Update translation strings #1501
GitHub Actions / Jest Unit Test Results
Jan 18, 2025 in 0s
All 625 tests pass, 2 skipped in 4m 6s
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github-actions / Jest Unit Test Results
2 skipped tests found
There are 2 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of skipped tests.
Raw output
FundDistributionFieldsFinal should call beforeSubmit validation with required = false for expanseClass field on submit form ‑ FundDistributionFieldsFinal should call beforeSubmit validation with required = false for expanseClass field on submit form
FundDistributionFieldsFinal should call beforeSubmit validation with required = true for expanseClass field on submit form ‑ FundDistributionFieldsFinal should call beforeSubmit validation with required = true for expanseClass field on submit form
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Jest Unit Test Results
627 tests found (test 1 to 461)
There are 627 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 1 to 461.
Raw output
Calculate amount for Fund with percentage value type ‑ Calculate amount for Fund with percentage value type
Returns correct money multiplier for USD ‑ Returns correct money multiplier for USD
createExportReport should return export report object ‑ createExportReport should return export report object
validateURL ‑ validateURL
API utils fetchAcqUnitsByIds should fetch acquisitions units by ids ‑ API utils fetchAcqUnitsByIds should fetch acquisitions units by ids
API utils fetchOrderLines should fetch order lines ‑ API utils fetchOrderLines should fetch order lines
API utils fetchOrderLinesByIds should fetch order lines by ids ‑ API utils fetchOrderLinesByIds should fetch order lines by ids
API utils fetchOrders should fetch orders ‑ API utils fetchOrders should fetch orders
API utils fetchOrdersByIds should fetch orders by ids ‑ API utils fetchOrdersByIds should fetch orders by ids
API utils fetchOrganizations should fetch organizations ‑ API utils fetchOrganizations should fetch organizations
API utils fetchOrganizationsByIds should fetch organizations by ids ‑ API utils fetchOrganizationsByIds should fetch organizations by ids
API utils fetchPieces should fetch pieces ‑ API utils fetchPieces should fetch pieces
API utils fetchReceivingTitles should fetch receiving titles ‑ API utils fetchReceivingTitles should fetch receiving titles
API utils fetchReceivingTitlesByIds should fetch receiving titles by ids ‑ API utils fetchReceivingTitlesByIds should fetch receiving titles by ids
AcqCheckboxFilter component should be closed by default ‑ AcqCheckboxFilter component should be closed by default
AcqCheckboxFilter component should be opened by default when closedByDefault=false prop is passed ‑ AcqCheckboxFilter component should be opened by default when closedByDefault=false prop is passed
AcqCheckboxFilter component should display passed title ‑ AcqCheckboxFilter component should display passed title
AcqCheckboxFilter component should invoke onChange callback when click is happened ‑ AcqCheckboxFilter component should invoke onChange callback when click is happened
AcqCheckboxFilter component should render all passed options ‑ AcqCheckboxFilter component should render all passed options
AcqDateRangeFilter component should be closed by default ‑ AcqDateRangeFilter component should be closed by default
AcqDateRangeFilter component should be opened by default when closedByDefault=false prop is passed ‑ AcqDateRangeFilter component should be opened by default when closedByDefault=false prop is passed
AcqDateRangeFilter component should display passed title ‑ AcqDateRangeFilter component should display passed title
AcqDateRangeFilter component should invoke onChange callback when customDateFormat used ‑ AcqDateRangeFilter component should invoke onChange callback when customDateFormat used
AcqDateRangeFilter component should invoke onChange callback when date is entered and Applied ‑ AcqDateRangeFilter component should invoke onChange callback when date is entered and Applied
AcqDateRangeFilter component should subscribe to reset events ‑ AcqDateRangeFilter component should subscribe to reset events
AcqDateRangeFilter component when reset handler is called should clear dates ‑ AcqDateRangeFilter component when reset handler is called should clear dates
AcqEndOfList should display eol label with totalCount > 0 and padding bottom ‑ AcqEndOfList should display eol label with totalCount > 0 and padding bottom
AcqEndOfList should display eol label with totalCount > 0 ‑ AcqEndOfList should display eol label with totalCount > 0
AcqEndOfList should not display eol label without totalCount ‑ AcqEndOfList should not display eol label without totalCount
AcqKeyboardShortcutsModal should display modal title ‑ AcqKeyboardShortcutsModal should display modal title
AcqKeyboardShortcutsModal should display passed command title ‑ AcqKeyboardShortcutsModal should display passed command title
AcqTagsFilter should call onChange ‑ AcqTagsFilter should call onChange
AcqTagsFilter should display Tags filter ‑ AcqTagsFilter should display Tags filter
AcqUnitFilter component should render all passed options ‑ AcqUnitFilter component should render all passed options
AcqUnitsField filter should return data options for render when search is not defined ‑ AcqUnitsField filter should return data options for render when search is not defined
AcqUnitsField filter should return matched unites for render when search is defined ‑ AcqUnitsField filter should return matched unites for render when search is defined
AcqUnitsField should assign acq unit ‑ AcqUnitsField should assign acq unit
AcqUnitsField should display preselected units and handle unassign click ‑ AcqUnitsField should display preselected units and handle unassign click
AcqUnitsFieldContainer should load and pass units ‑ AcqUnitsFieldContainer should load and pass units
AcqUnitsView component should display NoValue ‑ AcqUnitsView component should display NoValue
AcqUnitsView component should display acq units ‑ AcqUnitsView component should display acq units
AcqUnitsViewContainer should display AcqUnitsView ‑ AcqUnitsViewContainer should display AcqUnitsView
AcqUnitsViewContainer should pass array of units to the child ‑ AcqUnitsViewContainer should pass array of units to the child
AffiliationsSelection should render affiliation selection with provided options ‑ AffiliationsSelection should render affiliation selection with provided options
AmountWithCurrencyField should display NoValue component ‑ AmountWithCurrencyField should display NoValue component
AmountWithCurrencyField should display amount in custom currency ‑ AmountWithCurrencyField should display amount in custom currency
AmountWithCurrencyField should display negative amount as is ‑ AmountWithCurrencyField should display negative amount as is
AmountWithCurrencyField should display negative amount with brackets ‑ AmountWithCurrencyField should display negative amount with brackets
BooleanFilter should call onChange ‑ BooleanFilter should call onChange
BooleanFilter should display Boolean filter ‑ BooleanFilter should display Boolean filter
ConsortiumFieldInventory should handle selected affiliation change ‑ ConsortiumFieldInventory should handle selected affiliation change
ConsortiumFieldInventory should render affiliation field ‑ ConsortiumFieldInventory should render affiliation field
ConsortiumFieldInventory should render affiliations with additionalAffiliationIds ‑ ConsortiumFieldInventory should render affiliations with additionalAffiliationIds
ContactsContainer should call `setContactIds` when `onAddContacts` is called ‑ ContactsContainer should call `setContactIds` when `onAddContacts` is called
ContactsContainer should not render `DonorsLookup` when `showTriggerButton` is false ‑ ContactsContainer should not render `DonorsLookup` when `showTriggerButton` is false
ContactsContainer should render component ‑ ContactsContainer should render component
ContributorDetails should display empty list with empty array ‑ ContributorDetails should display empty list with empty array
ContributorDetails should display empty list ‑ ContributorDetails should display empty list
ContributorDetails should display list with proper value ‑ ContributorDetails should display list with proper value
ContributorDetails should display not empty list with some values ‑ ContributorDetails should display not empty list with some values
ContributorDetailsContainer should display ContributorDetails ‑ ContributorDetailsContainer should display ContributorDetails
ContributorDetailsContainer should pass dictionary with contr name types to the child ‑ ContributorDetailsContainer should pass dictionary with contr name types to the child
CountryFilter component should display passed title ‑ CountryFilter component should display passed title
CountryFilter component should invoke onChange callback when something is selected ‑ CountryFilter component should invoke onChange callback when something is selected
CurrencyExchangeRateFields should display validation messages ‑ CurrencyExchangeRateFields should display validation messages
CurrencyExchangeRateFields should pass user input to API ‑ CurrencyExchangeRateFields should pass user input to API
CurrencySymbol should display a dash if wrong currency value is passed ‑ CurrencySymbol should display a dash if wrong currency value is passed
CurrencySymbol should display passed currency ‑ CurrencySymbol should display passed currency
CurrencyValue should display passed currency ‑ CurrencyValue should display passed currency
CurrentExchangeRate component should display hyphen since request is rejected ‑ CurrentExchangeRate component should display hyphen since request is rejected
CurrentExchangeRate component should display hyphen ‑ CurrentExchangeRate component should display hyphen
CurrentExchangeRate component should display loaded current exchange rate ‑ CurrentExchangeRate component should display loaded current exchange rate
CustomFieldsFilter should display Datepicker filter ‑ CustomFieldsFilter should display Datepicker filter
CustomFieldsFilter should display Multiselect filter ‑ CustomFieldsFilter should display Multiselect filter
CustomFieldsFilter should display Singleselect filter ‑ CustomFieldsFilter should display Singleselect filter
CustomFieldsFilter should not display filter with undefined type ‑ CustomFieldsFilter should not display filter with undefined type
CustomFieldsFilters should be rendered for each element in customFields ‑ CustomFieldsFilters should be rendered for each element in customFields
