3.2.0 (2022-07-07)
Full Changelog
Display only active funds in Fund Distribution drop-down. Refs UISACQCOMP-83.
Move Fund and Expense class filters to stripes-acq-components for common usage. Refs UISACQCOMP-84.
Results List pane should announce results count change. Refs UISACQCOMP-89.
Create Number range filter. Refs UISACQCOMP-88.
Remove react-hot-loader. Refs UISACQCOMP-92.
Move common functions and constants for CSVExport to stripes-acq-component. Refs UISACQCOMP-93.
Replace babel-eslint
with @babel/eslint-parser
Prevent accordion from closing if its fields contain validation errors. Refs UISACQCOMP-96.
Add common modal component for delete abandoned holdings operation. Refs UISACQCOMP-97.
stripes-acq-components: module warnings analysis. Refs UISACQCOMP-98.
Hyperlink current encumbrance amount in Fund distribution. Refs UISACQCOMP-101.
Add new component for dynamic data loading and filtering. Refs UISACQCOMP-103.
Create common component OptimisticLockingBanner
. Refs UISACQCOMP-104.
Remove encumbrance when fund is changed. Refs UISACQCOMP-106.
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