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Update translation strings #1961

Update translation strings

Update translation strings #1961

GitHub Actions / Jest Unit Test Results succeeded Dec 27, 2024 in 0s

All 702 tests pass in 6m 51s

    1 files  ±0  265 suites  ±0   6m 51s ⏱️ +5s
702 tests ±0  702 ✔️ ±0  0 💤 ±0  0 ±0 
710 runs  ±0  710 ✔️ ±0  0 💤 ±0  0 ±0 

Results for commit 3480692. ± Comparison against earlier commit d130047.


Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Jest Unit Test Results

702 tests found (test 1 to 419)

There are 702 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 1 to 419.
Raw output
 'createClearFilterHandler' should return handler ‑  'createClearFilterHandler' should return handler
 'createTitleBody' should return title body created from instance and poLine ‑  'createTitleBody' should return title body created from instance and poLine
 'getOrderNumberSetting' should return order number settings object ‑  'getOrderNumberSetting' should return order number settings object
 should  ‑  should 
 should return an array of vendor account numbers ‑  should return an array of vendor account numbers
AcquisitionMethods formatter should return formatted message with acq method value ‑ AcquisitionMethods formatter should return formatted message with acq method value
AcquisitionMethods should display ControlledVocab for acq methods ‑ AcquisitionMethods should display ControlledVocab for acq methods
AddressFilter should return an empty item when no options are passed ‑ AddressFilter should return an empty item when no options are passed
AddressFilter should return list of options ‑ AddressFilter should return list of options
BreakInstanceConnectionModal should call 'onCancel' when cancel button was clicked ‑ BreakInstanceConnectionModal should call 'onCancel' when cancel button was clicked
BreakInstanceConnectionModal should call 'onConfirm' when confirm button was clicked ‑ BreakInstanceConnectionModal should call 'onConfirm' when confirm button was clicked
BreakInstanceConnectionModal should render break instance connection confirmation modal ‑ BreakInstanceConnectionModal should render break instance connection confirmation modal
CalculatedExchangeAmount should not render component when  amount is not available ‑ CalculatedExchangeAmount should not render component when  amount is not available
CalculatedExchangeAmount should not render component when  currency is the same as system currency ‑ CalculatedExchangeAmount should not render component when  currency is the same as system currency
CalculatedExchangeAmount should render calculated exchange amount ‑ CalculatedExchangeAmount should render calculated exchange amount
CentralOrdering component should display pane headings ‑ CentralOrdering component should display pane headings
CentralOrdering component should handle central ordering settings submit ‑ CentralOrdering component should handle central ordering settings submit
CentralOrdering component should render "LoadingPane" component when settings are loading ‑ CentralOrdering component should render "LoadingPane" component when settings are loading
ChangeInstanceModal should render default confirmation modal ‑ ChangeInstanceModal should render default confirmation modal
ChangeInstanceModal should render detailed confirmation modal ‑ ChangeInstanceModal should render detailed confirmation modal
ChangeInstanceModalContainer Default change instance confirmation modal: should call 'onCancel' when 'Cancel' button was clicked ‑ ChangeInstanceModalContainer Default change instance confirmation modal: should call 'onCancel' when 'Cancel' button was clicked
ChangeInstanceModalContainer Default change instance confirmation modal: should call 'onSubmit' when 'Confirm' button was clicked ‑ ChangeInstanceModalContainer Default change instance confirmation modal: should call 'onSubmit' when 'Confirm' button was clicked
ChangeInstanceModalContainer Default change instance confirmation modal: should render default confirmation modal ‑ ChangeInstanceModalContainer Default change instance confirmation modal: should render default confirmation modal
ChangeInstanceModalContainer Detailed change instance confirmation modal: Delete holdings modal: should NOT render modal if related holding(s) contain another piece(s)/item(s) ‑ ChangeInstanceModalContainer Detailed change instance confirmation modal: Delete holdings modal: should NOT render modal if related holding(s) contain another piece(s)/item(s)
ChangeInstanceModalContainer Detailed change instance confirmation modal: Delete holdings modal: when related holding(s) will be abandoned after instance changing: should call 'onSubmit' with deletion flag when 'Delete holdings' button was clicked ‑ ChangeInstanceModalContainer Detailed change instance confirmation modal: Delete holdings modal: when related holding(s) will be abandoned after instance changing: should call 'onSubmit' with deletion flag when 'Delete holdings' button was clicked
ChangeInstanceModalContainer Detailed change instance confirmation modal: Delete holdings modal: when related holding(s) will be abandoned after instance changing: should call 'onSubmit' without deletion flag when 'Keep holdings' button was clicked ‑ ChangeInstanceModalContainer Detailed change instance confirmation modal: Delete holdings modal: when related holding(s) will be abandoned after instance changing: should call 'onSubmit' without deletion flag when 'Keep holdings' button was clicked
ChangeInstanceModalContainer Detailed change instance confirmation modal: Delete holdings modal: when related holding(s) will be abandoned after instance changing: should render 'Delete holdings' modal ‑ ChangeInstanceModalContainer Detailed change instance confirmation modal: Delete holdings modal: when related holding(s) will be abandoned after instance changing: should render 'Delete holdings' modal
ChangeInstanceModalContainer Detailed change instance confirmation modal: Error handling should render 'Not moved items' modal ‑ ChangeInstanceModalContainer Detailed change instance confirmation modal: Error handling should render 'Not moved items' modal
ChangeInstanceModalContainer Detailed change instance confirmation modal: should render detailed confirmation modal ‑ ChangeInstanceModalContainer Detailed change instance confirmation modal: should render detailed confirmation modal
CloseOrderModal actions should cancel closing if cancel button was clicked ‑ CloseOrderModal actions should cancel closing if cancel button was clicked
CloseOrderModal actions should close modal ‑ CloseOrderModal actions should close modal
CloseOrderModal actions should close order for some reason ‑ CloseOrderModal actions should close order for some reason
CloseOrderModal actions should handle 'createOrder' action ‑ CloseOrderModal actions should handle 'createOrder' action
CloseOrderModal should render close order modal ‑ CloseOrderModal should render close order modal
CloseOrderModal should render lines limit modal  ‑ CloseOrderModal should render lines limit modal 
ClosingReasonFilter should not return any item when no options are passed ‑ ClosingReasonFilter should not return any item when no options are passed
ClosingReasonFilter should return list of options ‑ ClosingReasonFilter should return list of options
ClosingReasons should check suppressor ‑ ClosingReasons should check suppressor
ClosingReasons should display settings ‑ ClosingReasons should display settings
ClosingReasons should return formatted value ‑ ClosingReasons should return formatted value
ComponentToPrint should render fields to print ‑ ComponentToPrint should render fields to print
ConsortiumRelatedItemsList should render MCL with related to POL items ‑ ConsortiumRelatedItemsList should render MCL with related to POL items
CostForm should change input value ‑ CostForm should change input value
CostForm should render 'cost form' fields ‑ CostForm should render 'cost form' fields
CostView should render 'cost' view ‑ CostView should render 'cost' view
Custom fields settings page should render editCustomFieldsSettings with entityType=po_line ‑ Custom fields settings page should render editCustomFieldsSettings with entityType=po_line
Custom fields settings page should render editCustomFieldsSettings with entityType=purchase_order ‑ Custom fields settings page should render editCustomFieldsSettings with entityType=purchase_order
Custom fields settings page should render viewCustomFieldsSettings with entityType=po_line ‑ Custom fields settings page should render viewCustomFieldsSettings with entityType=po_line
Custom fields settings page should render viewCustomFieldsSettings with entityType=purchase_order ‑ Custom fields settings page should render viewCustomFieldsSettings with entityType=purchase_order
DonorsVersionView should render component ‑ DonorsVersionView should render component
DuplicateLinesList component should display duplicate lines list title ‑ DuplicateLinesList component should display duplicate lines list title
DuplicateLinesList component should display line in the list ‑ DuplicateLinesList component should display line in the list
DuplicateLinesModal component should display duplicate lines modal ‑ DuplicateLinesModal component should display duplicate lines modal
EditionView should render 'edition' field ‑ EditionView should render 'edition' field
EresourcesForm should render 'eresources form' fields ‑ EresourcesForm should render 'eresources form' fields
EresourcesView should render 'eresources' view ‑ EresourcesView should render 'eresources' view
ErrorMessage should render component ‑ ErrorMessage should render component
ExportDetailsAccordion should render export details list ‑ ExportDetailsAccordion should render export details list
ExportDetailsList should render export details list ‑ ExportDetailsList should render export details list
ExportDetailsList should render loader when data is loading ‑ ExportDetailsList should render loader when data is loading
ExportSettingsModal actions all fields should select all PO fields when the corresponding radio button was clicked ‑ ExportSettingsModal actions all fields should select all PO fields when the corresponding radio button was clicked
ExportSettingsModal actions all fields should select all POL fields when the corresponding radio button was clicked ‑ ExportSettingsModal actions all fields should select all POL fields when the corresponding radio button was clicked
ExportSettingsModal actions export should close Export Settings Modal when cancel button clicked ‑ ExportSettingsModal actions export should close Export Settings Modal when cancel button clicked
ExportSettingsModal actions export should export all PO and POL fields to CSV when export button clicked ‑ ExportSettingsModal actions export should export all PO and POL fields to CSV when export button clicked
ExportSettingsModal actions export should export selected PO fields to CSV when export button clicked ‑ ExportSettingsModal actions export should export selected PO fields to CSV when export button clicked
ExportSettingsModal actions export should export selected POL fields to CSV when export button clicked ‑ ExportSettingsModal actions export should export selected POL fields to CSV when export button clicked
ExportSettingsModal actions export should prevent export if it is already exporting now ‑ ExportSettingsModal actions export should prevent export if it is already exporting now
ExportSettingsModal actions selected fields should select an option item if it was clicked ‑ ExportSettingsModal actions selected fields should select an option item if it was clicked
ExportSettingsModal should render Export Settings Modal ‑ ExportSettingsModal should render Export Settings Modal
ExportSettingsModalContainer: should render Export Settings Modal ‑ ExportSettingsModalContainer: should render Export Settings Modal
ExportSettingsModalContainer: when cancel button in Export Settings Modal is clicked: should call onCancel function ‑ ExportSettingsModalContainer: when cancel button in Export Settings Modal is clicked: should call onCancel function
ExportSettingsModalContainer: when export button in Export Settings Modal is clicked: should call exportToCsv with correct parameters ‑ ExportSettingsModalContainer: when export button in Export Settings Modal is clicked: should call exportToCsv with correct parameters
ExportSettingsModalContainer: when export button in Export Settings Modal is clicked: should fetch orders and lines ‑ ExportSettingsModalContainer: when export button in Export Settings Modal is clicked: should fetch orders and lines
FieldAccessProvider should render 'access provider' field ‑ FieldAccessProvider should render 'access provider' field