CustomFieldsFilters should not be rendered if customFields is undefined ‑ CustomFieldsFilters should not be rendered if customFields is undefined
DelayClaimActionMenuItem should be disabled when disabled prop is true ‑ DelayClaimActionMenuItem should be disabled when disabled prop is true
DelayClaimActionMenuItem should call onClick when button is clicked ‑ DelayClaimActionMenuItem should call onClick when button is clicked
DelayClaimActionMenuItem should not call onClick when button is disabled and clicked ‑ DelayClaimActionMenuItem should not call onClick when button is disabled and clicked
DelayClaimsModal should call onCancel when cancel button is clicked ‑ DelayClaimsModal should call onCancel when cancel button is clicked
DelayClaimsModal should validate "Delay to" field and call onSubmit when save button is clicked ‑ DelayClaimsModal should validate "Delay to" field and call onSubmit when save button is clicked
DeleteHoldingsModal should call onCancel when cancel was clicked ‑ DeleteHoldingsModal should call onCancel when cancel was clicked
DeleteHoldingsModal should call onConfirm when 'Delete holdings' btn was clicked ‑ DeleteHoldingsModal should call onConfirm when 'Delete holdings' btn was clicked
DeleteHoldingsModal should call onKeepHoldings when 'Keep holdings' btn was clicked ‑ DeleteHoldingsModal should call onKeepHoldings when 'Keep holdings' btn was clicked
DeleteHoldingsModal should render delete holdings modal ‑ DeleteHoldingsModal should render delete holdings modal
Donors should call onChange when donorOrganizationIds changed ‑ Donors should call onChange when donorOrganizationIds changed
Donors should render component ‑ Donors should render component
DonorsContainer should call `setDonorIds` when `onAddDonors` is called ‑ DonorsContainer should call `setDonorIds` when `onAddDonors` is called
DonorsContainer should call `useFetchDonors` with `donorOrganizationIds` ‑ DonorsContainer should call `useFetchDonors` with `donorOrganizationIds`
DonorsContainer should not render `DonorsLookup` when `showTriggerButton` is false ‑ DonorsContainer should not render `DonorsLookup` when `showTriggerButton` is false
DonorsContainer should render component ‑ DonorsContainer should render component
DonorsList should render component ‑ DonorsList should render component
DonorsList should render the list of donor organizations ‑ DonorsList should render the list of donor organizations
DonorsListContainer should render component ‑ DonorsListContainer should render component
DonorsListContainer should render loading component ‑ DonorsListContainer should render loading component
DonorsLookup should render component ‑ DonorsLookup should render component
DragDropMCL should render MCL with draggable rows ‑ DragDropMCL should render MCL with draggable rows
DraggableRow should render a row element ‑ DraggableRow should render a row element
DraggableRowFormatter should render a draggable row ‑ DraggableRowFormatter should render a draggable row
DynamicSelection should call 'onChange' when an option from list was selected ‑ DynamicSelection should call 'onChange' when an option from list was selected
DynamicSelection should call debounced fetch function when 'onFilter' was triggered ‑ DynamicSelection should call debounced fetch function when 'onFilter' was triggered
DynamicSelectionFilter should show filter input and call 'onChange' when an option from list was selected ‑ DynamicSelectionFilter should show filter input and call 'onChange' when an option from list was selected
EventEmitter should add and invoke event listeners ‑ EventEmitter should add and invoke event listeners
EventEmitter should emit events with the correct data ‑ EventEmitter should emit events with the correct data
EventEmitter should remove event listeners ‑ EventEmitter should remove event listeners
EventEmitter with configuration should create a shared EventTarget for instances with singleton set to true ‑ EventEmitter with configuration should create a shared EventTarget for instances with singleton set to true
EventEmitter with configuration should create separate EventTargets for instances with singleton set to false ‑ EventEmitter with configuration should create separate EventTargets for instances with singleton set to false
ExchangeRateValue should render exchange rate value ‑ ExchangeRateValue should render exchange rate value
ExpenseClassFilter component should be closed by default ‑ ExpenseClassFilter component should be closed by default
ExpenseClassFilter component should display passed title ‑ ExpenseClassFilter component should display passed title
ExpenseClassFilter component should render all passed options ‑ ExpenseClassFilter component should render all passed options
FieldAffiliation should render affiliation field ‑ FieldAffiliation should render affiliation field
FieldClaimingDate should render field ‑ FieldClaimingDate should render field
FieldCurrency should call onChange ‑ FieldCurrency should call onChange
FieldCurrency should display CurrencyValue if non-interactive ‑ FieldCurrency should display CurrencyValue if non-interactive
FieldCurrency should display FieldCurrency ‑ FieldCurrency should display FieldCurrency
FieldHolding component should be required ‑ FieldHolding component should be required
FieldHolding component should clear selected holding when tenant changes ‑ FieldHolding component should clear selected holding when tenant changes
FieldHolding component should display label ‑ FieldHolding component should display label
FieldHolding component should filter holdings list ‑ FieldHolding component should filter holdings list
FieldHolding component should not render find location plugin button ‑ FieldHolding component should not render find location plugin button
FieldHolding component should render holding options ‑ FieldHolding component should render holding options
FieldHoldingLocation component should display disabled input ‑ FieldHoldingLocation component should display disabled input
FieldHoldingLocation component should display label and location name with code ‑ FieldHoldingLocation component should display label and location name with code
FieldInventory component should display holding field when connected to instance ‑ FieldInventory component should display holding field when connected to instance
FieldInventory component should display location field when not connected to instance ‑ FieldInventory component should display location field when not connected to instance
FieldLocationFinal component should display passed label ‑ FieldLocationFinal component should display passed label
FieldLocationFinal component should render all passed options ‑ FieldLocationFinal component should render all passed options
FieldLocationFinalContainer component should display passed label ‑ FieldLocationFinalContainer component should display passed label
FieldLocationFinalContainer component should render filtered options ‑ FieldLocationFinalContainer component should render filtered options
FieldLocationFinalContainer component should render options based on passed locationIds ‑ FieldLocationFinalContainer component should render options based on passed locationIds
FieldOrganization should display preselected org ‑ FieldOrganization should display preselected org
FieldOrganization should show org name in non-interactive mode ‑ FieldOrganization should show org name in non-interactive mode
FieldSelectFinal non-interactive mode should display field value when it is not in options ‑ FieldSelectFinal non-interactive mode should display field value when it is not in options
FieldSelectFinal non-interactive mode should display value label when form value is in options ‑ FieldSelectFinal non-interactive mode should display value label when form value is in options
FieldSelectFinal renders input ‑ FieldSelectFinal renders input
FieldSelectFinal should display required message ‑ FieldSelectFinal should display required message
FieldTagsContainer should call POST API on adding new tag ‑ FieldTagsContainer should call POST API on adding new tag
FieldTagsContainer should load and pass tags ‑ FieldTagsContainer should load and pass tags
FieldTagsContainer should not render field if tags not enabled in settings ‑ FieldTagsContainer should not render field if tags not enabled in settings
FieldTagsFinal should add new record and assign it ‑ FieldTagsFinal should add new record and assign it
FieldTagsFinal should display preselected tags and handle clicks ‑ FieldTagsFinal should display preselected tags and handle clicks
FilterMenu should render filter menu section ‑ FilterMenu should render filter menu section
FilterSearchInput should call 'applyFilters' when 'clear' btn was clicked ‑ FilterSearchInput should call 'applyFilters' when 'clear' btn was clicked
FilterSearchInput should call 'applySearch' when 'Enter' key was pressed ‑ FilterSearchInput should call 'applySearch' when 'Enter' key was pressed
FilterSearchInput should call 'changeSearch' when input value is changed ‑ FilterSearchInput should call 'changeSearch' when input value is changed
FilterSearchInput should display search query inside the input ‑ FilterSearchInput should display search query inside the input
FiltersPane should call toggleFilters when collapse filters button is pressed ‑ FiltersPane should call toggleFilters when collapse filters button is pressed
FiltersPane should display passed children ‑ FiltersPane should display passed children
FindLocation ECS enabled should render affiliations select dropdown ‑ FindLocation ECS enabled should render affiliations select dropdown
FindLocation should close the modal on dismiss ‑ FindLocation should close the modal on dismiss
FindLocation should open locations lookup by click on custom trigger ‑ FindLocation should open locations lookup by click on custom trigger
FindLocation should open locations lookup when trigger clicked ‑ FindLocation should open locations lookup when trigger clicked
FindLocation should open triggerless locations lookup ‑ FindLocation should open triggerless locations lookup
FindLocation should render locations lookup trigger ‑ FindLocation should render locations lookup trigger
FindLocationLookup should clear filters on tenant change ‑ FindLocationLookup should clear filters on tenant change
FindLocationLookup should render FindRecords component ‑ FindLocationLookup should render FindRecords component
FindRecords should call back validation fn with select thing multiple select ‑ FindRecords should call back validation fn with select thing multiple select
FindRecords should call back with select thing multiple select ‑ FindRecords should call back with select thing multiple select
