 Add system user support env for mod-tlr by @OHaimanov in #86
- RANCHER-1294 new env addition by @eldiiar-duishenaliev in #87
- RANCHER-1304 mod-agreements & mod-serials-mgmt by @eldiiar-duishenaliev in #88
- RANCHER-1304 mod-service-interaction adjust by @eldiiar-duishenaliev in #89
- RANCHER-1311 by @aatoyan in #90
- .RANCHER-1303 kafka topic consolidation enabled by default, mod-agree… by @eldiiar-duishenaliev in #91
- RANCHER-1278 RANCHER-1279 by @aatoyan in #92
- .RANCHER-1303 mod-users KTC enable by @eldiiar-duishenaliev in #94
- RANCHER-1329 add mod-reading-room by @aatoyan in #95
- RAMCHER-1333 change agent version by @aatoyan in #96
- RANCHER-1229 add kafka dev values by @aatoyan in #97
- Rancher 1229 fix by @aatoyan in #99
- Rancher 1229 fix by @aatoyan in #101
- fix helm deployment by @aatoyan in #105
- Rancher-1303 DIS functionality enable on-demand for S3 based envs including sprint-testing. by @eldiiar-duishenaliev in #106
- RANCHER-1367 add new module by @aatoyan in #107
- RANCHER-1265 add new values by @aatoyan in #109
- DI_Slicing by default enabled by @eldiiar-duishenaliev in #112
- .DI_Slicing_By_DefaultV1.2 by @eldiiar-duishenaliev in #114
- Add variables for mod-search by @DmytrMoroz in #108
- Remove unneccessary values by @aatoyan in #118
New Contributors
- @kdubniak made their first contribution in #1
- @Volodymyr-Kartsev made their first contribution in #10
- @hjiebsco made their first contribution in #15
- @renatsafiulin made their first contribution in #21
- @eldiiar-duishenaliev made their first contribution in #39
- @OHaimanov made their first contribution in #44
- @jonrober made their first contribution in #46
- @guram-jalaghonia made their first contribution in #48
- @vkapylou made their first contribution in #56
- @aatoyan made their first contribution in #66
Full Changelog: https://github.com/folio-org/folio-helm-v2/commits/0.0.1-beta