FieldAcquisitionMethod should render 'acquisition method' field ‑ FieldAcquisitionMethod should render 'acquisition method' field
FieldActivated should render 'activation status' field ‑ FieldActivated should render 'activation status' field
FieldActivationDue should render 'activation due' field ‑ FieldActivationDue should render 'activation due' field
FieldAssignedTo should return Assigned To field ‑ FieldAssignedTo should return Assigned To field
FieldAutomaticExport should render 'Automatic export' field ‑ FieldAutomaticExport should render 'Automatic export' field
FieldBillTo should render 'bill to' field ‑ FieldBillTo should render 'bill to' field
FieldBillToView should render 'bill to' value ‑ FieldBillToView should render 'bill to' value
FieldBillToView should render a hyphen if a value is missing ‑ FieldBillToView should render a hyphen if a value is missing
FieldCancellationRestriction should render 'cancellation restriction' field ‑ FieldCancellationRestriction should render 'cancellation restriction' field
FieldCancellationRestrictionNote should render 'cancellation restriction note' field ‑ FieldCancellationRestrictionNote should render 'cancellation restriction note' field
FieldCheckInItems should render 'check-in items' field ‑ FieldCheckInItems should render 'check-in items' field
FieldClaimingActive should render 'Claiming active' field ‑ FieldClaimingActive should render 'Claiming active' field
FieldClaimingInterval should render 'Claiming interval' field ‑ FieldClaimingInterval should render 'Claiming interval' field
FieldCollection should render 'collections' field ‑ FieldCollection should render 'collections' field
FieldDonor should render 'donor' field ‑ FieldDonor should render 'donor' field
FieldExpectedActivation should render 'expected activation' field ‑ FieldExpectedActivation should render 'expected activation' field
FieldExpectedReceiptDate should render 'expected receipt date' field ‑ FieldExpectedReceiptDate should render 'expected receipt date' field
FieldIsApproved should render 'is approved' field ‑ FieldIsApproved should render 'is approved' field
FieldIsManualPO should render 'is manual' field ‑ FieldIsManualPO should render 'is manual' field
FieldIsManualRenewal should render manual renewal field tooltip if field is disabled ‑ FieldIsManualRenewal should render manual renewal field tooltip if field is disabled
FieldIsManualRenewal should render manual renewal field with label and checkbox ‑ FieldIsManualRenewal should render manual renewal field with label and checkbox
FieldIsReEncumber should render 'is re-encumber' field ‑ FieldIsReEncumber should render 'is re-encumber' field
FieldMaterialSupplier should render 'material supplier' field ‑ FieldMaterialSupplier should render 'material supplier' field
FieldMaterialType should render 'material type' field ‑ FieldMaterialType should render 'material type' field
FieldOngoingInfoNotes should render notes field ‑ FieldOngoingInfoNotes should render notes field
FieldOrderFormat should change field value when an option was selected ‑ FieldOrderFormat should change field value when an option was selected
FieldOrderFormat should render 'order format' field ‑ FieldOrderFormat should render 'order format' field
FieldOrderType should render 'order type' field ‑ FieldOrderType should render 'order type' field
FieldPOLineDescription should render 'PO line description' field ‑ FieldPOLineDescription should render 'PO line description' field
FieldPOLineNumber should render 'PO line number' field ‑ FieldPOLineNumber should render 'PO line number' field
FieldPaymentStatus should render 'payment status' field ‑ FieldPaymentStatus should render 'payment status' field
FieldPrefix should render 'prefix' field ‑ FieldPrefix should render 'prefix' field
FieldReceiptDate should render 'receipt date' field ‑ FieldReceiptDate should render 'receipt date' field
FieldReceiptDue should render 'receipt due' field ‑ FieldReceiptDue should render 'receipt due' field
FieldReceiptStatus should render 'receipt status' field ‑ FieldReceiptStatus should render 'receipt status' field
FieldRenewalDate should render renewal date field ‑ FieldRenewalDate should render renewal date field
FieldRenewalInterval should render renewal interval field tooltip if field is disabled ‑ FieldRenewalInterval should render renewal interval field tooltip if field is disabled
FieldRenewalInterval should render renewal interval field ‑ FieldRenewalInterval should render renewal interval field
FieldRenewalPeriod should render renewal period field tooltip if field is disabled ‑ FieldRenewalPeriod should render renewal period field tooltip if field is disabled
FieldRenewalPeriod should render renewal period field ‑ FieldRenewalPeriod should render renewal period field
FieldRenewalSubscription should render subscription field tooltip if it disabled ‑ FieldRenewalSubscription should render subscription field tooltip if it disabled
FieldRenewalSubscription should render subscription field with label and checkbox ‑ FieldRenewalSubscription should render subscription field with label and checkbox
FieldRenewalSubscription should update clicked checkbox ‑ FieldRenewalSubscription should update clicked checkbox
FieldRequester should render 'requester' field ‑ FieldRequester should render 'requester' field
FieldReviewDate should render review date field ‑ FieldReviewDate should render review date field
FieldRush should render 'rush' field ‑ FieldRush should render 'rush' field
FieldSelector should render 'selector' field ‑ FieldSelector should render 'selector' field
FieldShipTo should render 'ship to' field ‑ FieldShipTo should render 'ship to' field
FieldSuffix should render 'suffix' field ‑ FieldSuffix should render 'suffix' field
FieldTrial should render 'trial' field ‑ FieldTrial should render 'trial' field
FieldURL should render 'URL' field ‑ FieldURL should render 'URL' field
FieldUserLimit should render 'user limit' field ‑ FieldUserLimit should render 'user limit' field
FieldVendorAccountNumber should render 'account number' field ‑ FieldVendorAccountNumber should render 'account number' field
FieldVendorInstructions should render 'instructions' field ‑ FieldVendorInstructions should render 'instructions' field
FieldsLocation should render 'location' field ‑ FieldsLocation should render 'location' field
FieldsLocation should render 'quantity popover' if quantity disabled ‑ FieldsLocation should render 'quantity popover' if quantity disabled
FieldsLocation should return null if locations are missing ‑ FieldsLocation should return null if locations are missing
FieldsNotes should render notes field ‑ FieldsNotes should render notes field
Filtering funds and locations filterFundsRestrictedByLocations should return all available funds if there are no assigned locations ‑ Filtering funds and locations filterFundsRestrictedByLocations should return all available funds if there are no assigned locations
Filtering funds and locations filterFundsRestrictedByLocations should return unrestricted funds and funds restricted by specified locations ‑ Filtering funds and locations filterFundsRestrictedByLocations should return unrestricted funds and funds restricted by specified locations
Filtering funds and locations filterHoldingsByRestrictedFunds should persist holdings provided by IDs ‑ Filtering funds and locations filterHoldingsByRestrictedFunds should persist holdings provided by IDs
Filtering funds and locations filterHoldingsByRestrictedFunds should return a list of holdings for which their permanent locations restrict assigned funds ‑ Filtering funds and locations filterHoldingsByRestrictedFunds should return a list of holdings for which their permanent locations restrict assigned funds
Filtering funds and locations filterHoldingsByRestrictedFunds should return all available holdings if there are no assigned funds ‑ Filtering funds and locations filterHoldingsByRestrictedFunds should return all available holdings if there are no assigned funds
Filtering funds and locations filterHoldingsByRestrictedFunds should return all available holdings if there is at least one unrestricted fund assigned ‑ Filtering funds and locations filterHoldingsByRestrictedFunds should return all available holdings if there is at least one unrestricted fund assigned
Filtering funds and locations filterLocationsByRestrictedFunds should persist locations provided by IDs ‑ Filtering funds and locations filterLocationsByRestrictedFunds should persist locations provided by IDs
Filtering funds and locations filterLocationsByRestrictedFunds should return a list of locations that restrict assigned funds ‑ Filtering funds and locations filterLocationsByRestrictedFunds should return a list of locations that restrict assigned funds
Filtering funds and locations filterLocationsByRestrictedFunds should return all available locations if there are no assigned funds ‑ Filtering funds and locations filterLocationsByRestrictedFunds should return all available locations if there are no assigned funds
Filtering funds and locations filterLocationsByRestrictedFunds should return all available locations if there is at least one unrestricted fund assigned ‑ Filtering funds and locations filterLocationsByRestrictedFunds should return all available locations if there is at least one unrestricted fund assigned
InstanceMatching beforeSave should return JSON string ‑ InstanceMatching beforeSave should return JSON string
InstanceMatching should render 'instance matching' form ‑ InstanceMatching should render 'instance matching' form
InstanceMatchingForm should render 'instance matching' description and checkbox ‑ InstanceMatchingForm should render 'instance matching' description and checkbox
InstancePlugin should render component ‑ InstancePlugin should render component
InstanceType should display settings ‑ InstanceType should display settings
ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Contributors' fields Delete added should NOT intercept instance connection break on field delete ‑ ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Contributors' fields Delete added should NOT intercept instance connection break on field delete
ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Contributors' fields Delete connected should NOT break instance connection on cancel ‑ ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Contributors' fields Delete connected should NOT break instance connection on cancel
ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Contributors' fields Delete connected should break instance connection on confirm ‑ ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Contributors' fields Delete connected should break instance connection on confirm
ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Contributors' fields Delete connected should intercept instance connection break on field delete ‑ ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Contributors' fields Delete connected should intercept instance connection break on field delete
ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Contributors' fields Edit should NOT break instance connection on cancel ‑ ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Contributors' fields Edit should NOT break instance connection on cancel
ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Contributors' fields Edit should break instance connection on confirm ‑ ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Contributors' fields Edit should break instance connection on confirm
ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Package' field should NOT break instance connection on cancel ‑ ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Package' field should NOT break instance connection on cancel
ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Package' field should break instance connection on confirm ‑ ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Package' field should break instance connection on confirm
ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Package' field should intercept instance connection break on field change ‑ ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Package' field should intercept instance connection break on field change
ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Product identifiers' fields Delete should NOT intercept instance connection break on field delete ‑ ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Product identifiers' fields Delete should NOT intercept instance connection break on field delete
ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Product identifiers' fields Edit should NOT break instance connection on cancel ‑ ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Product identifiers' fields Edit should NOT break instance connection on cancel
ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Product identifiers' fields Edit should break instance connection on confirm ‑ ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Product identifiers' fields Edit should break instance connection on confirm
ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Title' field should NOT break instance connection on cancel ‑ ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Title' field should NOT break instance connection on cancel
ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Title' field should break instance connection on confirm ‑ ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Title' field should break instance connection on confirm
ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Title' field should intercept instance connection break on field change ‑ ItemForm Connected instance Break instance connection modal 'Title' field should intercept instance connection break on field change
ItemForm should `Subscription to` filed to be disabled when order status is `Closed` ‑ ItemForm should `Subscription to` filed to be disabled when order status is `Closed`
ItemForm should `Subscription to` filed to be enabled when order status is `Open` ‑ ItemForm should `Subscription to` filed to be enabled when order status is `Open`
ItemForm should handle 'ContributorForm' change ‑ ItemForm should handle 'ContributorForm' change
ItemForm should handle 'TitleField' change ‑ ItemForm should handle 'TitleField' change
ItemForm should handle 'edition field' change ‑ ItemForm should handle 'edition field' change
ItemForm should handle 'package field' change ‑ ItemForm should handle 'package field' change
ItemForm should handle 'publicationDate field' change ‑ ItemForm should handle 'publicationDate field' change
ItemForm should handle 'publisher field' change ‑ ItemForm should handle 'publisher field' change
ItemForm should handle instance addition ‑ ItemForm should handle instance addition
ItemForm should handle linked package addition ‑ ItemForm should handle linked package addition
ItemForm should render 'item form' fields ‑ ItemForm should render 'item form' fields
ItemView should render 'item' view ‑ ItemView should render 'item' view
LayerPO Create from inventory should call onSubmit when form was submitted 2 ‑ LayerPO Create from inventory should call onSubmit when form was submitted 2
LayerPO should call onCancel when close icon was clicked ‑ LayerPO should call onCancel when close icon was clicked
LayerPO should call onSubmit when form was submitted ‑ LayerPO should call onSubmit when form was submitted
LayerPO should render PO form ‑ LayerPO should render PO form
LayerPO should throw an error if the order update was failed  ‑ LayerPO should throw an error if the order update was failed 
LayerPOLine Different account numbers should render 'Different account numbers' modal if error occurs ‑ LayerPOLine Different account numbers should render 'Different account numbers' modal if error occurs
LayerPOLine LinesLimit should redirect to order creation ‑ LayerPOLine LinesLimit should redirect to order creation
LayerPOLine LinesLimit should render 'LinesLimit' modal if 'polLimitExceeded' error occurs and closed when confirmed ‑ LayerPOLine LinesLimit should render 'LinesLimit' modal if 'polLimitExceeded' error occurs and closed when confirmed
LayerPOLine ModalDeletePieces should render 'ModalDeletePieces' and close it when cancelling ‑ LayerPOLine ModalDeletePieces should render 'ModalDeletePieces' and close it when cancelling
LayerPOLine ModalDeletePieces should update POLine when piece was deleted ‑ LayerPOLine ModalDeletePieces should update POLine when piece was deleted
LayerPOLine should call onCancel if cancelling ‑ LayerPOLine should call onCancel if cancelling
LayerPOLine should create POLine ‑ LayerPOLine should create POLine
LayerPOLine should handle 'genericError' error ‑ LayerPOLine should handle 'genericError' error
LayerPOLine should handle 'someError' error ‑ LayerPOLine should handle 'someError' error
LayerPOLine should render POLineForm ‑ LayerPOLine should render POLineForm
LayerPOLine should update POLine ‑ LayerPOLine should update POLine
LineExportSettingModalContainer should call fetchAllRecords function if exporting ‑ LineExportSettingModalContainer should call fetchAllRecords function if exporting
LineExportSettingModalContainer should call onCancel function if canceling ‑ LineExportSettingModalContainer should call onCancel function if canceling
LineExportSettingModalContainer should render Export Settings Modal Container ‑ LineExportSettingModalContainer should render Export Settings Modal Container
LineLinkedInstances Add title should call mutateTitle when add instance action is called ‑ LineLinkedInstances Add title should call mutateTitle when add instance action is called
LineLinkedInstances Row select should not open receiving title edit form when instance title is clicked ‑ LineLinkedInstances Row select should not open receiving title edit form when instance title is clicked
LineLinkedInstances Row select should open receiving title edit form when instance row is clicked ‑ LineLinkedInstances Row select should open receiving title edit form when instance row is clicked
LineLinkedInstances closes section when no instances are fetched ‑ LineLinkedInstances closes section when no instances are fetched
LineLinkedInstances displays table with records with fetched instances ‑ LineLinkedInstances displays table with records with fetched instances
LineLinkedInstances formatters formatContributors returns empty string when contributors are not defined ‑ LineLinkedInstances formatters formatContributors returns empty string when contributors are not defined
LineLinkedInstances formatters formatContributors returns formatted contributors string ‑ LineLinkedInstances formatters formatContributors returns formatted contributors string
LineLinkedInstances formatters formatPublishers returns empty string when publishers are not defined ‑ LineLinkedInstances formatters formatPublishers returns empty string when publishers are not defined
LineLinkedInstances formatters formatPublishers returns formatted publishers string ‑ LineLinkedInstances formatters formatPublishers returns formatted publishers string
LineLinkedInstances formatters formatRelations returns empty string when relations are not defined ‑ LineLinkedInstances formatters formatRelations returns empty string when relations are not defined
LineLinkedInstances formatters formatRelations returns formatted contributors string with child relation ‑ LineLinkedInstances formatters formatRelations returns formatted contributors string with child relation
LineLinkedInstances formatters formatRelations returns formatted contributors string with parent relation ‑ LineLinkedInstances formatters formatRelations returns formatted contributors string with parent relation
LineLinkedInstances opens section when instances are fetched ‑ LineLinkedInstances opens section when instances are fetched
LineLinkedInstances opens section when loading ‑ LineLinkedInstances opens section when loading
LineListing should render cancel icon ‑ LineListing should render cancel icon
LineListing should render lines multicolumn list ‑ LineListing should render lines multicolumn list
LineListing should render only POL number without cancel icon ‑ LineListing should render only POL number without cancel icon
LinkToPoLine should render a hypen if there is no link ‑ LinkToPoLine should render a hypen if there is no link
LinkToPoLine should render link to POLine ‑ LinkToPoLine should render link to POLine
LocationForm should render 'location form' fields ‑ LocationForm should render 'location form' fields
LocationForm should render loader when data is loading ‑ LocationForm should render loader when data is loading
LocationVersionView should render location version view with highlighted updates ‑ LocationVersionView should render location version view with highlighted updates
LocationView ECS mode should render affiliation value for the location when central ordering is enabled ‑ LocationView ECS mode should render affiliation value for the location when central ordering is enabled
LocationView should render 'location' view ‑ LocationView should render 'location' view
ModalDeletePiecesContainer should delete selected pieces ‑ ModalDeletePiecesContainer should delete selected pieces
ModalDeletePiecesContainer should render modal ‑ ModalDeletePiecesContainer should render modal
NotesForm should add a note ‑ NotesForm should add a note
NotesForm should remove a note ‑ NotesForm should remove a note
NotesForm should render 'notes' form ‑ NotesForm should render 'notes' form
OngoingInfoForm should render 'ongoing info form' fields ‑ OngoingInfoForm should render 'ongoing info form' fields
OngoingInfoForm should subscription and renewalDate fields to be editable when workFlowStatus is Open ‑ OngoingInfoForm should subscription and renewalDate fields to be editable when workFlowStatus is Open
OngoingInfoNotes should render a hyphen if a value is missing ‑ OngoingInfoNotes should render a hyphen if a value is missing
OngoingInfoNotes should render notes value ‑ OngoingInfoNotes should render notes value
OngoingOrderForm should render 'OngoingOrderForm' field ‑ OngoingOrderForm should render 'OngoingOrderForm' field
OngoingOrderInfoView should render 'ongoing info' view with subscription false ‑ OngoingOrderInfoView should render 'ongoing info' view with subscription false
OngoingOrderInfoView should render 'ongoing info' view with subscription true ‑ OngoingOrderInfoView should render 'ongoing info' view with subscription true
OngoingOrderInfoView should render 'ongoing info' view with subscription ‑ OngoingOrderInfoView should render 'ongoing info' view with subscription
OngoingOrderInfoView should render 'ongoing info' view without subscription ‑ OngoingOrderInfoView should render 'ongoing info' view without subscription
OngoingOrderView should render 'OngoingOrderView' ‑ OngoingOrderView should render 'OngoingOrderView'
OpenOrderConfirmationModal actions should close modal ‑ OpenOrderConfirmationModal actions should close modal
OpenOrderConfirmationModal actions should handle submitting ‑ OpenOrderConfirmationModal actions should handle submitting
OpenOrderConfirmationModal should render open order confirmation modal  ‑ OpenOrderConfirmationModal should render open order confirmation modal 
OrderExportSettingsModalContainer should call fetchAllRecords function if exporting ‑ OrderExportSettingsModalContainer should call fetchAllRecords function if exporting
OrderExportSettingsModalContainer should call onCancel function if canceling ‑ OrderExportSettingsModalContainer should call onCancel function if canceling
OrderExportSettingsModalContainer should render Export Settings Modal Container ‑ OrderExportSettingsModalContainer should render Export Settings Modal Container
OrderLineDetails actions should call 'delete' function even if it is rejected ‑ OrderLineDetails actions should call 'delete' function even if it is rejected
OrderLineDetails actions should cancel order line ‑ OrderLineDetails actions should cancel order line
OrderLineDetails actions should close corresponding pane ‑ OrderLineDetails actions should close corresponding pane
OrderLineDetails actions should delete order line ‑ OrderLineDetails actions should delete order line
OrderLineDetails actions should navigate to order details view ‑ OrderLineDetails actions should navigate to order details view
OrderLineDetails actions should toggle Tags pane ‑ OrderLineDetails actions should toggle Tags pane
OrderLineDetails actions should update line tag list ‑ OrderLineDetails actions should update line tag list
OrderLineDetails should render POLineView ‑ OrderLineDetails should render POLineView
OrderLinesFiltersContainer should call 'applyFilters' function when filters changed ‑ OrderLinesFiltersContainer should call 'applyFilters' function when filters changed
OrderLinesFiltersContainer should display order list filters ‑ OrderLinesFiltersContainer should display order list filters
OrderLinesList should display order line details pane ‑ OrderLinesList should display order line details pane
OrderLinesList should display order lines filters ‑ OrderLinesList should display order lines filters
OrderLinesList should display reset filters control ‑ OrderLinesList should display reset filters control
OrderLinesList should display search control ‑ OrderLinesList should display search control