FindRecords should display open plugin modal with loading ‑ FindRecords should display open plugin modal with loading
FindRecords should display open plugin modal ‑ FindRecords should display open plugin modal
FindRecords trigerless mode should display opened modal by default ‑ FindRecords trigerless mode should display opened modal by default
FindRecords trigerless mode should not display open trigger button ‑ FindRecords trigerless mode should not display open trigger button
FolioFormattedDate should display NoValue component ‑ FolioFormattedDate should display NoValue component
FolioFormattedDate should display passed date ‑ FolioFormattedDate should display passed date
FolioFormattedTime should display NoValue component ‑ FolioFormattedTime should display NoValue component
FolioFormattedTime should display passed datetime ‑ FolioFormattedTime should display passed datetime
FormFooter should display filter label ‑ FormFooter should display filter label
FrontendSortingMCL should change sorting ‑ FrontendSortingMCL should change sorting
FrontendSortingMCL should display arrow ‑ FrontendSortingMCL should display arrow
FrontendSortingMCL should display passed data ‑ FrontendSortingMCL should display passed data
FrontendSortingMCL should not display anything if contentData is null or undefined ‑ FrontendSortingMCL should not display anything if contentData is null or undefined
FundDistributionFieldsFinal should add new record and call select fund ‑ FundDistributionFieldsFinal should add new record and call select fund
FundDistributionFieldsFinal should call 'handleValidationErrorResponse' when validator rejected with an error ‑ FundDistributionFieldsFinal should call 'handleValidationErrorResponse' when validator rejected with an error
FundDistributionFieldsFinal should call beforeSubmit validation with required = false for expanseClass field on submit form ‑ FundDistributionFieldsFinal should call beforeSubmit validation with required = false for expanseClass field on submit form
FundDistributionFieldsFinal should call beforeSubmit validation with required = false for value field on submit form ‑ FundDistributionFieldsFinal should call beforeSubmit validation with required = false for value field on submit form
FundDistributionFieldsFinal should call beforeSubmit validation with required = true for expanseClass field on submit form ‑ FundDistributionFieldsFinal should call beforeSubmit validation with required = true for expanseClass field on submit form
FundDistributionFieldsFinal should call beforeSubmit validation with required = true for value field on submit form ‑ FundDistributionFieldsFinal should call beforeSubmit validation with required = true for value field on submit form
FundDistributionFieldsFinal should call default fund distribution validator ‑ FundDistributionFieldsFinal should call default fund distribution validator
FundDistributionFieldsFinal should call fund distribution validator from props ‑ FundDistributionFieldsFinal should call fund distribution validator from props
FundDistributionFieldsFinal should call onRemove handler ‑ FundDistributionFieldsFinal should call onRemove handler
FundDistributionFieldsFinal should call validateRequired for fundId selection ‑ FundDistributionFieldsFinal should call validateRequired for fundId selection
FundDistributionFieldsFinal should display fund distribution and handle clicks ‑ FundDistributionFieldsFinal should display fund distribution and handle clicks
FundDistributionFieldsFinal should display selected inactive fund ‑ FundDistributionFieldsFinal should display selected inactive fund
FundDistributionFieldsFinal should display selected unavailable fund ‑ FundDistributionFieldsFinal should display selected unavailable fund
FundDistributionFieldsFinalContainer should call change form and fetch expense classes on fund select ‑ FundDistributionFieldsFinalContainer should call change form and fetch expense classes on fund select
FundDistributionFieldsFinalContainer should call change form on distribution type change ‑ FundDistributionFieldsFinalContainer should call change form on distribution type change
FundDistributionFieldsFinalContainer should fetch expense classes with fiscalYearId on fund select and reset expenseClassId ‑ FundDistributionFieldsFinalContainer should fetch expense classes with fiscalYearId on fund select and reset expenseClassId
FundDistributionFieldsFinalContainer should load and pass funds and expense classes ‑ FundDistributionFieldsFinalContainer should load and pass funds and expense classes
FundDistributionView should display 'Current encumbrance' value as a link ‑ FundDistributionView should display 'Current encumbrance' value as a link
FundDistributionView should display list with fund distribution ‑ FundDistributionView should display list with fund distribution
FundDistributionView should display unavailable fund if no name provided ‑ FundDistributionView should display unavailable fund if no name provided
FundDistributionViewContainer should display loading ‑ FundDistributionViewContainer should display loading
FundDistributionViewContainer should pass expense classes ‑ FundDistributionViewContainer should pass expense classes
FundDistributionViewContainer should pass fund distribution hydrated ‑ FundDistributionViewContainer should pass fund distribution hydrated
FundFilter component should be closed by default ‑ FundFilter component should be closed by default
FundFilter component should display passed title ‑ FundFilter component should display passed title
FundFilter component should render all passed options ‑ FundFilter component should render all passed options
Given ModalFooter component Than it should display passed buttons ‑ Given ModalFooter component Than it should display passed buttons
Given PermissionedRoute component Than it should display passed children ‑ Given PermissionedRoute component Than it should display passed children
Given PluggableOrganizationFilter component should display passed title ‑ Given PluggableOrganizationFilter component should display passed title
Given PluggableUserFilter component should display passed title ‑ Given PluggableUserFilter component should display passed title
IfFieldVisible should hide child component ‑ IfFieldVisible should hide child component
IfFieldVisible should render child component ‑ IfFieldVisible should render child component
IfVisible should hide child component ‑ IfVisible should hide child component
IfVisible should render child component ‑ IfVisible should render child component
KeyValueInline should display label and value ‑ KeyValueInline should display label and value
LanguageFilter component should display passed title ‑ LanguageFilter component should display passed title
LanguageFilter component should invoke onChange callback when something is selected ‑ LanguageFilter component should invoke onChange callback when something is selected
LocationFilter ECS mode should display selected locations ‑ LocationFilter ECS mode should display selected locations
LocationFilter should display entered filter ‑ LocationFilter should display entered filter
LocationFilter should display location filter label ‑ LocationFilter should display location filter label
LocationFilterContainer ECS mode should pass preselected filter ‑ LocationFilterContainer ECS mode should pass preselected filter
LocationFilterContainer should display location filter ‑ LocationFilterContainer should display location filter
LocationFilterContainer should pass preselected filter ‑ LocationFilterContainer should pass preselected filter
MarkUnreceivableActionMenuItem should call onClick when button is clicked ‑ MarkUnreceivableActionMenuItem should call onClick when button is clicked
MarkUnreceivableActionMenuItem should disable the button when disabled prop is true ‑ MarkUnreceivableActionMenuItem should disable the button when disabled prop is true
MarkUnreceivableActionMenuItem should enable the button when disabled prop is false ‑ MarkUnreceivableActionMenuItem should enable the button when disabled prop is false
MarkUnreceivableActionMenuItem should render the button ‑ MarkUnreceivableActionMenuItem should render the button
MaterialTypeFilterContainer should call onChange ‑ MaterialTypeFilterContainer should call onChange
MaterialTypeFilterContainer should display MaterialTypeFilter ‑ MaterialTypeFilterContainer should display MaterialTypeFilter
NumberRangeFilter component should be closed by default ‑ NumberRangeFilter component should be closed by default
NumberRangeFilter component should be opened by default when closedByDefault=false prop is passed ‑ NumberRangeFilter component should be opened by default when closedByDefault=false prop is passed
NumberRangeFilter component should display passed title ‑ NumberRangeFilter component should display passed title
NumberRangeFilter component should invoke onChange callback when data is entered and applied ‑ NumberRangeFilter component should invoke onChange callback when data is entered and applied
NumberRangeFilter component should not invoke onChange callback when data is not entered but applied ‑ NumberRangeFilter component should not invoke onChange callback when data is not entered but applied
OptimisticLockingBanner should display banner ‑ OptimisticLockingBanner should display banner
OptimisticLockingBanner should not display banner ‑ OptimisticLockingBanner should not display banner
OrganizationValueContainer component should display default label when it is not passed ‑ OrganizationValueContainer component should display default label when it is not passed
OrganizationValueContainer component should display invalid reference if organization is not valid ‑ OrganizationValueContainer component should display invalid reference if organization is not valid
OrganizationValueContainer component should display organization value as a Link to orgs app ‑ OrganizationValueContainer component should display organization value as a Link to orgs app
OrganizationValueContainer component should display passed label ‑ OrganizationValueContainer component should display passed label
OrganizationValueContainer component should load organziation when id is passed ‑ OrganizationValueContainer component should load organziation when id is passed
OrganizationValueContainer component should not load organization when id is no defined ‑ OrganizationValueContainer component should not load organization when id is no defined
PluggableDonorsFilter should add donor ‑ PluggableDonorsFilter should add donor
PluggableDonorsFilter should clear all donors ‑ PluggableDonorsFilter should clear all donors
PluggableDonorsFilter should render component ‑ PluggableDonorsFilter should render component
