Increased the limit for Service points in Request. Refs UIREQ-850.
Cannot search for requests with tags ( or [. Fix UIREQ-846.
BREAKING: Change "request-storage" interface version to 5.0. Refs - UIREQ-863.
Populate the token "requester.preferredFirstName" in the pick slip, with the data provided by the backend in the ui-requests module. Refs - UIREQ-809.
Correctly handle move-request in non-English locales. Refs UIREQ-870.
Bump major versions of several @folio/stripes-* packages. Refs UIREQ-874.
Populate the token "requester.patronGroup" in the pick slip, with the data provided by the backend in the ui-requests module. Refs - UIREQ-804.
Support inventory
interface version. Refs UIREQ-867.
Move and upgrade babel-plugin-module-resolver
to dev-deps, v5. Refs UIREQ-897.
UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest for ErrorModal. Refs UIREQ-883.
Change filtering by tag rules in RequestsFiltersConfig
. Refs UIREQ-904.
You can’t perform that action at this time.