OrderLinesListActionMenu should handle toggle action when export result button is clicked ‑ OrderLinesListActionMenu should handle toggle action when export result button is clicked
OrderLinesListContainer should load orders when fetchReferences is called ‑ OrderLinesListContainer should load orders when fetchReferences is called
OrderLinesListContainer should pass useCustomFields result to OrderLinesList ‑ OrderLinesListContainer should pass useCustomFields result to OrderLinesList
OrderLinesListContainer should pass useOrderLines result to OrderLinesList ‑ OrderLinesListContainer should pass useOrderLines result to OrderLinesList
OrderLinesListContainer should render OrderLinesList ‑ OrderLinesListContainer should render OrderLinesList
OrderTemplateTagsView should render order template tags view ‑ OrderTemplateTagsView should render order template tags view
OrderTemplateView OrderTemplateView shortcuts should call close when cancel shortcut is called ‑ OrderTemplateView OrderTemplateView shortcuts should call close when cancel shortcut is called
OrderTemplateView OrderTemplateView shortcuts should call collapseAllSections when collapseAllSections shortcut is called ‑ OrderTemplateView OrderTemplateView shortcuts should call collapseAllSections when collapseAllSections shortcut is called
OrderTemplateView OrderTemplateView shortcuts should call expandAllSections when expandAllSections shortcut is called ‑ OrderTemplateView OrderTemplateView shortcuts should call expandAllSections when expandAllSections shortcut is called
OrderTemplateView OrderTemplateView shortcuts should navigate to edit form when edit shortcut is called ‑ OrderTemplateView OrderTemplateView shortcuts should navigate to edit form when edit shortcut is called
OrderTemplateView OrderTemplateView shortcuts should open confirm duplicate modal when duplicate shortcut is called ‑ OrderTemplateView OrderTemplateView shortcuts should open confirm duplicate modal when duplicate shortcut is called
OrderTemplateView should delete template when delete button was pressed ‑ OrderTemplateView should delete template when delete button was pressed
OrderTemplateView should duplicate template when 'Duplicate' action was performed ‑ OrderTemplateView should duplicate template when 'Duplicate' action was performed
OrderTemplateView should render 'order template view' items ‑ OrderTemplateView should render 'order template view' items
OrderTemplateViewContainer OrderTemplateViewContainer error handling should handle error on delete template ‑ OrderTemplateViewContainer OrderTemplateViewContainer error handling should handle error on delete template
OrderTemplateViewContainer OrderTemplateViewContainer error handling should handle error on duplicate template ‑ OrderTemplateViewContainer OrderTemplateViewContainer error handling should handle error on duplicate template
OrderTemplateViewContainer should delete template when such action was called ‑ OrderTemplateViewContainer should delete template when such action was called
OrderTemplateViewContainer should duplicate template when 'Duplicate' action was called ‑ OrderTemplateViewContainer should duplicate template when 'Duplicate' action was called
OrderTemplateViewContainer should render order template view ‑ OrderTemplateViewContainer should render order template view
OrderTemplatesEditor OrderTemplatesEditor shortcuts should call close when cancel shortcut is called ‑ OrderTemplatesEditor OrderTemplatesEditor shortcuts should call close when cancel shortcut is called
OrderTemplatesEditor OrderTemplatesEditor shortcuts should call collapseAllSections when collapseAllSections shortcut is called ‑ OrderTemplatesEditor OrderTemplatesEditor shortcuts should call collapseAllSections when collapseAllSections shortcut is called
OrderTemplatesEditor OrderTemplatesEditor shortcuts should call expandAllSections when expandAllSections shortcut is called ‑ OrderTemplatesEditor OrderTemplatesEditor shortcuts should call expandAllSections when expandAllSections shortcut is called
OrderTemplatesEditor should render 'order templates editor' form fields ‑ OrderTemplatesEditor should render 'order templates editor' form fields
OrderTemplatesEditor should set `physical.createInventory` and `checkinItems` fields when isBindaryActive is true ‑ OrderTemplatesEditor should set `physical.createInventory` and `checkinItems` fields when isBindaryActive is true
OrderTemplatesEditorContainer OrderTemplatesEditorContainer error handling should handle error on save template ‑ OrderTemplatesEditorContainer OrderTemplatesEditorContainer error handling should handle error on save template
OrderTemplatesEditorContainer should render order templates editor ‑ OrderTemplatesEditorContainer should render order templates editor
OrderTemplatesEditorContainer should save template when form was submitted ‑ OrderTemplatesEditorContainer should save template when form was submitted
OrderTemplatesList Shortcuts should navigate to new form when new shortcut is called ‑ OrderTemplatesList Shortcuts should navigate to new form when new shortcut is called
OrderTemplatesList should render templates links ‑ OrderTemplatesList should render templates links
OrdersList OrderExportSettingsModalContainer should be rendered if toggled ‑ OrdersList OrderExportSettingsModalContainer should be rendered if toggled
OrdersList OrderExportSettingsModalContainer should not be rendered if not toggled ‑ OrdersList OrderExportSettingsModalContainer should not be rendered if not toggled
OrdersList shortcuts should handle 'new' shortcut ‑ OrdersList shortcuts should handle 'new' shortcut
OrdersList should display order list filters ‑ OrdersList should display order list filters
OrdersList should display reset filters control ‑ OrdersList should display reset filters control
OrdersList should display search control ‑ OrdersList should display search control
OrdersListActionMenu should handle toggle action when export result button is clicked ‑ OrdersListActionMenu should handle toggle action when export result button is clicked
OrdersListContainer should load vendors, order acq ids and users when fetchReferences is called ‑ OrdersListContainer should load vendors, order acq ids and users when fetchReferences is called
OrdersListContainer should pass useOrders result to OrdersList ‑ OrdersListContainer should pass useOrders result to OrdersList
OrdersListContainer should render OrdersList ‑ OrdersListContainer should render OrdersList
OrdersListFilters should display order filters ‑ OrdersListFilters should display order filters
OrdersListFiltersContainer should display order list filters ‑ OrdersListFiltersContainer should display order list filters
OrdersNavigation actions should switch between toggles ‑ OrdersNavigation actions should switch between toggles
OrdersNavigation should display 'Orders' toggle as active ‑ OrdersNavigation should display 'Orders' toggle as active
OrdersNavigation should render navigation for orders and order lines ‑ OrdersNavigation should render navigation for orders and order lines
OrdersSettings should render loader if central ordering settings still loading ‑ OrdersSettings should render loader if central ordering settings still loading
OrdersSettings should render settings if central ordering settings loaded and disabled ‑ OrdersSettings should render settings if central ordering settings loaded and disabled
OrdersSettings should render settings if central ordering settings loaded and enabled ‑ OrdersSettings should render settings if central ordering settings loaded and enabled
OtherForm should render 'other form' fields ‑ OtherForm should render 'other form' fields
OtherView should render 'other' view ‑ OtherView should render 'other' view
PO Lines list contains at least one line with 'Independent order and receipt quantity' receiving workflow checkIndependentPOLinesAbandonedHoldings should return 'willAbandoned' value as 'false' if there are no abandoned holdings ‑ PO Lines list contains at least one line with 'Independent order and receipt quantity' receiving workflow checkIndependentPOLinesAbandonedHoldings should return 'willAbandoned' value as 'false' if there are no abandoned holdings
PO Lines list contains at least one line with 'Independent order and receipt quantity' receiving workflow checkIndependentPOLinesAbandonedHoldings should return 'willAbandoned' value as 'true' if there are some abandoned holdings ‑ PO Lines list contains at least one line with 'Independent order and receipt quantity' receiving workflow checkIndependentPOLinesAbandonedHoldings should return 'willAbandoned' value as 'true' if there are some abandoned holdings
PO Lines list contains at least one line with 'Synchronized order and receipt quantity' receiving workflow checkSynchronizedPOLinesAbandonedHoldings should return 'willAbandoned' value as 'false' if there are no abandoned holdings ‑ PO Lines list contains at least one line with 'Synchronized order and receipt quantity' receiving workflow checkSynchronizedPOLinesAbandonedHoldings should return 'willAbandoned' value as 'false' if there are no abandoned holdings
PO Lines list contains at least one line with 'Synchronized order and receipt quantity' receiving workflow checkSynchronizedPOLinesAbandonedHoldings should return 'willAbandoned' value as 'true' if there are some abandoned holdings ‑ PO Lines list contains at least one line with 'Synchronized order and receipt quantity' receiving workflow checkSynchronizedPOLinesAbandonedHoldings should return 'willAbandoned' value as 'true' if there are some abandoned holdings
PO actions a closed order should reopen order ‑ PO actions a closed order should reopen order
PO actions a pending order should open order after confirmation ‑ PO actions a pending order should open order after confirmation
PO actions adding PO Line should create new PO if the linelimit is exceeded ‑ PO actions adding PO Line should create new PO if the linelimit is exceeded
PO actions adding PO Line should create new POLine if the linelimit is not exceeded ‑ PO actions adding PO Line should create new POLine if the linelimit is not exceeded
PO actions an open order should approve order ‑ PO actions an open order should approve order
PO actions an open order should cancel order after confirmation ‑ PO actions an open order should cancel order after confirmation
PO actions an open order should clone order after confirmation ‑ PO actions an open order should clone order after confirmation
PO actions an open order should close order after confirmation ‑ PO actions an open order should close order after confirmation
PO actions an open order should delete order after confirmation ‑ PO actions an open order should delete order after confirmation
PO actions an open order should translate to edit page when edit button was pressed ‑ PO actions an open order should translate to edit page when edit button was pressed
PO actions an open order should translate to receiving when receive button was clicked ‑ PO actions an open order should translate to receiving when receive button was clicked
PO actions an open order should unopen order after confirmation ‑ PO actions an open order should unopen order after confirmation
PO actions an open order should update encumbrances when corresponding button was clicked ‑ PO actions an open order should update encumbrances when corresponding button was clicked
PO actions an open order should update order details after reexport ‑ PO actions an open order should update order details after reexport
PO actions should close pane when close icon was clicked ‑ PO actions should close pane when close icon was clicked
PO actions should open PO version history pane ‑ PO actions should open PO version history pane
PO errors should handle errors on fetch data ‑ PO errors should handle errors on fetch data
PO errors should handle errors on update order ‑ PO errors should handle errors on update order
PO shortcuts should collapse all sections ‑ PO shortcuts should collapse all sections
PO shortcuts should expand all sections ‑ PO shortcuts should expand all sections
PO shortcuts should open duplication confirmation modal ‑ PO shortcuts should open duplication confirmation modal
PO shortcuts should translate to POL creation form ‑ PO shortcuts should translate to POL creation form
PO shortcuts should translate to order creation ‑ PO shortcuts should translate to order creation
PO shortcuts should translate to order edit page ‑ PO shortcuts should translate to order edit page
PO should render custom fields accordion ‑ PO should render custom fields accordion
PO should render update encumbrance ‑ PO should render update encumbrance
PODetailsForm poNumber field should handle blur  ‑ PODetailsForm poNumber field should handle blur 