PluginFindRecord should call back validation fn with select thing multiple select ‑ PluginFindRecord should call back validation fn with select thing multiple select
PluginFindRecord should call back with select thing multiple select ‑ PluginFindRecord should call back with select thing multiple select
PluginFindRecord should display open plugin modal with failure ‑ PluginFindRecord should display open plugin modal with failure
PluginFindRecord should display open plugin modal with loading ‑ PluginFindRecord should display open plugin modal with loading
PluginFindRecord should display open plugin modal ‑ PluginFindRecord should display open plugin modal
PluginFindRecord trigerless mode should display opened modal by default ‑ PluginFindRecord trigerless mode should display opened modal by default
PluginFindRecord trigerless mode should not display open trigger button ‑ PluginFindRecord trigerless mode should not display open trigger button
PrevNextPagination should call onChange when next button is called ‑ PrevNextPagination should call onChange when next button is called
PrevNextPagination should call onChange when prev button is called ‑ PrevNextPagination should call onChange when prev button is called
PrevNextPagination should not call onChange when first page is opened and prev button is called ‑ PrevNextPagination should not call onChange when first page is opened and prev button is called
PrevNextPagination should not call onChange when last page is opened and next button is called ‑ PrevNextPagination should not call onChange when last page is opened and next button is called
PrevNextPagination should not call onChange when pagination is disabled and next button is called ‑ PrevNextPagination should not call onChange when pagination is disabled and next button is called
PrevNextPagination should not call onChange when pagination is disabled and prev button is called ‑ PrevNextPagination should not call onChange when pagination is disabled and prev button is called
PrivilegedDonorContacts should call onChange when contactIds changed ‑ PrivilegedDonorContacts should call onChange when contactIds changed
PrivilegedDonorContacts should render component ‑ PrivilegedDonorContacts should render component
PrivilegedDonorContactsList should render component ‑ PrivilegedDonorContactsList should render component
PrivilegedDonorContactsList should render the list of donor contacts ‑ PrivilegedDonorContactsList should render the list of donor contacts
PrivilegedDonorContactsLookup should render component with disabled button ‑ PrivilegedDonorContactsLookup should render component with disabled button
PrivilegedDonorContactsLookup should render component ‑ PrivilegedDonorContactsLookup should render component
PrivilegedDonorsListContainer should render component ‑ PrivilegedDonorsListContainer should render component
PrivilegedDonorsListContainer should render loading component ‑ PrivilegedDonorsListContainer should render loading component
ProductIdDetails should display name for product type ‑ ProductIdDetails should display name for product type
ProductIdDetailsContainer should display ProductIdDetails ‑ ProductIdDetailsContainer should display ProductIdDetails
ProductIdDetailsContainer should pass dictionary with contr name types to the child ‑ ProductIdDetailsContainer should pass dictionary with contr name types to the child
ResetButton should be disabled when prop is truthy ‑ ResetButton should be disabled when prop is truthy
ResetButton should call reset prop when button is pressed ‑ ResetButton should call reset prop when button is pressed
ResponseErrorContainer should return an empty map if no parameters are provided ‑ ResponseErrorContainer should return an empty map if no parameters are provided
ResponseErrorContainer should return message, code, and type from error ‑ ResponseErrorContainer should return message, code, and type from error
ResponseErrorContainer should return parameter value for a given key ‑ ResponseErrorContainer should return parameter value for a given key
ResponseErrorContainer should return parameters map if parameters are provided ‑ ResponseErrorContainer should return parameters map if parameters are provided
ResponseErrorContainer should return undefined if no message or type is provided, and the generic code ‑ ResponseErrorContainer should return undefined if no message or type is provided, and the generic code
ResponseErrorContainer should return undefined if parameter key is not found ‑ ResponseErrorContainer should return undefined if parameter key is not found
ResponseErrorsContainer should create a handler when response contains a single error object ‑ ResponseErrorsContainer should create a handler when response contains a single error object
ResponseErrorsContainer should create an instance with response body and status ‑ ResponseErrorsContainer should create an instance with response body and status
ResponseErrorsContainer should get a specific error by code ‑ ResponseErrorsContainer should get a specific error by code
ResponseErrorsContainer should handle empty error body by returning generic error ‑ ResponseErrorsContainer should handle empty error body by returning generic error
ResponseErrorsContainer should handle response errors using a provided strategy ‑ ResponseErrorsContainer should handle response errors using a provided strategy
ResponseErrorsContainer should handle unknown objects without message by converting them to a string ‑ ResponseErrorsContainer should handle unknown objects without message by converting them to a string
ResponseErrorsContainer should normalize invalid JSON error string to generic error ‑ ResponseErrorsContainer should normalize invalid JSON error string to generic error
ResponseErrorsContainer should normalize string error to structured error container ‑ ResponseErrorsContainer should normalize string error to structured error container
ResponseErrorsContainer should return a generic error when the requested code is not found ‑ ResponseErrorsContainer should return a generic error when the requested code is not found
ResponseErrorsContainer should return all errors as a map ‑ ResponseErrorsContainer should return all errors as a map
ResponseErrorsContainer should return all errors as an array of ResponseErrorContainer instances ‑ ResponseErrorsContainer should return all errors as an array of ResponseErrorContainer instances
ResponseErrorsContainer should return error codes as an array ‑ ResponseErrorsContainer should return error codes as an array
ResponseErrorsContainer should return error messages as an array ‑ ResponseErrorsContainer should return error messages as an array
ResponseErrorsContainer should return the first error when no code is provided ‑ ResponseErrorsContainer should return the first error when no code is provided
ResultsPane Pane left menu should display filters count when filters are closed ‑ ResultsPane Pane left menu should display filters count when filters are closed
ResultsPane Pane left menu should not display filters count when filters are opened ‑ ResultsPane Pane left menu should not display filters count when filters are opened
ResultsPane Pane right menu should be rendered when defined ‑ ResultsPane Pane right menu should be rendered when defined
ResultsPane Pane title should display "Enter search criterias" label in subtitle when no filters and no results ‑ ResultsPane Pane title should display "Enter search criterias" label in subtitle when no filters and no results
ResultsPane Pane title should display custom sub title when passed ‑ ResultsPane Pane title should display custom sub title when passed
ResultsPane Pane title should display passed title value ‑ ResultsPane Pane title should display passed title value
ResultsPane Pane title should display results header when filters are selected and count is known ‑ ResultsPane Pane title should display results header when filters are selected and count is known
ResultsPane Pane title should display results header with unkown count when filters are selected and count is unknown ‑ ResultsPane Pane title should display results header with unkown count when filters are selected and count is unknown
ResultsPane should display passed children ‑ ResultsPane should display passed children
RoutingListAccordion should render Loading ‑ RoutingListAccordion should render Loading
RoutingListAccordion should render component ‑ RoutingListAccordion should render component
RoutingListAccordion should render print routingList button ‑ RoutingListAccordion should render print routingList button
RoutingListAccordion should render routingList data ‑ RoutingListAccordion should render routingList data
RoutingListCreate should render component ‑ RoutingListCreate should render component
RoutingListCreate should return error message when create routing list failed ‑ RoutingListCreate should return error message when create routing list failed
RoutingListCreate should update routing list name ‑ RoutingListCreate should update routing list name
RoutingListEdit should render Loading component when `useRoutingList` hook `isLoading` is true ‑ RoutingListEdit should render Loading component when `useRoutingList` hook `isLoading` is true
RoutingListEdit should render component when `useRoutingList` hook `isLoading` is false ‑ RoutingListEdit should render component when `useRoutingList` hook `isLoading` is false
RoutingListEdit should return error message when create routing list failed ‑ RoutingListEdit should return error message when create routing list failed
RoutingListEdit should update routing list name ‑ RoutingListEdit should update routing list name
RoutingListForm shortcuts should call collapseAllSections when collapseAllSections shortcut is called ‑ RoutingListForm shortcuts should call collapseAllSections when collapseAllSections shortcut is called
RoutingListForm shortcuts should call expandAllSections when expandAllSections shortcut is called ‑ RoutingListForm shortcuts should call expandAllSections when expandAllSections shortcut is called
RoutingListForm shortcuts should cancel form when cancel shortcut is called ‑ RoutingListForm shortcuts should cancel form when cancel shortcut is called
RoutingListForm should render component ‑ RoutingListForm should render component
RoutingListUsers should delete the user on click `x` icon ‑ RoutingListUsers should delete the user on click `x` icon
RoutingListUsers should not render add users button if `editable` is false ‑ RoutingListUsers should not render add users button if `editable` is false
RoutingListUsers should render Loading component when `useUsersBatch` hook `isLoading` is true ‑ RoutingListUsers should render Loading component when `useUsersBatch` hook `isLoading` is true
