A menu tool for GT:MP
A derivated version of Menu_Builder of Styuk (https://github.com/Stuyk/Menu-Builder-Pure-JS) for GT:MP
Add carriage Return on press Enter;
Add MaxLength variable for input;
Add 2 type of Input, simple and long;
Add Font type for input text;
Add Audio Lib and Audio Name On click input;
Add French keyboard Layout;
Add Language function;
Add HeaderColor function;
Add Border function;
Updated position VerticallyCentered.
let menu: Menu = resource.menu_builder.createMenu(2);
let panel: Panel;
let inputPanel: InputPanel;
let textElement: TextElement;
// Create buttons / headers for all pages.
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
// Header Panels
panel = menu.createPanel(i, 12, 1, 8, 2);
panel.MainBackgroundColor(92, 49, 4, 255);
panel.Header = true;
textElement = panel.addText(`Menu Builder`);
textElement.Centered = true;
textElement.Font = 1;
textElement.Color(206, 213, 206, 255);
textElement = panel.addText(`Page ( ${i} / 1 )`);
textElement.Font = 4;
textElement.Color(206, 213, 206, 255);
textElement.Centered = true;
textElement.FontScale = 0.45;
// Previous Page
panel = menu.createPanel(i, 11, 1, 1, 2);
panel.MainBackgroundColor(92, 49, 4, 255);
panel.Function = menu.prevPage;
panel.Header = true;
panel.Hoverable = true;
panel.HoverBackgroundColor(154, 110, 64, 255);
panel.Tooltip = "Previous Page";
textElement = panel.addText("<");
textElement.Centered = true;
textElement.VerticalCentered = true;
textElement.Color(206, 213, 206, 255);
// Next Page
panel = menu.createPanel(i, 20, 1, 1, 2);
panel.MainBackgroundColor(92, 49, 4, 255);
panel.Function = menu.nextPage;
panel.Header = true;
panel.Hoverable = true;
panel.HoverBackgroundColor(154, 110, 64, 255);
panel.Tooltip = "Next Page";
textElement = panel.addText(">");
textElement.VerticalCentered = true;
textElement.Centered = true;
textElement.Color(206, 213, 206, 255);
panel = menu.createPanel(0, 11, 3, 10, 10);
panel.MainBackgroundColor(206, 213, 206, 255);
// Line Element 0
textElement = panel.addText(`Line 0`);
textElement.Centered = true;
textElement.Font = 4;
textElement.FontScale = 0.4;
textElement.Color(83, 117, 40, 255);
// Line Element 1
textElement = panel.addText(`Line 1`);
textElement.Centered = true;
textElement.Font = 4;
textElement.FontScale = 0.4;
textElement.Color(83, 117, 40, 255);
// Line Element 2
textElement = panel.addText(`Line 2`);
textElement.Centered = true;
textElement.Font = 4;
textElement.FontScale = 0.4;
textElement.Color(83, 117, 40, 255);
// Example Function Button
panel = menu.createPanel(0, 11, 13, 10, 1);
panel.MainBackgroundColor(47, 76, 22, 255);
panel.Hoverable = true;
panel.Header = true;
panel.Function = testMessage;
panel.HoverBackgroundColor(83, 117, 40, 255);
textElement = panel.addText(`Fire Event`);
textElement.Centered = true;
textElement.VerticalCentered = true;
textElement.Font = 4;
textElement.FontScale = 0.5;
textElement.Color(206, 213, 206, 255);
// Second Page Input Panel Example / Image
panel = menu.createPanel(1, 11, 3, 10, 5);
panel.MainBackgroundColor(206, 213, 206, 255);
panel.MainBackgroundImagePadding = 10;
panel.MainBackgroundImage = "clientside/resources/images/backgrounds/background_2.jpg";
panel = menu.createPanel(1, 11, 8, 10, 5);
panel.MainBackgroundColor(206, 213, 206, 255);
textElement = panel.addText(`Regular Input`);
textElement.Color(83, 117, 40, 255);
textElement = panel.addText(` `);
inputPanel = panel.addInput(0, 1, 10, 1);
inputPanel.MainBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0, 100);
inputPanel.HoverBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0, 75);
inputPanel.SelectBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0, 125);
textElement = panel.addText(`Numeric Input`);
textElement.Color(83, 117, 40, 255);
inputPanel = panel.addInput(0, 3, 10, 1);
inputPanel.NumericOnly = true;
inputPanel.MainBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0, 100);
inputPanel.HoverBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0, 75);
inputPanel.SelectBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0, 125);
menu.Ready = true;
If you would like to really learn how to use this resource. You're going to have to look at the functions near the bottom and study the different methods you can access inside of the classes.