PODetailsForm should render 'PO details form' fields ‑ PODetailsForm should render 'PO details form' fields
PODetailsView should render 'PO details' view ‑ PODetailsView should render 'PO details' view
POForm shortcuts should call collapseAllSections when collapseAllSections shortcut is called ‑ POForm shortcuts should call collapseAllSections when collapseAllSections shortcut is called
POForm shortcuts should call expandAllSections when expandAllSections shortcut is called ‑ POForm shortcuts should call expandAllSections when expandAllSections shortcut is called
POForm should call validator when 'PO Number' was changed ‑ POForm should call validator when 'PO Number' was changed
POForm should change template when another selected and show hidden fields when 'Show hidden fields' btn was clicked ‑ POForm should change template when another selected and show hidden fields when 'Show hidden fields' btn was clicked
POForm should not render Ongoing accordion for non-ongoing order ‑ POForm should not render Ongoing accordion for non-ongoing order
POForm should render 'Add POL' button ‑ POForm should render 'Add POL' button
POForm should render 'PO form' fields ‑ POForm should render 'PO form' fields
POForm should render Ongoing accordion for ongoing order ‑ POForm should render Ongoing accordion for ongoing order
POInvoices should not render the component with empty orderInvoices ‑ POInvoices should not render the component with empty orderInvoices
POInvoices should render POInvoices multicolumn list ‑ POInvoices should render POInvoices multicolumn list
POInvoicesContainer should not render the component with `isLoading: true` ‑ POInvoicesContainer should not render the component with `isLoading: true`
POInvoicesContainer should render POInvoicesContainer ‑ POInvoicesContainer should render POInvoicesContainer
POLine actions POLine actions error handling should handle error on delete ‑ POLine actions POLine actions error handling should handle error on delete
POLine actions POLine actions error handling should handle error on line cancellation ‑ POLine actions POLine actions error handling should handle error on line cancellation
POLine actions POLine actions error handling should handle error on order line loading ‑ POLine actions POLine actions error handling should handle error on order line loading
POLine actions should cancel POLine ‑ POLine actions should cancel POLine
POLine actions should close POLineView and back to order ‑ POLine actions should close POLineView and back to order
POLine actions should close corresponding pane ‑ POLine actions should close corresponding pane
POLine actions should delete POLine ‑ POLine actions should delete POLine
POLine actions should go to receive ‑ POLine actions should go to receive
POLine actions should open Tags pane ‑ POLine actions should open Tags pane
POLine actions should update line tag list ‑ POLine actions should update line tag list
POLine should render POLineView ‑ POLine should render POLineView
POLineActionMenu action handlers should call 'onCancelLine' when 'Cancel' action was triggered ‑ POLineActionMenu action handlers should call 'onCancelLine' when 'Cancel' action was triggered
POLineActionMenu action handlers should call 'onChangeInstance' when 'Change instance connection' action was triggered ‑ POLineActionMenu action handlers should call 'onChangeInstance' when 'Change instance connection' action was triggered
POLineActionMenu action handlers should call 'onDeleteLine' when 'Delete' action was triggered ‑ POLineActionMenu action handlers should call 'onDeleteLine' when 'Delete' action was triggered
POLineActionMenu action handlers should call 'onEditLine' when 'Edit' action was triggered ‑ POLineActionMenu action handlers should call 'onEditLine' when 'Edit' action was triggered
POLineActionMenu action handlers should call 'onOpenOrder' when 'View PO' action was triggered ‑ POLineActionMenu action handlers should call 'onOpenOrder' when 'View PO' action was triggered
POLineActionMenu action handlers should call 'onPrintLine' when 'Print order line' action was triggered ‑ POLineActionMenu action handlers should call 'onPrintLine' when 'Print order line' action was triggered
POLineActionMenu action handlers should call 'onPrintOrder' when 'Print order' action was triggered ‑ POLineActionMenu action handlers should call 'onPrintOrder' when 'Print order' action was triggered
POLineActionMenu action handlers should call 'onReceive' when 'Receive' action was triggered ‑ POLineActionMenu action handlers should call 'onReceive' when 'Receive' action was triggered
POLineActionMenu action handlers should call 'onReexport' when 'Reexport' action was triggered ‑ POLineActionMenu action handlers should call 'onReexport' when 'Reexport' action was triggered
POLineActionMenu action handlers should call 'toggleForceVisibility' when 'Show hidden fields' action was triggered ‑ POLineActionMenu action handlers should call 'toggleForceVisibility' when 'Show hidden fields' action was triggered
POLineAgreementLines it displays table with agreement statuses ‑ POLineAgreementLines it displays table with agreement statuses
POLineAgreementLines with agreement lines provided it displays table with records ‑ POLineAgreementLines with agreement lines provided it displays table with records
POLineAgreementLines with empty lines it displays empty table ‑ POLineAgreementLines with empty lines it displays empty table
POLineAgreementLinesContainer should load and display POLine agreemnent lines ‑ POLineAgreementLinesContainer should load and display POLine agreemnent lines
POLineDetails getAcquisitionMethodValue should return 'invalid reference' label if acq method with specified ID was not loaded ‑ POLineDetails getAcquisitionMethodValue should return 'invalid reference' label if acq method with specified ID was not loaded
POLineDetails getAcquisitionMethodValue should return 'null' if PO Line 'acquisitionMethod' is undefined or null ‑ POLineDetails getAcquisitionMethodValue should return 'null' if PO Line 'acquisitionMethod' is undefined or null
POLineDetails getAcquisitionMethodValue should return translated label for acq method ‑ POLineDetails getAcquisitionMethodValue should return translated label for acq method
POLineDetails getReceivingWorkflowValue should return 'null' if PO Line 'checkinItems' is undefined or null ‑ POLineDetails getReceivingWorkflowValue should return 'null' if PO Line 'checkinItems' is undefined or null
POLineDetails getReceivingWorkflowValue should return translated label for receiving workflow ‑ POLineDetails getReceivingWorkflowValue should return translated label for receiving workflow
POLineDetails should render 'POLine details' view ‑ POLineDetails should render 'POLine details' view
POLineDetailsForm should `Bindary Active` field be disabled if "orderFormat" is not `physicalResource` nor `PEMix` ‑ POLineDetailsForm should `Bindary Active` field be disabled if "orderFormat" is not `physicalResource` nor `PEMix`
POLineDetailsForm should clear the 'Claiming interval' field when a user unchecked 'Claiming active' checkbox ‑ POLineDetailsForm should clear the 'Claiming interval' field when a user unchecked 'Claiming active' checkbox
POLineDetailsForm should render 'POLine details form' fields ‑ POLineDetailsForm should render 'POLine details form' fields
POLineDetailsForm should set to 'Independent order and receipt quantity' if a user selects 'Receipt not required' ‑ POLineDetailsForm should set to 'Independent order and receipt quantity' if a user selects 'Receipt not required'
POLineDetailsForm should validate 'Claiming interval' field ‑ POLineDetailsForm should validate 'Claiming interval' field
POLineEresourcesForm should render 'POLine e-resources form' fields ‑ POLineEresourcesForm should render 'POLine e-resources form' fields
POLineForm actions should show hidden fields when 'Show hidden fields' btn was clicked ‑ POLineForm actions should show hidden fields when 'Show hidden fields' btn was clicked
POLineForm shortcuts should call collapseAllSections when collapseAllSections shortcut is called ‑ POLineForm shortcuts should call collapseAllSections when collapseAllSections shortcut is called
POLineForm shortcuts should call expandAllSections when expandAllSections shortcut is called ‑ POLineForm shortcuts should call expandAllSections when expandAllSections shortcut is called
POLineForm shortcuts should cancel form when cancel shortcut is called ‑ POLineForm shortcuts should cancel form when cancel shortcut is called
POLineForm shortcuts should navigate to list view when search shortcut is called ‑ POLineForm shortcuts should navigate to list view when search shortcut is called
POLineForm should not render 'Create another' checkbox ‑ POLineForm should not render 'Create another' checkbox
POLineForm should not render form if initial values undefined ‑ POLineForm should not render form if initial values undefined
POLineForm should render 'Create another' checkbox ‑ POLineForm should render 'Create another' checkbox
POLineForm should render Ongoing order information accordion ‑ POLineForm should render Ongoing order information accordion
POLineForm should render form items ‑ POLineForm should render form items
POLineLocationsForm should render 'POLine locations form' ‑ POLineLocationsForm should render 'POLine locations form'
POLineOtherResourcesForm should render 'POLine other resources form' fields ‑ POLineOtherResourcesForm should render 'POLine other resources form' fields
POLinePhysicalForm should render 'POLine physical resources form' fields ‑ POLinePhysicalForm should render 'POLine physical resources form' fields
POLineVendorForm should render 'POLine vendor form' fields ‑ POLineVendorForm should render 'POLine vendor form' fields
POLineVersionView should close version view when 'History close' button was clicked ‑ POLineVersionView should close version view when 'History close' button was clicked
POLineVersionView should close version view when 'Version close' button was clicked ‑ POLineVersionView should close version view when 'Version close' button was clicked
POLineVersionView should display POL version details ‑ POLineVersionView should display POL version details
POLineView should go to order details when corresponding button was pressed ‑ POLineView should go to order details when corresponding button was pressed
POLineView should not render change instance button for pending order ‑ POLineView should not render change instance button for pending order
POLineView should open PO Line versions history pane on Order lines page ‑ POLineView should open PO Line versions history pane on Order lines page
POLineView should open PO Line versions history pane on Orders page ‑ POLineView should open PO Line versions history pane on Orders page
POLineView should render Ongoing order information accordion ‑ POLineView should render Ongoing order information accordion
POLineView should render PO Line view ‑ POLineView should render PO Line view
PONumber should render 'PO number' field ‑ PONumber should render 'PO number' field
POVersionView should close version view when 'History close' button was clicked ‑ POVersionView should close version view when 'History close' button was clicked
POVersionView should close version view when 'Version close' button was clicked ‑ POVersionView should close version view when 'Version close' button was clicked
POVersionView should display PO version details ‑ POVersionView should display PO version details
PackagePoLineField should call onSelectLine when field was clear ‑ PackagePoLineField should call onSelectLine when field was clear
PackagePoLineField should render field ‑ PackagePoLineField should render field
PhysicalForm should `Create inventory` field be `disabled` when `isBinderyActive` value is `true` ‑ PhysicalForm should `Create inventory` field be `disabled` when `isBinderyActive` value is `true`
PhysicalForm should render 'physical form' fields ‑ PhysicalForm should render 'physical form' fields
PhysicalView should render 'physical' view ‑ PhysicalView should render 'physical' view
PrintContent should render component to print ‑ PrintContent should render component to print
PrintOrder should get and render data ‑ PrintOrder should get and render data
PrintOrderLines Details column should display Rush value ‑ PrintOrderLines Details column should display Rush value
PrintOrderLines Details column should display fund codes ids ‑ PrintOrderLines Details column should display fund codes ids

Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Jest Unit Test Results

702 tests found (test 420 to 702)

There are 702 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 420 to 702.
