This is an capstone project for Udacity Devops course. I choose to create a Jenkins pipeline, because I am already able to deploy using circleci. I already implemented a pipeline at ( repository.
I decided to create an EC2 Ubuntu instance outside the Kubernetes cluster. This instance has installed the following packages and tools:
Candy | Link |
Docker | Docker |
Node 13 / 14 | Node.js |
Git | GIT |
AWS cli | AWS cli |
Kubectl cli | kubectl |
Jenkins | Jenkins |
wget | sudo apt install wget |
gnup | sudo apt-get install gnupg |
curl + unzip | sudo apt-get install curl unzip |
Hadlint | (ttps:// |
Open JDK 11 | apt install openjdk-11-jdk |
The images below show how was the docker file hadolint test.
The images below show a successfull pipeline execution.
- Pipeline 101 deployed!
- Pipeline 102 started and working!
- Pipeline 102 deployed and running!
- EC2 Instances
Jenkins Jenkins link
This is app is functional using the following url provided by AWS API Gateway:
This pipeline creates the cluster and deploy first version of the app. [jenkins-create-cluster]
This pipeline update the app. [jenkins]
This project is covered by circleci pipeline to test the app, but it does not deploy. [.circleci/config.yml]