Django app to integrate GoPay into your project.
Communication with GoPay API is fully handled by gopay-python-api. For now, We have implemented just a part of the API:
- creating a single payment
Feel free to add other parts!
Add gopay_django_api
into installed_apps and set these parameters:
GOPAY_DOMAIN = <your domain>
GOPAY_GOID = <goid>
GOPAY_CLIENT_ID = <client id>
GOPAY_CLIENT_SECRET = <client secret>
GOPAY_IS_PRODUCTION = <False if you want to use testing environment, True otherwise>
GOPAY_LANG = <language of the gateway, e.g., Language.CZECH>
GOPAY_DEFAULT_PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT = <default payment method, e.g., PaymentInstrument.PAYMENT_CARD>
GOPAY_ALLOWED_PAYMENT_INSTRUMENTS = <list of all available payment methods, e.g., [PaymentInstrument.PAYMENT_CARD>
GOPAY_CURRENCY = <currency, e.g., Currency.CZECH_CROWNS>
Add this somewhere into your urls:
url(r'^gopay/', include('gopay_django_api.urls'))
from gopay_django_api.models import Payment
from gopay_django_api.signals import payment_changed
contact = Payment.objects.create_contact(email='[email protected]')
payment = Payment.objects.create_single_payment(
order_description='Description of the order.',
order_items={'item_name': 100},
def check_payment(sender, instance, previous_state, **kwargs):
# something