RoutingListUsers should render component when `useUsersBatch` hook `isLoading` is false ‑ RoutingListUsers should render component when `useUsersBatch` hook `isLoading` is false
RoutingListView should call `useGoBack` when click close icon ‑ RoutingListView should call `useGoBack` when click close icon
RoutingListView should delete a routing list data ‑ RoutingListView should delete a routing list data
RoutingListView should render Loading when `useRoutingList` hook is `isLoading` ‑ RoutingListView should render Loading when `useRoutingList` hook is `isLoading`
RoutingListView should render component when `useRoutingList` hook `isLoading` is false ‑ RoutingListView should render component when `useRoutingList` hook `isLoading` is false
RoutingListView should render routingList data ‑ RoutingListView should render routingList data
SendClaimActionMenuItem should call onClick when button is clicked ‑ SendClaimActionMenuItem should call onClick when button is clicked
SendClaimActionMenuItem should disable the button when disabled prop is true ‑ SendClaimActionMenuItem should disable the button when disabled prop is true
SendClaimActionMenuItem should enable the button when disabled prop is false ‑ SendClaimActionMenuItem should enable the button when disabled prop is false
SendClaimActionMenuItem should render the button ‑ SendClaimActionMenuItem should render the button
SendClaimsModal should call "onCancel" when the modal dismissed ‑ SendClaimsModal should call "onCancel" when the modal dismissed
SendClaimsModal should render send claim modal ‑ SendClaimsModal should render send claim modal
SendClaimsModal should submit valid form ‑ SendClaimsModal should submit valid form
SendClaimsModal should validate "Claim expiry date" field ‑ SendClaimsModal should validate "Claim expiry date" field
SingleSearchForm Search field should be displaed ‑ SingleSearchForm Search field should be displaed
SingleSearchForm Search field should change search to empty when field is changed ‑ SingleSearchForm Search field should change search to empty when field is changed
SingleSearchForm Search field should change search to empty when field is cleared ‑ SingleSearchForm Search field should change search to empty when field is cleared
SingleSearchForm Search field should display translated indexes when searchableIndexes are defined ‑ SingleSearchForm Search field should display translated indexes when searchableIndexes are defined
SingleSearchForm Search field should not display indexes when searchableIndexes are not defined ‑ SingleSearchForm Search field should not display indexes when searchableIndexes are not defined
SingleSearchForm should apply search when form is submitted ‑ SingleSearchForm should apply search when form is submitted
SourceFilter should display filter label ‑ SourceFilter should display filter label
TagsBadge should display icon if tags enabled ‑ TagsBadge should display icon if tags enabled
TagsBadge should not display icon button if tags are not enabled ‑ TagsBadge should not display icon button if tags are not enabled
TagsBadgeContainer should pass tagsEnabled as true ‑ TagsBadgeContainer should pass tagsEnabled as true
TagsContainer should call update entity on add new tag ‑ TagsContainer should call update entity on add new tag
TagsContainer should call update entity on assign new tag ‑ TagsContainer should call update entity on assign new tag
TagsContainer should call update entity on unassign tag ‑ TagsContainer should call update entity on unassign tag
TagsContainer should display loading ‑ TagsContainer should display loading
TagsPane should call update entity on add new tag ‑ TagsPane should call update entity on add new tag
TagsPane should call update entity on assign new tag ‑ TagsPane should call update entity on assign new tag
TagsPane should call update entity on unassign tag ‑ TagsPane should call update entity on unassign tag
TagsPane should display loading ‑ TagsPane should display loading
TextFilter should call onChange ‑ TextFilter should call onChange
TextFilter should display TextFilter ‑ TextFilter should display TextFilter
TypeToggle should call onChange with `amount` ‑ TypeToggle should call onChange with `amount`
TypeToggle should call onChange with `percentage` ‑ TypeToggle should call onChange with `percentage`
TypeToggle should display TypeToggle ‑ TypeToggle should display TypeToggle
VendorReferenceNumbersDetails should display VendorReferenceNumbersDetails ‑ VendorReferenceNumbersDetails should display VendorReferenceNumbersDetails
VendorReferenceNumbersFields should add new record fields and show validation errors ‑ VendorReferenceNumbersFields should add new record fields and show validation errors
VendorReferenceNumbersFields should display preselected and handle clicks ‑ VendorReferenceNumbersFields should display preselected and handle clicks
VersionCard should call 'onSelect' when 'View this version' icon button was clicked ‑ VersionCard should call 'onSelect' when 'View this version' icon button was clicked
VersionCard should call 'onSelect' when version card title was clicked ‑ VersionCard should call 'onSelect' when version card title was clicked
VersionCard should display version history card ‑ VersionCard should display version history card
VersionCard should mark latest version history card ‑ VersionCard should mark latest version history card
VersionCheckbox renders with marked label when name is in context paths ‑ VersionCheckbox renders with marked label when name is in context paths
VersionCheckbox renders with normal label when name is not in context paths ‑ VersionCheckbox renders with normal label when name is not in context paths
VersionHistoryButton should call 'onClick' handler when button was clicked ‑ VersionHistoryButton should call 'onClick' handler when button was clicked
VersionHistoryButton should display version history button ‑ VersionHistoryButton should display version history button
VersionHistoryPane should call 'onClose' handler when 'Close' icon button was clicked ‑ VersionHistoryPane should call 'onClose' handler when 'Close' icon button was clicked
VersionHistoryPane should display 'Original version' label for the first version ‑ VersionHistoryPane should display 'Original version' label for the first version
VersionHistoryPane should display loading pane if references are loading ‑ VersionHistoryPane should display loading pane if references are loading
VersionHistoryPane should display version history cards ‑ VersionHistoryPane should display version history cards
VersionHistoryPane should display version history pane ‑ VersionHistoryPane should display version history pane
VersionHistoryPane should not display version cards without changed fields ‑ VersionHistoryPane should not display version cards without changed fields
VersionKeyValue should highlight updated value for multiple fields ‑ VersionKeyValue should highlight updated value for multiple fields
VersionKeyValue should highlight updated value ‑ VersionKeyValue should highlight updated value
VersionKeyValue should not highlight non-updated value for multiple fields ‑ VersionKeyValue should not highlight non-updated value for multiple fields
VersionKeyValue should not highlight non-updated value ‑ VersionKeyValue should not highlight non-updated value
VersionKeyValue should render NoValue when value is not provided ‑ VersionKeyValue should render NoValue when value is not provided
VersionKeyValue should render label and value ‑ VersionKeyValue should render label and value
VersionView should call onClose when Pane onClose is triggered ‑ VersionView should call onClose when Pane onClose is triggered
VersionView should render children when version exists and is not loading ‑ VersionView should render children when version exists and is not loading
VersionView should render loading pane when isLoading is true ‑ VersionView should render loading pane when isLoading is true
VersionView should render no version message when version does not exist ‑ VersionView should render no version message when version does not exist
VisibilityControl should render Filed component ‑ VisibilityControl should render Filed component
VisibilityControl should render component ‑ VisibilityControl should render component
acqRowFormatter should have class to align cells to the end ‑ acqRowFormatter should have class to align cells to the end
acqRowFormatter should not have class to align cells to the end ‑ acqRowFormatter should not have class to align cells to the end
acqRowFormatter should render a div (earlier was button) ‑ acqRowFormatter should render a div (earlier was button)
acqRowFormatter should render an anchor ‑ acqRowFormatter should render an anchor
batchFetch util fn should call API if some ids and query params are passed ‑ batchFetch util fn should call API if some ids and query params are passed
batchFetch util fn should call API if some ids passed ‑ batchFetch util fn should call API if some ids passed
batchFetch util fn should call API if some query objects and queryBuilder function are passed ‑ batchFetch util fn should call API if some query objects and queryBuilder function are passed
batchFetch util fn should not call API if no query item passed ‑ batchFetch util fn should not call API if no query item passed
calculateAdjustmentAmounts Calculate amounts for Adjustment fund distribution ‑ calculateAdjustmentAmounts Calculate amounts for Adjustment fund distribution
calculateAmountsAndTotal Calculate total amount for Fund distribution ‑ calculateAmountsAndTotal Calculate total amount for Fund distribution
calculateAmountsAndTotal remove extra penny from the latest distribution ‑ calculateAmountsAndTotal remove extra penny from the latest distribution
calculateAmountsAndTotal should not change amounts if percentage amounts less than 2 ‑ calculateAmountsAndTotal should not change amounts if percentage amounts less than 2
calculateAmountsAndTotal should remove several extra pennies from the last records ‑ calculateAmountsAndTotal should remove several extra pennies from the last records
fetchAllRecords should call GET API once ‑ fetchAllRecords should call GET API once
fetchAllRecords should call GET API once, as well as reset ‑ fetchAllRecords should call GET API once, as well as reset
fetchExportDataByIds should not call API if no ids passed ‑ fetchExportDataByIds should not call API if no ids passed
filterAndSort should filter items correctly ‑ filterAndSort should filter items correctly
filterAndSort should sort items correctly ‑ filterAndSort should sort items correctly
