The purpose of this project is so that I can read a spreadsheet of times I need to drink water to text me when I need to drink more water throughout my day.
HydraAlert is made to alert athletes when they should drink water given a spreadsheet. This project was birthed from training for an Iron Man in which I realized how much water I was losing while training. HydraAlert's goal is to serve as a quirky reminder to keep hydrated at specific times throughout my day. I made it to be annoying so that I do drink water.
Create a .env to store your api keys and any other secrets. To Run locally, follow the readme in the src directory. Currently, I am supporting running locally. Future plans will be to have a server running this program. Spreadsheet must follow this design
Open an issue if you have any problems running and setting the needed vars.
- 0.1 - Initial Release
- Ability to read from google sheet to update times.
- Issues: Only able to read spreadsheet in specific format.
- 0.2 - Initial Workout Release
- New: Ability to read workout program and send motivational messages every morning
- Issues: Only specific spreadsheet formats.