Breaking changes
Implement new re-index flow for instance records. Old re-index endpoint doesn't support instance indexing.
Permission changes in consortium-search
Endpoint GET /search/consortium/batch/items
requires consortium-search.items.batch.collection.get
Endpoint GET /search/consortium/batch/holdings
New APIs versions
Provides indices v1.0
Provides search v1.3
Provides consortium-search v2.1
Provides browse v1.4
Requires locations v3.0
Requires instance-storage v10.3 or v11.0
Implement indices recreation of the Linked Data resources (MSEARCH-820 )
Extension of mod-search consortium items/holdings API (MSEARCH-788 )
Create location index and process location events (MSEARCH-703 )
Implement reindexing of locations (MSEARCH-702 )
Modify diacritics handling in search, browse and sorting (MSEARCH-690 )
Instance search: add search option that search instances by normalized classification number (MSEARCH-697 )
Instance search: make "all" search field option to search by full-text fields (MSEARCH-606 )
Facets: add support for instance classification facets (MSEARCH-606 )
Return Unified List of Inventory Locations in a Consortium (MSEARCH-681 )
Remove ability to match on LCCN searches without a prefix (MSEARCH-752 )
Search consolidated items/holdings data in consortium (MSEARCH-759 )
Create linked data work index and process linked data work events (MSEARCH-781 )
Create linked data authority index and process linked data authority events (MSEARCH-784 )
Create linked data instance index and process linked data instance events (MSEARCH-829 )
Allow Unified List of Inventory Locations in a Consortium to be fetched by member tenants (MSEARCH-660 )
Implement Indexing of Campuses from Kafka (MSEARCH-770 )
Extend response with additional Location fields for Inventory Locations in a Consortium endpoint (MSEARCH-775 )
Implement Indexing of Institutions from Kafka (MSEARCH-771 )
Implement Indexing of Libraries from Kafka (MSEARCH-769 )
Return Unified List of Inventory Campuses in a Consortium (MSEARCH-773 )
Return Unified List of Inventory Libraries in a Consortium (MSEARCH-772 )
Return Unified List of Inventory Institutions in a Consortium (MSEARCH-774 )
Increase batch IDs limit for search consolidated items/holdings in consortium (MSEARCH-785 )
Index, search Instance place of publication field (MSEARCH-755 )
Instance search: add support to filter search result by classification type (MSEARCH-777 )
Implement Reindexing of Campuses (MSEARCH-767 )
Implement Reindexing of Libraries (MSEARCH-766 )
Implement Reindexing of Institutions (MSEARCH-768 )
Create computed field for sorting and filtering Date 1 (MSEARCH-806 )
Support filters for subject source and type on subject browse (MSEARCH-805 )
Simplify indexing for instance child documents (MSEARCH-851 )
Modify usage of shelving order for call number browse (MSEARCH-831 )
Implement new re-index flow for instance records (MSEARCH-793 , MSEARCH-794 , MSEARCH-796 , MSEARCH-797 , MSEARCH-798 , MSEARCH-799 , MSEARCH-800 , MSEARCH-801 , MSEARCH-802 )
Implement Linked Data HUB index and search API (MSEARCH-844 )
Extend consortium library, campus, institution, location API with id param (MSEARCH-855 )
Extend instance-records reindex endpoint with index settings (MSEARCH-853 )
Index instance sub-documents in async mode (MSEARCH-873 )
Bug fixes
Do not delete kafka topics if collection topic is enabled (MSEARCH-725 )
Do additional search request on browse before getting backward succeeding in order to find preceding results (MSEARCH-705 )
Keep right context in resource-id thread (MSEARCH-754 )
Browse: Duplicate results in exact match with diacritics (MSEARCH-751 )
Classification browse: Fix instances count for Shared Facet (MSEARCH-761 )
Subjects/Contributors browse: Fix instances count for Shared Facet (MSEARCH-782 )
Search Resources IDs: Local instances are not searchable with requests from member tenants (MSEARCH-762 )
Fix backslash handling in search terms (MSEARCH-839 )
Fix range filter conversion (MSEARCH-845 )
Fix Linked data search not working in ECS/Eureka environment (MSEARCH-852 )
Fix similar classifications not being shown in response (MSEARCH-756 )
Tech Dept
Re-Index: delete all records from consortium_instance on full re-index (MSEARCH-744 )
Test scope for folio-spring-testing (MSEARCH-834 )
Update permissions for consortium-search interface (MSEARCH-836 )
Bump spring-boot
from 3.2.3
to 3.3.5
Bump folio-spring-support
from 8.1.0
to 8.2.1
Bump folio-service-tools
from 4.0.1
to 4.1.1
Bump folio-cql2pgjson
from 35.2.0
to 35.3.0
Bump opensearch
from 2.12.0
to 2.17.1
Bump mapstruct
from 1.5.5.Final
to 1.6.2
Bump apache-commons-io
from 2.15.1
to 2.17.0
Bump lombok
from 1.18.32
to 1.18.34
Bump streamex
from 0.8.2
to 0.8.3
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