filterArrayValues should return { renderedItems } with filtered options for lowercased value ‑ filterArrayValues should return { renderedItems } with filtered options for lowercased value
filterArrayValues should return { renderedItems } with filtered options for mixed value ‑ filterArrayValues should return { renderedItems } with filtered options for mixed value
filterArrayValues should return { renderedItems } with filtered options for uppercased value ‑ filterArrayValues should return { renderedItems } with filtered options for uppercased value
filterArrayValues should return { renderedItems } with initial options when value is not defined ‑ filterArrayValues should return { renderedItems } with initial options when value is not defined
filterSelectValues should return selection options based on a filter value ‑ filterSelectValues should return selection options based on a filter value
filterSelectValues should return selection options even if a filter value contains regExp special characters ‑ filterSelectValues should return selection options even if a filter value contains regExp special characters
getAddress should return empty address ‑ getAddress should return empty address
getAddress should return parsed addresses ‑ getAddress should return parsed addresses
getClaimingIntervalFromDate should return claiming interval calculated based on provided date ‑ getClaimingIntervalFromDate should return claiming interval calculated based on provided date
getConfigSetting should return default config value if settings are empty ‑ getConfigSetting should return default config value if settings are empty
getConfigSetting should return parsed config object ‑ getConfigSetting should return parsed config object
getContactsUrl should return undefined if contactId is not provided ‑ getContactsUrl should return undefined if contactId is not provided
getContactsUrl should return url with contactId ‑ getContactsUrl should return url with contactId
getContactsUrl should return url without contactId ‑ getContactsUrl should return url without contactId
getControlledVocabTranslations should return an object with translation keys for <ControlledVocab> based on passed root translation key ‑ getControlledVocabTranslations should return an object with translation keys for <ControlledVocab> based on passed root translation key
getCustomFieldsFilterMap should return a map with correct query functions ‑ getCustomFieldsFilterMap should return a map with correct query functions
getCustomFieldsFilterMap should return an empty object when customFields is falsy ‑ getCustomFieldsFilterMap should return an empty object when customFields is falsy
getCustomFieldsKeywordIndexes should return an empty array when customFields is falsy ‑ getCustomFieldsKeywordIndexes should return an empty array when customFields is falsy
getCustomFieldsKeywordIndexes should return searchable custom fields ‑ getCustomFieldsKeywordIndexes should return searchable custom fields
getDonorsFormatter should not return link to organization if canViewOrganizations is false ‑ getDonorsFormatter should not return link to organization if canViewOrganizations is false
getDonorsFormatter should return object with name, code and unassignDonor functions ‑ getDonorsFormatter should return object with name, code and unassignDonor functions
getDonorsListFormatter should return object with name, code and unassignDonor functions ‑ getDonorsListFormatter should return object with name, code and unassignDonor functions
getErrorCodeFromResponse should return first error code ‑ getErrorCodeFromResponse should return first error code
getErrorCodeFromResponse should return general error if response something plain ‑ getErrorCodeFromResponse should return general error if response something plain
getFieldLabels should not render hidden fields ‑ getFieldLabels should not render hidden fields
getFieldLabels should use keys of labelsMap as regexp to parse labels of paths ‑ getFieldLabels should use keys of labelsMap as regexp to parse labels of paths
getHighlightedFields should highlight all related fields (whole row for MCL) for added repeatable field ‑ getHighlightedFields should highlight all related fields (whole row for MCL) for added repeatable field
getHighlightedFields should return highlights for field specified by name ‑ getHighlightedFields should return highlights for field specified by name
getHoldingLocationName should return location name ‑ getHoldingLocationName should return location name
getInvoiceExportData should fetch and process invoice export data correctly ‑ getInvoiceExportData should fetch and process invoice export data correctly
getInvoiceExportData should filter out failed exchange rate requests ‑ getInvoiceExportData should filter out failed exchange rate requests
getInvoiceExportData should handle exchange rate fetching correctly ‑ getInvoiceExportData should handle exchange rate fetching correctly
getResultsFormatter should return formatted categories ‑ getResultsFormatter should return formatted categories
getResultsFormatter should return formatted email ‑ getResultsFormatter should return formatted email
getVersionMetadata should return empty object if version is not provided ‑ getVersionMetadata should return empty object if version is not provided
getVersionMetadata should return metadata from entity and updatedByUserId and updatedDate from version ‑ getVersionMetadata should return metadata from entity and updatedByUserId and updatedDate from version
getVersionWrappedFormatter should call original formatter's handlers to mark updated cells in the current version ‑ getVersionWrappedFormatter should call original formatter's handlers to mark updated cells in the current version
handleKeyCommand should call handler ‑ handleKeyCommand should call handler
handleKeyCommand should not call handler ‑ handleKeyCommand should not call handler
handleValidationErrorResponse should return validation error for mixed percentage and amount values with 0 estimated price ‑ handleValidationErrorResponse should return validation error for mixed percentage and amount values with 0 estimated price
handleValidationErrorResponse should return validation error from response for invalid fund distribution total ‑ handleValidationErrorResponse should return validation error from response for invalid fund distribution total
handleValidationErrorResponse should return validation error from response with unknown error code ‑ handleValidationErrorResponse should return validation error from response with unknown error code
objectDifference difference should not mutate initial objects ‑ objectDifference difference should not mutate initial objects
objectDifference difference should return array containing added fields to the first object (from the second one) ‑ objectDifference difference should return array containing added fields to the first object (from the second one)
objectDifference difference should return array containing deleted fields (from the first object) ‑ objectDifference difference should return array containing deleted fields (from the first object)
objectDifference difference should return array containing updated fields ‑ objectDifference difference should return array containing updated fields
objectDifference should return an empty array if passed arguments are the same object ‑ objectDifference should return an empty array if passed arguments are the same object
objectDifference should return an empty array if passed objects have no difference ‑ objectDifference should return an empty array if passed objects have no difference
paginationUtils buildPaginationObj should return object with default provided limit value ‑ paginationUtils buildPaginationObj should return object with default provided limit value
paginationUtils buildPaginationObj should return object with default provided offset value ‑ paginationUtils buildPaginationObj should return object with default provided offset value
paginationUtils buildPaginationObj should return object with limit value from query string ‑ paginationUtils buildPaginationObj should return object with limit value from query string
paginationUtils buildPaginationObj should return object with offset value from query string ‑ paginationUtils buildPaginationObj should return object with offset value from query string
queryUtils buildDateRangeQuery should return query based on filter key and value ‑ queryUtils buildDateRangeQuery should return query based on filter key and value
queryUtils buildDateTimeRangeQuery should return query based on filter key and value ‑ queryUtils buildDateTimeRangeQuery should return query based on filter key and value
queryUtils buildFilterQuery should return search query with escaped quotes and backslashes ‑ queryUtils buildFilterQuery should return search query with escaped quotes and backslashes
queryUtils buildFilterQuery should return search query with raw value (without escaping) ‑ queryUtils buildFilterQuery should return search query with raw value (without escaping)
queryUtils buildNumberRangeQuery should return query based on filter key and value ‑ queryUtils buildNumberRangeQuery should return query based on filter key and value
queryUtils makeQueryBuilder should return a function, which will build query string based on query parameters ‑ queryUtils makeQueryBuilder should return a function, which will build query string based on query parameters
searchAndSort changeSearchIndex should call update on query ‑ searchAndSort changeSearchIndex should call update on query
searchAndSort getActiveFilters should return empty filters object ‑ searchAndSort getActiveFilters should return empty filters object
searchAndSort getActiveFilters should return filters object from string ‑ searchAndSort getActiveFilters should return filters object from string
searchAndSort handleFilterChange should call update on query ‑ searchAndSort handleFilterChange should call update on query
searchUtils buildFiltersObj should build filters object based on query string ‑ searchUtils buildFiltersObj should build filters object based on query string
searchUtils buildPaginatelessSearch should build query string based on new params and current query ‑ searchUtils buildPaginatelessSearch should build query string based on new params and current query
searchUtils buildSearch should build query string based on new params and current query ‑ searchUtils buildSearch should build query string based on new params and current query
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Jest Unit Test Results
627 tests found (test 462 to 627)
There are 627 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 462 to 627.
