With the Salesforce Data Cloud JDBC driver you can efficiently query millions of rows of data with low latency, and perform bulk data extractions. This driver is read-only, forward-only, and requires Java 8 or greater. It uses the new Data Cloud Query API SQL syntax.
To add the driver to your project, add the following Maven dependency:
The class name for this driver is:
Use the following command to build and test the driver:
mvn clean install
Use jdbc:salesforce-datacloud://login.salesforce.com
Use com.salesforce.datacloud.jdbc.DataCloudJDBCDriver
as the driver class name for the JDBC application.
We support three of the OAuth authorization flows provided by Salesforce. All of these flows require a connected app be configured for the driver to authenticate as, see the documentation here: connected app overview. Set the following properties appropriately to establish a connection with your chosen OAuth authorization flow:
Parameter | Description |
user | The login name of the user. |
password | The password of the user. |
clientId | The consumer key of the connected app. |
clientSecret | The consumer secret of the connected app. |
privateKey | The private key of the connected app. |
coreToken | OAuth token that a connected app uses to request access to a protected resource on behalf of the client application. |
refreshToken | Token obtained from the web server, user-agent, or hybrid app token flow. |
The documentation for username and password authentication can be found here.
To configure username and password, set properties like so:
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("user", "${userName}");
properties.put("password", "${password}");
properties.put("clientId", "${clientId}");
properties.put("clientSecret", "${clientSecret}");
The documentation for jwt authentication can be found here.
Instuctions to generate a private key can be found here
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("privateKey", "${privateKey}");
properties.put("clientId", "${clientId}");
properties.put("clientSecret", "${clientSecret}");
The documentation for refresh token authentication can be found here.
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("coreToken", "${coreToken}");
properties.put("refreshToken", "${refreshToken}");
properties.put("clientId", "${clientId}");
properties.put("clientSecret", "${clientSecret}");
See this page on available connection settings.
These settings can be configured in properties by using the prefix querySetting.
For example, to control locale set the following property:
properties.put("querySetting.lc_time", "en_US");
To authenticate using key-pair authentication you'll need to generate a certificate and register it with your connected app.
# create a key pair:
openssl genrsa -out keypair.key 2048
# create a digital certificate, follow the prompts:
openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha256 -days 365 -key keypair.key -out certificate.crt
# create a private key from the key pair:
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in keypair.key -out private.key
: The data space to query, defaults to "default"User-Agent
: The User-Agent string identifies the JDBC driver and, optionally, the client application making the database connection.
By default, the User-Agent string will end with "salesforce-datacloud-jdbc/{version}" and we will prepend any User-Agent provided by the client application.
For example: "User-Agent: ClientApp/1.2.3 salesforce-datacloud-jdbc/1.0"
public static void executeQuery() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("user", "${userName}");
properties.put("password", "${password}");
properties.put("clientId", "${clientId}");
properties.put("clientSecret", "${clientSecret}");
try (var connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:salesforce-datacloud://login.salesforce.com", properties);
var statement = connection.createStatement()) {
var resultSet = statement.executeQuery("${query}");
while (resultSet.next()) {
// Iterate over the result set
Some of our classes are tested using assertions generated with the assertj assertions generator. Due to some transient test-compile issues we experienced, we checked in generated assertions for some of our classes. If you make changes to any of these classes, you will need to re-run the assertion generator to have the appropriate assertions available for that class.
To find examples of these generated assertions, look for files with the path **/test/**/*Assert.java
To re-generate these assertions execute the following command:
mvn assertj:generate-assertions