Raw output
PrintOrderLines Details column should display product ids ‑ PrintOrderLines Details column should display product ids
PrintOrderLines Details column should display publication date ‑ PrintOrderLines Details column should display publication date
PrintOrderLines Details column should display publisher ‑ PrintOrderLines Details column should display publisher
PrintOrderLines Quantity electronic column should be hidden when quantity is 0 ‑ PrintOrderLines Quantity electronic column should be hidden when quantity is 0
PrintOrderLines Quantity electronic column should be visible when quantity is not 0 ‑ PrintOrderLines Quantity electronic column should be visible when quantity is not 0
PrintOrderLines Quantity physical column should be hidden when quantity is 0 ‑ PrintOrderLines Quantity physical column should be hidden when quantity is 0
PrintOrderLines Quantity physical column should be visible when quantity is not 0 ‑ PrintOrderLines Quantity physical column should be visible when quantity is not 0
PrintOrderLines should display Estimated price column ‑ PrintOrderLines should display Estimated price column
PrintOrderLines should display POL # column ‑ PrintOrderLines should display POL # column
PrintOrderLines should display Title column ‑ PrintOrderLines should display Title column
PrintOrderLines should display Vendor instructions column ‑ PrintOrderLines should display Vendor instructions column
PurchaseOrderInformationForm should render 'PO information form' fields ‑ PurchaseOrderInformationForm should render 'PO information form' fields
PurchaseOrderNotesForm should render 'PO notes form' ‑ PurchaseOrderNotesForm should render 'PO notes form'
PurchaseOrderSummaryForm should render 'PO summary form' ‑ PurchaseOrderSummaryForm should render 'PO summary form'
ReexportActionButton should call 'onClick' handler when button was clicked ‑ ReexportActionButton should call 'onClick' handler when button was clicked
ReexportActionButton should render button for reexport action ‑ ReexportActionButton should render button for reexport action
ReexportModal actions should call 'onCancel' when 'Cancel' button was clicked ‑ ReexportModal actions should call 'onCancel' when 'Cancel' button was clicked
ReexportModal actions should call 'onConfirm' when 'Confirm' button was clicked ‑ ReexportModal actions should call 'onConfirm' when 'Confirm' button was clicked
ReexportModal actions should catch reexport error ‑ ReexportModal actions should catch reexport error
ReexportModal should render 'Reexport' modal ‑ ReexportModal should render 'Reexport' modal
RelatedInvoiceLines should render RelatedInvoiceLines multicolumn list ‑ RelatedInvoiceLines should render RelatedInvoiceLines multicolumn list
RelatedItemsList should render MCL with related to POL items ‑ RelatedItemsList should render MCL with related to POL items
RenewalDate should render a hyphen if a value is missing ‑ RenewalDate should render a hyphen if a value is missing
RenewalDate should render renewal date ‑ RenewalDate should render renewal date
RenewalInterval should render a hyphen if a value is missing ‑ RenewalInterval should render a hyphen if a value is missing
RenewalInterval should render renewal interval value ‑ RenewalInterval should render renewal interval value
RenewalPeriod should render a hyphen if a value is missing ‑ RenewalPeriod should render a hyphen if a value is missing
RenewalPeriod should render renewal period value ‑ RenewalPeriod should render renewal period value
ReviewDate should render a hyphen if a value is missing ‑ ReviewDate should render a hyphen if a value is missing
ReviewDate should render review date ‑ ReviewDate should render review date
RolloverAdjustmentAmount should render adjustment amount ‑ RolloverAdjustmentAmount should render adjustment amount
RoutingAddress should display pane headings ‑ RoutingAddress should display pane headings
RoutingAddress should handle create routing address settings ‑ RoutingAddress should handle create routing address settings
RoutingAddress should handle routing address settings submit ‑ RoutingAddress should handle routing address settings submit
RoutingAddress should render "LoadingPane" component when settings are loading ‑ RoutingAddress should render "LoadingPane" component when settings are loading
RoutingList should render RoutingListCreate for the create route ‑ RoutingList should render RoutingListCreate for the create route
RoutingList should render RoutingListEdit for the edit route ‑ RoutingList should render RoutingListEdit for the edit route
RoutingList should render RoutingListView for the view route ‑ RoutingList should render RoutingListView for the view route
RoutingListConfiguration should create template configs data on click save button ‑ RoutingListConfiguration should create template configs data on click save button
RoutingListConfiguration should display edit page and update description ‑ RoutingListConfiguration should display edit page and update description
RoutingListConfiguration should display email preview content ‑ RoutingListConfiguration should display email preview content
RoutingListConfiguration should display routing list configuration pane ‑ RoutingListConfiguration should display routing list configuration pane
RoutingListConfiguration should render "LoadingPane" component when settings are loading ‑ RoutingListConfiguration should render "LoadingPane" component when settings are loading
SubscriptionIntervalView should render 'subscription interval' field ‑ SubscriptionIntervalView should render 'subscription interval' field
SummaryForm should render 'summary form' fields ‑ SummaryForm should render 'summary form' fields
SummaryVersionView Closing reason should display <NoValue /> component when the closing reason is not provided ‑ SummaryVersionView Closing reason should display <NoValue /> component when the closing reason is not provided
SummaryVersionView Closing reason should render closing reason value ‑ SummaryVersionView Closing reason should render closing reason value
TemplateInformationForm should render 'Template information form' fields ‑ TemplateInformationForm should render 'Template information form' fields
TemplateInformationView should render template information view ‑ TemplateInformationView should render template information view
TitleField should render 'title' if the field is interactive ‑ TitleField should render 'title' if the field is interactive
TitleField should render 'title' view if the field is non-interactive ‑ TitleField should render 'title' view if the field is non-interactive
TitleView should render 'title' view ‑ TitleView should render 'title' view
UnopenOrderConfirmationModal actions Abandoned holdings after unopen order connected to at least one 'independent' PO Line and not to 'synchronized' should confirm unopend order with 'deleteHoldings' flag equal 'false' ‑ UnopenOrderConfirmationModal actions Abandoned holdings after unopen order connected to at least one 'independent' PO Line and not to 'synchronized' should confirm unopend order with 'deleteHoldings' flag equal 'false'
UnopenOrderConfirmationModal actions Abandoned holdings after unopen order connected to at least one 'independent' PO Line and not to 'synchronized' should confirm unopend order with 'deleteHoldings' flag equal 'true' ‑ UnopenOrderConfirmationModal actions Abandoned holdings after unopen order connected to at least one 'independent' PO Line and not to 'synchronized' should confirm unopend order with 'deleteHoldings' flag equal 'true'
UnopenOrderConfirmationModal actions Abandoned holdings after unopen order connected to at least one 'independent' PO Line and not to 'synchronized' should render message about abandoned holding(s) connected to a independent line(s) ‑ UnopenOrderConfirmationModal actions Abandoned holdings after unopen order connected to at least one 'independent' PO Line and not to 'synchronized' should render message about abandoned holding(s) connected to a independent line(s)
UnopenOrderConfirmationModal actions Abandoned holdings after unopen order connected to at least one 'synchronized' PO Line should confirm unopend order with 'deleteHoldings' flag equal 'false' ‑ UnopenOrderConfirmationModal actions Abandoned holdings after unopen order connected to at least one 'synchronized' PO Line should confirm unopend order with 'deleteHoldings' flag equal 'false'
UnopenOrderConfirmationModal actions Abandoned holdings after unopen order connected to at least one 'synchronized' PO Line should confirm unopend order with 'deleteHoldings' flag equal 'true' ‑ UnopenOrderConfirmationModal actions Abandoned holdings after unopen order connected to at least one 'synchronized' PO Line should confirm unopend order with 'deleteHoldings' flag equal 'true'
UnopenOrderConfirmationModal actions Abandoned holdings after unopen order connected to at least one 'synchronized' PO Line should render message about abandoned holding(s) connected to a synchronized line(s) ‑ UnopenOrderConfirmationModal actions Abandoned holdings after unopen order connected to at least one 'synchronized' PO Line should render message about abandoned holding(s) connected to a synchronized line(s)
UnopenOrderConfirmationModal actions Abandoned holdings after unopen order connected to at least one 'synchronized' PO Line should render the same labels as for 'independent' PO Line, when where are no related items ‑ UnopenOrderConfirmationModal actions Abandoned holdings after unopen order connected to at least one 'synchronized' PO Line should render the same labels as for 'independent' PO Line, when where are no related items
UnopenOrderConfirmationModal actions should close modal ‑ UnopenOrderConfirmationModal actions should close modal
UnopenOrderConfirmationModal actions should confirm unopen order ‑ UnopenOrderConfirmationModal actions should confirm unopen order
UnopenOrderConfirmationModal should render unopen order confirmation modal  ‑ UnopenOrderConfirmationModal should render unopen order confirmation modal 
UpdateOrderErrorModal actions should close modal ‑ UpdateOrderErrorModal actions should close modal
UpdateOrderErrorModal should render open order confirmation modal  ‑ UpdateOrderErrorModal should render open order confirmation modal 
VendorForm should render 'vendor form' fields ‑ VendorForm should render 'vendor form' fields
VendorForm should render active account numbers ‑ VendorForm should render active account numbers
VendorView should display vendor account number with name when account is found ‑ VendorView should display vendor account number with name when account is found
VendorView should display vendor account number without name when account is not found/exist ‑ VendorView should display vendor account number without name when account is not found/exist
VersionView should render 'No version to display' message ‑ VersionView should render 'No version to display' message
VersionView should render selected version of entity ‑ VersionView should render selected version of entity
View TokensList should render TokensList component ‑ View TokensList should render TokensList component
addFieldArrayItemWithUniqueKey should push a new field with unique identifier in an array ‑ addFieldArrayItemWithUniqueKey should push a new field with unique identifier in an array
buildRelationModifierQuery should build query with multiple filter values ‑ buildRelationModifierQuery should build query with multiple filter values
buildRelationModifierQuery should build query with single filter value ‑ buildRelationModifierQuery should build query with single filter value
calculateEstimatedPrice should return 0.00 when po line does not have cost or currency ‑ calculateEstimatedPrice should return 0.00 when po line does not have cost or currency
calculateEstimatedPrice should return correct price when discount (amount) is passed ‑ calculateEstimatedPrice should return correct price when discount (amount) is passed
calculateEstimatedPrice should return correct price when discount (default - amount) is passed ‑ calculateEstimatedPrice should return correct price when discount (default - amount) is passed
calculateEstimatedPrice should return correct price when discount (percent) is passed ‑ calculateEstimatedPrice should return correct price when discount (percent) is passed
calculateEstimatedPrice should return correct price when electronic cost is passed ‑ calculateEstimatedPrice should return correct price when electronic cost is passed
calculateEstimatedPrice should return correct price when physical and electronic costs are passed ‑ calculateEstimatedPrice should return correct price when physical and electronic costs are passed
calculateEstimatedPrice should return correct price when physical cost is passed ‑ calculateEstimatedPrice should return correct price when physical cost is passed
calculateEstimatedPrice should return correct price with cost currency ‑ calculateEstimatedPrice should return correct price with cost currency
calculateEstimatedPrice should return correct price with included additional cost ‑ calculateEstimatedPrice should return correct price with included additional cost
calculateEstimatedPrice should return correct price with system currency (cost currency is not defined) ‑ calculateEstimatedPrice should return correct price with system currency (cost currency is not defined)
checkRelatedHoldings should check if holding(s) related to piece(s), which not related to current POLine ‑ checkRelatedHoldings should check if holding(s) related to piece(s), which not related to current POLine
createExportReport should build rows with orders data even if there are no PO Lines in the order ‑ createExportReport should build rows with orders data even if there are no PO Lines in the order
createExportReport should return export report object with custom fields ‑ createExportReport should return export report object with custom fields
createExportReport should return export report object ‑ createExportReport should return export report object