Raw output
searchUtils buildSortingObj should return object with ASC sortingDirection value when no direction in query and no default value ‑ searchUtils buildSortingObj should return object with ASC sortingDirection value when no direction in query and no default value
searchUtils buildSortingObj should return object with default provided sortingDirection value ‑ searchUtils buildSortingObj should return object with default provided sortingDirection value
searchUtils buildSortingObj should return object with default provided sortingField value ‑ searchUtils buildSortingObj should return object with default provided sortingField value
searchUtils buildSortingObj should return object with sortingDirection value from query string ‑ searchUtils buildSortingObj should return object with sortingDirection value from query string
searchUtils buildSortingObj should return object with sortingField value from query string ‑ searchUtils buildSortingObj should return object with sortingField value from query string
transformCategoryIdsToLabels should return empty string if categories is not provided ‑ transformCategoryIdsToLabels should return empty string if categories is not provided
transformCategoryIdsToLabels should return empty string if categoryIds is empty ‑ transformCategoryIdsToLabels should return empty string if categoryIds is empty
transformCategoryIdsToLabels should return empty string if categoryIds is not provided ‑ transformCategoryIdsToLabels should return empty string if categoryIds is not provided
useAccordionToggle should change opposite value for section when toggleSection is fired ‑ useAccordionToggle should change opposite value for section when toggleSection is fired
useAccordionToggle should not close an accordion if there are validation errors for its fields ‑ useAccordionToggle should not close an accordion if there are validation errors for its fields
useAccordionToggle should set up default value ‑ useAccordionToggle should set up default value
useAccordionToggle should set up passed sections when expandAll is fired ‑ useAccordionToggle should set up passed sections when expandAll is fired
useAcqMethodsOptions should return all acq methods options ‑ useAcqMethodsOptions should return all acq methods options
useAcqMethodsOptions should return empty list if there are no acq methods ‑ useAcqMethodsOptions should return empty list if there are no acq methods
useAcqRestrictions should return restrictions based on assigned user when user is not a member ‑ useAcqRestrictions should return restrictions based on assigned user when user is not a member
useAcqRestrictions should return unrestricted permissions when no acq units defined ‑ useAcqRestrictions should return unrestricted permissions when no acq units defined
useAcqRestrictions should return unrestricted permissions when user is member of assigned units ‑ useAcqRestrictions should return unrestricted permissions when user is member of assigned units
useAcqUnitsMemberships should return list of acquisition units memberships ‑ useAcqUnitsMemberships should return list of acquisition units memberships
useAcquisitionMethods should return list of acquisition methods ‑ useAcquisitionMethods should return list of acquisition methods
useAcquisitionUnits should return list of acquisition units ‑ useAcquisitionUnits should return list of acquisition units
useAddresses should return addresses and totalRecords ‑ useAddresses should return addresses and totalRecords
useAsyncDebounce should debounce async function and return rejected value ‑ useAsyncDebounce should debounce async function and return rejected value
useAsyncDebounce should debounce async function and return resolved value ‑ useAsyncDebounce should debounce async function and return resolved value
useCampuses should return list of campuses ‑ useCampuses should return list of campuses
useCampusesQuery should return list of campuses in ECS mode ‑ useCampusesQuery should return list of campuses in ECS mode
useCampusesQuery should return list of campuses in non-ECS mode ‑ useCampusesQuery should return list of campuses in non-ECS mode
useCampusesQuery should return list of libraries in ECS mode ‑ useCampusesQuery should return list of libraries in ECS mode
useCampusesQuery should return list of libraries in non-ECS mode ‑ useCampusesQuery should return list of libraries in non-ECS mode
useCategories should fetch all categories ‑ useCategories should fetch all categories
useCentralOrderingContext should fetch central ordering settings ‑ useCentralOrderingContext should fetch central ordering settings
useCentralOrderingSettings should fetch central ordering settings ‑ useCentralOrderingSettings should fetch central ordering settings
useClaimsDelay should call updatePiecesStatus with correct parameters when delayClaims is called ‑ useClaimsDelay should call updatePiecesStatus with correct parameters when delayClaims is called
useClaimsSend should call ky.post with correct arguments when sendClaims is called ‑ useClaimsSend should call ky.post with correct arguments when sendClaims is called
useClaimsSend should handle errors when sendClaims is called ‑ useClaimsSend should handle errors when sendClaims is called
useConsortiumCampuses should return list of consortium campuses ‑ useConsortiumCampuses should return list of consortium campuses
useConsortiumInstanceHoldings should fetch holdings ‑ useConsortiumInstanceHoldings should fetch holdings
useConsortiumInstitutions should return list of consortium institutions ‑ useConsortiumInstitutions should return list of consortium institutions
useConsortiumLibraries should return list of consortium libraries ‑ useConsortiumLibraries should return list of consortium libraries
useConsortiumLocations should return list of consortium locations ‑ useConsortiumLocations should return list of consortium locations
useConsortiumTenants should fetch central ordering settings ‑ useConsortiumTenants should fetch central ordering settings
useCustomFieldsSearchableIndexes should return an array of searchable indexes ‑ useCustomFieldsSearchableIndexes should return an array of searchable indexes
useCustomFieldsSearchableIndexes should return empty array by default ‑ useCustomFieldsSearchableIndexes should return empty array by default
useDebouncedQuery should call `dataFormatter` and return options ‑ useDebouncedQuery should call `dataFormatter` and return options
useDebouncedQuery should call default `dataFormatter` when `dataFormatter` is not present ‑ useDebouncedQuery should call default `dataFormatter` when `dataFormatter` is not present
useDebouncedQuery should not call `dataFormatter` and return empty [] ‑ useDebouncedQuery should not call `dataFormatter` and return empty []
useDefaultReceivingSearchSettings should fetch central ordering settings ‑ useDefaultReceivingSearchSettings should fetch central ordering settings
useDonors should make a get a request with default search params ‑ useDonors should make a get a request with default search params
useEventEmitter should return event emitter instance ‑ useEventEmitter should return event emitter instance
useExchangeRateValue should not make get request since exchangeFrom is not provided ‑ useExchangeRateValue should not make get request since exchangeFrom is not provided
useExchangeRateValue should not make get request since manual exchange rate is provided ‑ useExchangeRateValue should not make get request since manual exchange rate is provided
useExchangeRateValue should return current exchange rate ‑ useExchangeRateValue should return current exchange rate
useExpenseClassOptions should return expense class options ‑ useExpenseClassOptions should return expense class options
useFetchPrivilegedContacts should return data if privileged contact ids provided ‑ useFetchPrivilegedContacts should return data if privileged contact ids provided
useFetchPrivilegedContacts should return default data if no privileged contact ids provided ‑ useFetchPrivilegedContacts should return default data if no privileged contact ids provided
useFilters when changing a search term should not trim the search term ‑ useFilters when changing a search term should not trim the search term
useFilters when changing a search term should trim the search term ‑ useFilters when changing a search term should trim the search term
useFiltersReset should not reset filters if location state does not contain 'resetFilters' property equals 'true' ‑ useFiltersReset should not reset filters if location state does not contain 'resetFilters' property equals 'true'
useFiltersReset should reset filters if location state contains 'resetFilters' property equals 'true' ‑ useFiltersReset should reset filters if location state contains 'resetFilters' property equals 'true'
useFiltersToogle should change value to opposite when toggleFilters is called ‑ useFiltersToogle should change value to opposite when toggleFilters is called
useFiltersToogle should initialize state from local storage ‑ useFiltersToogle should initialize state from local storage
useFiltersToogle should save value in local storage when toggleFilters is called ‑ useFiltersToogle should save value in local storage when toggleFilters is called
useFunds should return funds ‑ useFunds should return funds
useGoBack should call `history.goBack` if location.key is present ‑ useGoBack should call `history.goBack` if location.key is present
useGoBack should call `history.push` with fallbackPath if location.key is not present ‑ useGoBack should call `history.push` with fallbackPath if location.key is not present
useIdentifierTypes should return identifier types list ‑ useIdentifierTypes should return identifier types list
useInstanceHoldings should return instance holdings ‑ useInstanceHoldings should return instance holdings
useInstanceHoldingsQuery should return list of holdings in non-ECS mode ‑ useInstanceHoldingsQuery should return list of holdings in non-ECS mode
useInstanceHoldingsQuery should return list of locations in ECS mode ‑ useInstanceHoldingsQuery should return list of locations in ECS mode
useInstitutions should return list of institutions ‑ useInstitutions should return list of institutions
useInstitutionsQuery should return list of institutions in ECS mode ‑ useInstitutionsQuery should return list of institutions in ECS mode
useInstitutionsQuery should return list of institutions in non-ECS mode ‑ useInstitutionsQuery should return list of institutions in non-ECS mode
useIntegrationConfigs fetches organization integration configs ‑ useIntegrationConfigs fetches organization integration configs
useItemToView should delete item from storage when 'deleteItemToView' was called ‑ useItemToView should delete item from storage when 'deleteItemToView' was called
useItemToView should update storage with scroll data when a row was clicked ‑ useItemToView should update storage with scroll data when a row was clicked
useLibraries should return list of libraries ‑ useLibraries should return list of libraries
useLineHoldings should return response array ‑ useLineHoldings should return response array
useList should call API right away and return records ‑ useList should call API right away and return records
useList should not call API right away, but after location is changed ‑ useList should not call API right away, but after location is changed
useLocalStorageFilters should call localStorage getItem on render ‑ useLocalStorageFilters should call localStorage getItem on render
useLocalStorageFilters should call localStorage on Search and Reset buttons ‑ useLocalStorageFilters should call localStorage on Search and Reset buttons
useLocalStorageFilters should call localStorage on selecting filter ‑ useLocalStorageFilters should call localStorage on selecting filter
useLocalStorageFilters should set searchQuery from location.search ‑ useLocalStorageFilters should set searchQuery from location.search
useLocaleDateFormat should return locale format from stripes getLocaleDateFormat ‑ useLocaleDateFormat should return locale format from stripes getLocaleDateFormat
