This project is converter/compiler project using flex and bison Forked by Yubi Lee, Sungmin Kim project. by Philippe Geraldeli and Allan Patrick.
flex miniC.l
bison -d miniC.y
gcc -o miniC print.c symboltable.c lex.yy.c Converter.c -g -lfl
miniC < input.txt
Tree/Program in PDL:resultado.txt
Program := (DeclList)? (FuncList)? // DeclList FuncList | DeclList | FuncList | ε
DeclList := (Declaration)+ // Declaration | DeclList Declaration
FuncList := (Function)+
Declaration := Type IdentList ;
IdentList := identifier (, identifier)* // identifier | IdentList , identifier
identifier := id | id [ intnum ] // (Note) [, ] are not symbols used in regular expression
Function := Type id ( (ParamList)? ) CompoundStmt
ParamList := Type identifier (, Type identifier)*
Type := int | float
CompoundStmt := { (DeclList)? StmtList }
StmtList := (Stmt)*
Stmt := AssignStmt | CallStmt | RetStmt | WhileStmt | ForStmt | IfStmt | CompoundStmt | ;
AssignStmt :=Assign ;
Assign := id = Expr | id [ Expr ] = Expr
CallStmt := Call ;
Call := id ( (ArgList)? )
RetStmt := return (Expr)? ;
Expr := MINUS Expr | MathRel Eqltop Expr | MathRel | Call | Ids
MathRel := MathEql Relaop MathRel | MathEql
MathEql := TERM Addiop MathEql | TERM
FACTOR := ’(’ Expr ’)’ | FLOATNUM | INTNUM
Id := ID | ID [ Expr ]
So, Our miniC program doesn't follow the rule below.
1. ++, --
2. According to this rule
CompoundStmt := { (DeclList)? StmtList }
Followings are illegal:
int main()
int a;
int b; // this is wrong because there is no "StmtList".