- Copy
- Add plugin in main.js:
- On your draw code:
if(ig.gui.show) ig.gui.draw();
- Boom. Easy-GUI
name: Element name
group: Group name
title: Element title. Shown in the lower-left of the element if enabled.
keybind: Element bound key. Allows a key to activate the button as well as the mouse. (must be the name that the key is bound with in Main.js)
showTitle: Show the element's title on the element. The default is false
showBind: Show the key bound to the element. The default is false (it simply shows the name of the key that is bound in Main.js)
count: An integer attached to the element, can be used for various purposes.
icon: An icon to be shown on top of the element, during all states.
size: Size of element
pos: Position to place this element on screen
disabled: Avoids behaviors and state changes
alpha: Specifies the alpha transparency. The default is 1 (fully opaque).
toggle: Changes state and remains there until you click. The default is false
active: Toggle initial state. Default is false,
mouseDown: Sets a function that runs continuously while the mouse button is pressed
click: Sets a function that runs every time you press the mouse button
state: Allows state and behavior changes
normal: Normal state of element (Required, other states: **hover** and **active**)
image: Image resource.
tile: Number of tile. (Optional, you can use a simple image)
tileSize: Tile size
name: 'button_name',
group: 'group_name',
size: { x: 28, y: 56 },
pos: { x: 0, y: 37 },
state: {
normal: {
image: new ig.Image('media/minibutton.png')
click: function() {
// Action!
name: 'button_name',
group: 'group_name',
title: 'button_title',
showTitle: true,
keybind: 'button_key',
showBind: true,
icon: new ig.Image('media/icon.png'),
size: { x: 32, y: 32 },
pos: { x: 15, y: 10 },
disabled: false,
alpha: 0.5,
toggle: true,
active: false,
state: {
normal: {
image: new ig.Image('media/buttons.png'),
tile: 3,
tileSize: 32
hover: {
image: new ig.Image('media/buttons.png'),
tile: 4,
tileSize: 32
active: {
image: new ig.Image('media/buttons.png'),
tile: 5,
tileSize: 32
mouseDown: function() {
// Mouse down!
click: function() {
console.log(this); // Print this button ;)
(ig.gui.element.action('getByName', 'button_name')).alpha = 0.5;