createPOLDataFromInstance should return POL data from instance ‑ createPOLDataFromInstance should return POL data from instance
fieldUtils getExportLineFields should return correct default values ‑ fieldUtils getExportLineFields should return correct default values
fieldUtils getExportLineFields should return correct values for given custom fields ‑ fieldUtils getExportLineFields should return correct values for given custom fields
fieldUtils getExportLineFieldsOptions should return correct default values ‑ fieldUtils getExportLineFieldsOptions should return correct default values
fieldUtils getExportLineFieldsOptions should return correct values for given custom fields ‑ fieldUtils getExportLineFieldsOptions should return correct values for given custom fields
fieldUtils getExportOrderFields should return correct default values ‑ fieldUtils getExportOrderFields should return correct default values
fieldUtils getExportOrderFields should return correct values for given custom fields ‑ fieldUtils getExportOrderFields should return correct values for given custom fields
fieldUtils getExportOrderFieldsOptions should return correct default values ‑ fieldUtils getExportOrderFieldsOptions should return correct default values
fieldUtils getExportOrderFieldsOptions should return correct values for given custom fields ‑ fieldUtils getExportOrderFieldsOptions should return correct values for given custom fields
getConsortiumPOLineItems should fetch all items related to poLine ‑ getConsortiumPOLineItems should fetch all items related to poLine
getConsortiumPOLineItems should handle empty results ‑ getConsortiumPOLineItems should handle empty results
getConsortiumPOLineItems should handle multiple tenant results ‑ getConsortiumPOLineItems should handle multiple tenant results
getConsortiumPiecesAndItemsCountByHoldingIds should call initPublicationRequest with correct URL, method, tenants, and signal ‑ getConsortiumPiecesAndItemsCountByHoldingIds should call initPublicationRequest with correct URL, method, tenants, and signal
getConsortiumPiecesAndItemsCountByHoldingIds should handle errors in responses ‑ getConsortiumPiecesAndItemsCountByHoldingIds should handle errors in responses
getConsortiumPiecesAndItemsCountByHoldingIds should handle mixed successful and error responses ‑ getConsortiumPiecesAndItemsCountByHoldingIds should handle mixed successful and error responses
getConsortiumPiecesAndItemsCountByHoldingIds should handle successful responses ‑ getConsortiumPiecesAndItemsCountByHoldingIds should handle successful responses
getCreateInventorySetting should return settings object ‑ getCreateInventorySetting should return settings object
getDonorUrl should return donor url ‑ getDonorUrl should return donor url
getDonorUrl should return undefined ‑ getDonorUrl should return undefined
getFieldUniqueKey should define unique identifier for a form field in an array ‑ getFieldUniqueKey should define unique identifier for a form field in an array
getFieldUniqueKey should return a field index if there is no unique identifier ‑ getFieldUniqueKey should return a field index if there is no unique identifier
getFundOptions should return empty list if there is no fund ‑ getFundOptions should return empty list if there is no fund
getFundOptions should return fund options ‑ getFundOptions should return fund options
getHoldingPiecesAndItemsCount should return count of pieces and items related to holding with central ordering enabled and handle errors ‑ getHoldingPiecesAndItemsCount should return count of pieces and items related to holding with central ordering enabled and handle errors
getHoldingPiecesAndItemsCount should return count of pieces and items related to holding with central ordering enabled ‑ getHoldingPiecesAndItemsCount should return count of pieces and items related to holding with central ordering enabled
getHoldingPiecesAndItemsCount should return count of pieces and items related to holding ‑ getHoldingPiecesAndItemsCount should return count of pieces and items related to holding
getOrderTemplateValue should clear locations locationId if order template is found and no matched locations ‑ getOrderTemplateValue should clear locations locationId if order template is found and no matched locations
getOrderTemplateValue should return empty object if order template is not found ‑ getOrderTemplateValue should return empty object if order template is not found
getOrderTemplateValue should return found order template ‑ getOrderTemplateValue should return found order template
getPiecesAndItemsCountByHoldingIds should return pieces and items fetched by holding IDs ‑ getPiecesAndItemsCountByHoldingIds should return pieces and items fetched by holding IDs
getPoFieldsLabelMap should return labels' map of PO fields ‑ getPoFieldsLabelMap should return labels' map of PO fields
getPoLineFieldsLabelMap should return labels' map for fields of package PO Line with mixed order ‑ getPoLineFieldsLabelMap should return labels' map for fields of package PO Line with mixed order
getPoLineFieldsLabelMap should return labels' map for fields of package PO Line ‑ getPoLineFieldsLabelMap should return labels' map for fields of package PO Line
getPoLineFieldsLabelMap should return labels' map for non-package PO Line fields ‑ getPoLineFieldsLabelMap should return labels' map for non-package PO Line fields
getRecordMap should return object ‑ getRecordMap should return object
getResultsFormatter should display a hypen if refNumber is missed ‑ getResultsFormatter should display a hypen if refNumber is missed
getResultsFormatter should display comma separated product ids ‑ getResultsFormatter should display comma separated product ids
getResultsFormatter should display formatted date ‑ getResultsFormatter should display formatted date
getResultsFormatter should display funcodes ‑ getResultsFormatter should display funcodes
getResultsFormatter should display only order line number ‑ getResultsFormatter should display only order line number
getResultsFormatter should display order line number with cancel icon ‑ getResultsFormatter should display order line number with cancel icon
getResultsFormatter should display vendor refNumber ‑ getResultsFormatter should display vendor refNumber
getResultsFormatter should display workflow status ‑ getResultsFormatter should display workflow status
getResultsFormatter should render formatted order status ‑ getResultsFormatter should render formatted order status
getResultsFormatter should render formatted updated date ‑ getResultsFormatter should render formatted updated date
getResultsFormatter should render only order number ‑ getResultsFormatter should render only order number
getResultsFormatter should render order number with cancel icon ‑ getResultsFormatter should render order number with cancel icon
getSettingsList should return empty list if there is no config ‑ getSettingsList should return empty list if there is no config
getSettingsList should return settings list ‑ getSettingsList should return settings list
getTranslatedAcqMethod should return either translated default value or initial value ‑ getTranslatedAcqMethod should return either translated default value or initial value
getUpdateHoldingsOptions should return options for 'How to update Holdings' field ‑ getUpdateHoldingsOptions should return options for 'How to update Holdings' field
hydrateOrderToPrint should return hydrated order for specific line ‑ hydrateOrderToPrint should return hydrated order for specific line
hydrateOrderToPrint should return hydrated order ‑ hydrateOrderToPrint should return hydrated order
hydrateOrderToPrint should return undefined if order is absent ‑ hydrateOrderToPrint should return undefined if order is absent
injectUniqueFieldArrayItemKeys should populate field array items with unique identifiers ‑ injectUniqueFieldArrayItemKeys should populate field array items with unique identifiers
isCancelableLine getCancelledLine should return cancelled line without cancelled statuses ‑ isCancelableLine getCancelledLine should return cancelled line without cancelled statuses
isCancelableLine getCancelledLine should return cancelled line without updates ‑ isCancelableLine getCancelledLine should return cancelled line without updates
isCancelableLine getCreateInventory should return create inventory field value for P/E mix order line ‑ isCancelableLine getCreateInventory should return create inventory field value for P/E mix order line
isCancelableLine getCreateInventory should return create inventory field value for electronic order line ‑ isCancelableLine getCreateInventory should return create inventory field value for electronic order line
isCancelableLine isCancelableLine should return false ‑ isCancelableLine isCancelableLine should return false
isCancelableLine isCancelableLine should return true ‑ isCancelableLine isCancelableLine should return true
isCancelableLine isOrderLineCancelled should return false ‑ isCancelableLine isOrderLineCancelled should return false
isCancelableLine isOrderLineCancelled should return true ‑ isCancelableLine isOrderLineCancelled should return true
isCancelableLine setPaymentStatus should return cancelled status ‑ isCancelableLine setPaymentStatus should return cancelled status
isCancelableLine setPaymentStatus should return fully paid status ‑ isCancelableLine setPaymentStatus should return fully paid status
isCancelableLine setPaymentStatus should return payment not required status ‑ isCancelableLine setPaymentStatus should return payment not required status
isCancelableLine setReceiptStatus should return cancelled status ‑ isCancelableLine setReceiptStatus should return cancelled status
isCancelableLine setReceiptStatus should return fully received status ‑ isCancelableLine setReceiptStatus should return fully received status
isCancelableLine setReceiptStatus should return receipt not required status ‑ isCancelableLine setReceiptStatus should return receipt not required status
isLocationsRequired should return validation message ‑ isLocationsRequired should return validation message
makeSearchQuery should return correct query for custom field type DATE_PICKER ‑ makeSearchQuery should return correct query for custom field type DATE_PICKER
makeSearchQuery should return correct query for custom field type TEXTBOX_SHORT ‑ makeSearchQuery should return correct query for custom field type TEXTBOX_SHORT
makeSearchQuery should return correct query without custom fields ‑ makeSearchQuery should return correct query without custom fields
makeSearchQuery should return keyword query with custom fields ‑ makeSearchQuery should return keyword query with custom fields
makeSearchQuery should return query with qindex ‑ makeSearchQuery should return query with qindex
makeSearchQuery should return query without qindex ‑ makeSearchQuery should return query without qindex
omitFieldArraysAsyncErrors should keep field-array in form errors object if it contains its fields' errors ‑ omitFieldArraysAsyncErrors should keep field-array in form errors object if it contains its fields' errors
omitFieldArraysAsyncErrors should keep field-array in form errors object if it contains sync error of array itself ‑ omitFieldArraysAsyncErrors should keep field-array in form errors object if it contains sync error of array itself
omitFieldArraysAsyncErrors should omit field-array from form errors if it contains only async error of array itself ‑ omitFieldArraysAsyncErrors should omit field-array from form errors if it contains only async error of array itself
omitUniqueFieldArrayItemKeys should cleanup field array items values from unique identifiers ‑ omitUniqueFieldArrayItemKeys should cleanup field array items values from unique identifiers
parseQuantity should return 0 if quantity value is missing ‑ parseQuantity should return 0 if quantity value is missing
parseQuantity should return parsed number ‑ parseQuantity should return parsed number
sections reducer should handle "INSERT_SECTION" with a new section ‑ sections reducer should handle "INSERT_SECTION" with a new section
sections reducer should handle "INSERT_SECTION" with a provided section order ‑ sections reducer should handle "INSERT_SECTION" with a provided section order
sections reducer should handle "INSERT_SECTION" with an existing key ‑ sections reducer should handle "INSERT_SECTION" with an existing key
sections reducer should return the initial state ‑ sections reducer should return the initial state
shouldSetInstanceId should return false if checkbox isPackage is checked ‑ shouldSetInstanceId should return false if checkbox isPackage is checked
shouldSetInstanceId should return false if contributors were changed ‑ shouldSetInstanceId should return false if contributors were changed
shouldSetInstanceId should return false if edition was changed ‑ shouldSetInstanceId should return false if edition was changed
shouldSetInstanceId should return false if productIds were added ‑ shouldSetInstanceId should return false if productIds were added
shouldSetInstanceId should return false if productIds were changed ‑ shouldSetInstanceId should return false if productIds were changed
shouldSetInstanceId should return false if publicationDate was changed ‑ shouldSetInstanceId should return false if publicationDate was changed
shouldSetInstanceId should return false if publisher was changed ‑ shouldSetInstanceId should return false if publisher was changed
shouldSetInstanceId should return false if title was changed ‑ shouldSetInstanceId should return false if title was changed
shouldSetInstanceId should return true if form data contains inventory data and it lost instanceId link ‑ shouldSetInstanceId should return true if form data contains inventory data and it lost instanceId link
shouldSetInstanceId should return true if form data contains inventory data ‑ shouldSetInstanceId should return true if form data contains inventory data
shouldSetInstanceId should return true if productIds were deleted ‑ shouldSetInstanceId should return true if productIds were deleted