useLocationFilters should set searchQuery from location.search ‑ useLocationFilters should set searchQuery from location.search
useLocationFilters when calling clearLocationFilters should clear filters and keep qindex and query ‑ useLocationFilters when calling clearLocationFilters should clear filters and keep qindex and query
useLocationFilters when calling resetLocationFilters should clear filters, qindex and query ‑ useLocationFilters when calling resetLocationFilters should clear filters, qindex and query
useLocations should return list of locations ‑ useLocations should return list of locations
useLocationsQuery should return list of locations in ECS mode ‑ useLocationsQuery should return list of locations in ECS mode
useLocationsQuery should return list of locations in non-ECS mode ‑ useLocationsQuery should return list of locations in non-ECS mode
useLocationsRecords ECS mode should return processed locations ‑ useLocationsRecords ECS mode should return processed locations
useLocationsRecords should return processed locations ‑ useLocationsRecords should return processed locations
useMaterialTypes should return material types ‑ useMaterialTypes should return material types
useModalToggle should change value to opposite when toggleModal is called ‑ useModalToggle should change value to opposite when toggleModal is called
useModalToggle should return initial falsy value ‑ useModalToggle should return initial falsy value
useOrderLine should fetch order line by id ‑ useOrderLine should fetch order line by id
useOrders should return 0 data with no pagination ‑ useOrders should return 0 data with no pagination
useOrders should return 1 data with the limit 1 ‑ useOrders should return 1 data with the limit 1
useOrders should return no data with empty [] and default max limit value ‑ useOrders should return no data with empty [] and default max limit value
useOrders should return no data with empty [] ‑ useOrders should return no data with empty []
useOrganization fetches organization ‑ useOrganization fetches organization
usePagination should call history push when page is changed ‑ usePagination should call history push when page is changed
usePagination should call history push when page is refreshed ‑ usePagination should call history push when page is refreshed
usePagination should initialize pagination based on location ‑ usePagination should initialize pagination based on location
usePagination should reset offset when search is changed ‑ usePagination should reset offset when search is changed
usePaneFocus should call focus after mount ‑ usePaneFocus should call focus after mount
usePiecesStatusBatchUpdate should call ky.put with correct arguments ‑ usePiecesStatusBatchUpdate should call ky.put with correct arguments
usePublishCoordinator Errors should format publish coordinator result with 'Error' status ‑ usePublishCoordinator Errors should format publish coordinator result with 'Error' status
usePublishCoordinator should initiate publish coordinator request to get records from provided tenants ‑ usePublishCoordinator should initiate publish coordinator request to get records from provided tenants
usePublishCoordinator should poll publish coordinator until the publication status is 'In progress' ‑ usePublishCoordinator should poll publish coordinator until the publication status is 'In progress'
usePublishCoordinator should return results if PC has managed to process the request on the first turn ‑ usePublishCoordinator should return results if PC has managed to process the request on the first turn
useReceivingTenantIdsAndLocations should return additionalLocationIds ‑ useReceivingTenantIdsAndLocations should return additionalLocationIds
useReceivingTenantIdsAndLocations should return receivingTenantIds ‑ useReceivingTenantIdsAndLocations should return receivingTenantIds
useReceivingTenantIdsAndLocations should return tenantId ‑ useReceivingTenantIdsAndLocations should return tenantId
useResultsSRStatus should send "choose filters" message when hasFilters = false ‑ useResultsSRStatus should send "choose filters" message when hasFilters = false
useResultsSRStatus should send "results count" message when hasFilters = true ‑ useResultsSRStatus should send "results count" message when hasFilters = true
useResultsSRStatus should send SR status message when isLoading = true ‑ useResultsSRStatus should send SR status message when isLoading = true
useRoutingList should fetch routing list configuration ‑ useRoutingList should fetch routing list configuration
useRoutingListMutation should call `createRoutingList` mutation ‑ useRoutingListMutation should call `createRoutingList` mutation
useRoutingListMutation should call `deleteRoutingList` mutation ‑ useRoutingListMutation should call `deleteRoutingList` mutation
useRoutingListMutation should call `updateRoutingList` mutation ‑ useRoutingListMutation should call `updateRoutingList` mutation
useRoutingLists should return empty array if `poLineId` is `undefined` ‑ useRoutingLists should return empty array if `poLineId` is `undefined`
useRoutingLists should return routing list ‑ useRoutingLists should return routing list
useShowCallout should define timeout when send is called with error type ‑ useShowCallout should define timeout when send is called with error type
useShowCallout should not send message when returned function is called and callout if not defined in context ‑ useShowCallout should not send message when returned function is called and callout if not defined in context
useShowCallout should not translate message when send is called with message field ‑ useShowCallout should not translate message when send is called with message field
useShowCallout should send message when returned function is called and callout is in context ‑ useShowCallout should send message when returned function is called and callout is in context
useShowCallout should use success type by default when send is called ‑ useShowCallout should use success type by default when send is called
useTags should fetch tags ‑ useTags should fetch tags
useTagsConfigs should fetch tags configs ‑ useTagsConfigs should fetch tags configs
useTenantHoldingsAndLocations should fetch holding locations with different tenants ‑ useTenantHoldingsAndLocations should fetch holding locations with different tenants
useTenantHoldingsAndLocations should fetch holding locations ‑ useTenantHoldingsAndLocations should fetch holding locations
useToggle should change value to opposite when toggle is called ‑ useToggle should change value to opposite when toggle is called
useToggle should return value with initial state ‑ useToggle should return value with initial state
useTranslatedCategories should return empty array if categories is not provided ‑ useTranslatedCategories should return empty array if categories is not provided
useTranslatedCategories should return translated categories ‑ useTranslatedCategories should return translated categories
useUserAffiliations should fetch user's consortium affiliations by user's id when there is consortium ‑ useUserAffiliations should fetch user's consortium affiliations by user's id when there is consortium
useUserAffiliations should not fetch user's consortium affiliations by user's id when there is not consortium ‑ useUserAffiliations should not fetch user's consortium affiliations by user's id when there is not consortium
useUsersBatch should batch fetch users by ids ‑ useUsersBatch should batch fetch users by ids
useVersionHistoryValueResolvers should return deletedRecordLabel when ID is not found in the object ‑ useVersionHistoryValueResolvers should return deletedRecordLabel when ID is not found in the object
useVersionHistoryValueResolvers should return deletedRecordLabel when ID is not found in the users map ‑ useVersionHistoryValueResolvers should return deletedRecordLabel when ID is not found in the users map
useVersionHistoryValueResolvers should return null when ID is not provided for getUserFullNameById ‑ useVersionHistoryValueResolvers should return null when ID is not provided for getUserFullNameById
useVersionHistoryValueResolvers should return null when ID is not provided ‑ useVersionHistoryValueResolvers should return null when ID is not provided
useVersionHistoryValueResolvers should return object property by ID if ID and property exist in the map ‑ useVersionHistoryValueResolvers should return object property by ID if ID and property exist in the map
useVersionHistoryValueResolvers should return user full name by ID using the users map ‑ useVersionHistoryValueResolvers should return user full name by ID using the users map
useVersionWrappedFormatter should return base formatter when component is not wrapped by VersionViewContext ‑ useVersionWrappedFormatter should return base formatter when component is not wrapped by VersionViewContext
useVersionWrappedFormatter should return version wrapped formatter ‑ useVersionWrappedFormatter should return version wrapped formatter
useVersionsDifference should return info about changed fields for each version (audit event) ‑ useVersionsDifference should return info about changed fields for each version (audit event)
useVersionsDifference should return paths for all created or deleted fields with nesting ‑ useVersionsDifference should return paths for all created or deleted fields with nesting
utils getHoldingsAndLocations should return holdings, locations and locationIds with tenantId ‑ utils getHoldingsAndLocations should return holdings, locations and locationIds with tenantId
utils getHoldingsAndLocations should return holdings, locations and locationIds ‑ utils getHoldingsAndLocations should return holdings, locations and locationIds
utils getHoldingsAndLocationsByTenants should return empty array of holdings, locations and locationIds when `receivingTenantIds` and not present or empty array ‑ utils getHoldingsAndLocationsByTenants should return empty array of holdings, locations and locationIds when `receivingTenantIds` and not present or empty array
utils getHoldingsAndLocationsByTenants should return locationsResponse ‑ utils getHoldingsAndLocationsByTenants should return locationsResponse
validateFundDistributionFinal should pass validation with penny problem ‑ validateFundDistributionFinal should pass validation with penny problem
validateFundDistributionFinal should return error element about uniqueFunds if there are funds with the same expense class ‑ validateFundDistributionFinal should return error element about uniqueFunds if there are funds with the same expense class
validateFundDistributionFinal should return error element if no currency provided ‑ validateFundDistributionFinal should return error element if no currency provided
validateFundDistributionFinal should return undefined if empty fund distribution provided ‑ validateFundDistributionFinal should return undefined if empty fund distribution provided
validateFundDistributionFinal should return undefined if totalAmount matches sum in fund distribution array with percent type ‑ validateFundDistributionFinal should return undefined if totalAmount matches sum in fund distribution array with percent type
validateFundDistributionFinal should return undefined if totalAmount matches sum in fund distribution array ‑ validateFundDistributionFinal should return undefined if totalAmount matches sum in fund distribution array
validateRequired validateNoSpaces ‑ validateRequired validateNoSpaces
validateRequired validatePositiveAmount ‑ validateRequired validatePositiveAmount
validateRequired validateRequired ‑ validateRequired validateRequired
validateRequired validateRequiredMaxNumber ‑ validateRequired validateRequiredMaxNumber
validateRequired validateRequiredMinNumber ‑ validateRequired validateRequiredMinNumber
validateRequired validateRequiredNotNegative ‑ validateRequired validateRequiredNotNegative
validateRequired validateRequiredNumber ‑ validateRequired validateRequiredNumber
validateRequired validateRequiredPositiveAmount ‑ validateRequired validateRequiredPositiveAmount