This project show how configure SpringBoot App that use Jersey REST Controller and OAuth2 with Apache Oltu ;) The project use authorization with Google and Facebook.
The project example apply Authorization Request flow ( To learn well how OAuth2 works I recommend read RFC 2616 for The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework (
Ps.: This is simple app to show you how start using apache oltu. Please, improve and apply design patterns to let you app be more professional.
Spring Boot >
Apache Oltu >
Maven >
Jersey >
1 - This app use maven to build and download dependencies. Please, if you still not know how use, please go to
2 - Create a client id and secret on facebook ( Configure the url of your site to facebook allow the traffic between your site and facebook.
3 - Create a client id and secret on google ( Configure the url of your site to google allow the traffic between your site and google. Configure too the url redirect. Google need know where go back to your site/server. ;)
4 - After steps 2 and 3, go to located in src/main/resources and update with information from each authorization site.
5 - If still not know about Spring Boot, please, I think you should know about it. Pivotal has been made a great job! (
6 - Remember: Add Apache Oltu on pom.xml file to maven know where is the dependency.
If you like to use command-line terminal, go to root directory and run following command:
$ mvn compile
If you use Spring Tool Suite like me, perform the follow steps:
1 - Right click on project
2 - Choose Run As...
3 - Then choose Maven Build
If you use command-line terminal, go to root directory and run following command: (
$ mvn spring-boot:run
If you use Spring Tool Suite...
1 - Right click on project
2 - Choose Run As...
3 - Then choose Spring Boot App