showUpdateOrderError should handle `budgetExpenseClassNotFound` error and show message ‑ showUpdateOrderError should handle `budgetExpenseClassNotFound` error and show message
showUpdateOrderError should handle `budgetNotFoundForFiscalYear` error and show message ‑ showUpdateOrderError should handle `budgetNotFoundForFiscalYear` error and show message
showUpdateOrderError should handle `fundLocationRestrictionViolation` error and show message ‑ showUpdateOrderError should handle `fundLocationRestrictionViolation` error and show message
showUpdateOrderError should handle default error case ‑ showUpdateOrderError should handle default error case
showUpdateOrderError should handle error and open modal ‑ showUpdateOrderError should handle error and open modal
showUpdateOrderError should handle error and show message ‑ showUpdateOrderError should handle error and show message
toggleAutomaticExport should set automatic export to checked for default config ‑ toggleAutomaticExport should set automatic export to checked for default config
toggleAutomaticExport should set automatic export to checked ‑ toggleAutomaticExport should set automatic export to checked
toggleAutomaticExport should set automatic export to unchecked for default config ‑ toggleAutomaticExport should set automatic export to unchecked for default config
toggleAutomaticExport should set automatic export to unchecked ‑ toggleAutomaticExport should set automatic export to unchecked
useAcqMethod should fetch acq method by id ‑ useAcqMethod should fetch acq method by id
useAcqMethods should fetch all acq methods ‑ useAcqMethods should fetch all acq methods
useBuildQuery returned function should return proper query for custom field type MULTI_SELECT_DROPDOWN ‑ useBuildQuery returned function should return proper query for custom field type MULTI_SELECT_DROPDOWN
useBuildQuery returned function should return proper query for custom field type SINGLE_SELECT_DROPDOWN ‑ useBuildQuery returned function should return proper query for custom field type SINGLE_SELECT_DROPDOWN
useBuildQuery should return function, that return query ‑ useBuildQuery should return function, that return query
useChangeInstanceConnection should call 'patch' method on submit ‑ useChangeInstanceConnection should call 'patch' method on submit
useChangeInstanceConnection should close 'Change instance' modal when operation was cancelled ‑ useChangeInstanceConnection should close 'Change instance' modal when operation was cancelled
useChangeInstanceConnection should open 'Change instance' modal and set new instance data when new instance was selected ‑ useChangeInstanceConnection should open 'Change instance' modal and set new instance data when new instance was selected
useChangeInstanceConnection should return tools for managing change instance connection operation ‑ useChangeInstanceConnection should return tools for managing change instance connection operation
useChangeInstanceModalConfigs should return modal configs ‑ useChangeInstanceModalConfigs should return modal configs
useCloseReasonOptions should return close reason options from default list ‑ useCloseReasonOptions should return close reason options from default list
useCloseReasonOptions should return close reason options ‑ useCloseReasonOptions should return close reason options
useConfigurationSettingsMutation should call `createConfigSettings` mutation ‑ useConfigurationSettingsMutation should call `createConfigSettings` mutation
useConfigurationSettingsMutation should call `updateConfigSettings` mutation ‑ useConfigurationSettingsMutation should call `updateConfigSettings` mutation
useConnectedInvoiceLines should fetch connected to po line invoice lines ‑ useConnectedInvoiceLines should fetch connected to po line invoice lines
useConsortiumPOLineRelatedItems should fetch PO Line related items in all associated tenants ‑ useConsortiumPOLineRelatedItems should fetch PO Line related items in all associated tenants
useDefaultReceivingSearchSettings should fetch central ordering settings ‑ useDefaultReceivingSearchSettings should fetch central ordering settings
useExchangeCalculation should return calculated exchange amount ‑ useExchangeCalculation should return calculated exchange amount
useExportHistory should NOT fetch export history if PO Line IDs are not provided ‑ useExportHistory should NOT fetch export history if PO Line IDs are not provided
useExportHistory should fetch export history by PO Line IDs ‑ useExportHistory should fetch export history by PO Line IDs
useFundDistributionValidation should fetch title and update it ‑ useFundDistributionValidation should fetch title and update it
useFundsById should return funds list ‑ useFundsById should return funds list
useHandleOrderUpdateError should handle error response with 'inactiveExpenseClass' error code ‑ useHandleOrderUpdateError should handle error response with 'inactiveExpenseClass' error code
useHandleOrderUpdateError should handle response with another error code ‑ useHandleOrderUpdateError should handle response with another error code
useHandleOrderUpdateError should return order update error handler ‑ useHandleOrderUpdateError should return order update error handler
useInstance should fetch instance ‑ useInstance should fetch instance
useIsFundsRestrictedByLocationIds should return hasLocationRestrictedFund as false with holdingIds ‑ useIsFundsRestrictedByLocationIds should return hasLocationRestrictedFund as false with holdingIds
useIsFundsRestrictedByLocationIds should return hasLocationRestrictedFund as false ‑ useIsFundsRestrictedByLocationIds should return hasLocationRestrictedFund as false
useIsFundsRestrictedByLocationIds should return hasLocationRestrictedFund as true with holdingIds ‑ useIsFundsRestrictedByLocationIds should return hasLocationRestrictedFund as true with holdingIds
useIsFundsRestrictedByLocationIds should return hasLocationRestrictedFund as true ‑ useIsFundsRestrictedByLocationIds should return hasLocationRestrictedFund as true
useIsRowSelected should return 'false' if the row should not be selected ‑ useIsRowSelected should return 'false' if the row should not be selected
useIsRowSelected should return 'null' if the path didn't match ‑ useIsRowSelected should return 'null' if the path didn't match
useIsRowSelected should return 'true' if the row should be selected ‑ useIsRowSelected should return 'true' if the row should be selected
useLinesLimit should return default lines limit config ‑ useLinesLimit should return default lines limit config
useLinesLimit should return lines limit config ‑ useLinesLimit should return lines limit config
useLinkedInstances should fetch package POL linked instances ‑ useLinkedInstances should fetch package POL linked instances
useListConfiguration should fetch routing list configuration ‑ useListConfiguration should fetch routing list configuration
useListConfigurationMutation should call `createListConfig` mutation ‑ useListConfigurationMutation should call `createListConfig` mutation
useListConfigurationMutation should call `updateListConfig` mutation ‑ useListConfigurationMutation should call `updateListConfig` mutation
useManageDonorOrganizationIds should return list of donorOrganizationIds with [fundId, donorId] ‑ useManageDonorOrganizationIds should return list of donorOrganizationIds with [fundId, donorId]
useManageDonorOrganizationIds should return setDonorIds, onDonorRemove and donorOrganizationIds ‑ useManageDonorOrganizationIds should return setDonorIds, onDonorRemove and donorOrganizationIds
useOpenOrderSettings should return open order config ‑ useOpenOrderSettings should return open order config
useOrder should fetch order by id ‑ useOrder should fetch order by id
useOrderLine should fetch order line by id ‑ useOrderLine should fetch order line by id
useOrderLines should call fetchReferences to load lines related data ‑ useOrderLines should call fetchReferences to load lines related data
useOrderLines should return an empty list if there no filters were passed in the query ‑ useOrderLines should return an empty list if there no filters were passed in the query
useOrderLines should return fetched hydreated orders list ‑ useOrderLines should return fetched hydreated orders list
useOrderLinesAbandonedHoldingsCheck should return 'independent' type in result if there is at least one abandoned holding related to independent PO Line and not to synchronized ‑ useOrderLinesAbandonedHoldingsCheck should return 'independent' type in result if there is at least one abandoned holding related to independent PO Line and not to synchronized
useOrderLinesAbandonedHoldingsCheck should return 'synchronized' type in result if there is at least one abandoned holding related to synchronized PO Line ‑ useOrderLinesAbandonedHoldingsCheck should return 'synchronized' type in result if there is at least one abandoned holding related to synchronized PO Line
useOrderLinesAbandonedHoldingsCheck should return default type in result if there are no abandoned holdings ‑ useOrderLinesAbandonedHoldingsCheck should return default type in result if there are no abandoned holdings
useOrderMutation should update purchase order ‑ useOrderMutation should update purchase order
useOrderTemplate should fetch order template ‑ useOrderTemplate should fetch order template
useOrders should call fetchReferences to load order related data ‑ useOrders should call fetchReferences to load order related data
useOrders should call useBuildQuery with customFields parameter ‑ useOrders should call useBuildQuery with customFields parameter
useOrders should return an empty list if there no filters were passed in the query ‑ useOrders should return an empty list if there no filters were passed in the query
useOrders should return fetched hydreated orders list ‑ useOrders should return fetched hydreated orders list
usePOLineRelatedItems should return items related to POLine ‑ usePOLineRelatedItems should return items related to POLine
usePOLineTotalEstimatedPrice should call `getPOLineTotalEstimatedPrice` with `getCurrencyRate` ‑ usePOLineTotalEstimatedPrice should call `getPOLineTotalEstimatedPrice` with `getCurrencyRate`
usePOLineTotalEstimatedPrice should call `getPOLineTotalEstimatedPrice` ‑ usePOLineTotalEstimatedPrice should call `getPOLineTotalEstimatedPrice`
useReexport should run PUT requests to reset PO Lines 'lastEDIExportDate' field ‑ useReexport should run PUT requests to reset PO Lines 'lastEDIExportDate' field
useRelatedInvoices should fetch connected to po line invoice lines ‑ useRelatedInvoices should fetch connected to po line invoice lines
useResultsPageTitle should return `null` if there is no active search query ‑ useResultsPageTitle should return `null` if there is no active search query
useResultsPageTitle should return document title for the results page ‑ useResultsPageTitle should return document title for the results page
useRoutingAddressSettings should fetch routing address configuration ‑ useRoutingAddressSettings should fetch routing address configuration
useSearchableIndexes should return array of searchable indexes and searchable indexes of custom fields ‑ useSearchableIndexes should return array of searchable indexes and searchable indexes of custom fields
useSearchableIndexes should return array of searchable indexes ‑ useSearchableIndexes should return array of searchable indexes
useSelectedPOLineVersion should return PO Line version data ‑ useSelectedPOLineVersion should return PO Line version data
useSelectedPOVersion should return PO version data ‑ useSelectedPOVersion should return PO version data
useSettingsSections should initialize with the correct value ‑ useSettingsSections should initialize with the correct value
useSettingsSections should insert new section with position ‑ useSettingsSections should insert new section with position
useSettingsSections should insert new section without position ‑ useSettingsSections should insert new section without position
useSettingsSections should not insert section with existing key ‑ useSettingsSections should not insert section with existing key
useTenantKy should set provided okapi tenant header and return 'ky' client ‑ useTenantKy should set provided okapi tenant header and return 'ky' client
useTenantKy should use current tenant in the headers if there is no provided tenant ID ‑ useTenantKy should use current tenant in the headers if there is no provided tenant ID
useTitleMutation should fetch title and update it ‑ useTitleMutation should fetch title and update it
useTitleMutation should make post request ‑ useTitleMutation should make post request
useTitleMutation should not update title  ‑ useTitleMutation should not update title 
useUserAddressTypes should fetch user address types ‑ useUserAddressTypes should fetch user address types
useVendor should fetch vendor ‑ useVendor should fetch vendor
utils should call `getOrderPrintData` ‑ utils should call `getOrderPrintData`
validateDuplicateLines should call only poLines and convertToIsbn13 mutators ‑ validateDuplicateLines should call only poLines and convertToIsbn13 mutators
validateDuplicateLines should return error ‑ validateDuplicateLines should return error
validateLocation should return undefined if it is valid ‑ validateLocation should return undefined if it is valid
validateLocation should return validation message if it is not valid ‑ validateLocation should return validation message if it is not valid
validateLocation should return validation message if value is missing ‑ validateLocation should return validation message if value is missing
validateQuantityPhysical should return validation message ‑ validateQuantityPhysical should return validation message
withUniqueFieldArrayItemKeys should dehydrate field array items from unique identifiers for the form submission ‑ withUniqueFieldArrayItemKeys should dehydrate field array items from unique identifiers for the form submission
withUniqueFieldArrayItemKeys should hydrate initial values field array items with unique identifiers ‑ withUniqueFieldArrayItemKeys should hydrate initial values field array items with unique identifiers