Add leges to the repository, and allows to insert them where needed in the PDC item.
- Unzip and/or move all files to the /wp-content/plugins/pdc-leges directory
- Log into WordPress admin and activate the ‘PDC Leges’ plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu
Lege prices can be updated automatically via a WP_CLI command, this command should be registred in a cron-job. The full command name to use is 'wp owc-update-leges'.
A lege has 3 settings:
- Current lege price
- New lege price
- Date active new lege price
The command queries all the leges which have valid values in the 'New lege price' and 'Date active new lege price' setting fields. If the date in the 'Date active new lege price' settings field has been expired the 'Current lege price' settings field will be updated with the new price. If the update succeedes the 'New lege price' and 'Date active new lege price' setting fields will be cleared.
There are various hooks, which allows for changing the output.
Via the plugin object the following config settings can be adjusted
- metaboxes
- rest_api_fields
If you want to use your own set of labels/names/descriptions and so on you can do so. All text output in this plugin is controlled via the gettext methods.
Please use your preferred way to make your own translations from the /wp-content/plugins/pdc-leges/languages/pdc-leges.pot file
Be careful not to put the translation files in a location which can be overwritten by a subsequent update of the plugin, theme or WordPress core.
We recommend using the 'Loco Translate' plugin.
This plugin provides an easy interface for custom translations and a way to store these files without them getting overwritten by updates.
For instructions how to use the 'Loco Translate' plugin, we advice you to read the Beginners's guide page on their website: or start at the homepage:
To run the Unit tests go to a command-line.
cd /path/to/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/pdc-leges/
composer install
For code coverage report, generate report with command line command and view results with browser.
phpunit --coverage-html ./tests/coverage
Have a look at the code coverage reports to see where more coverage can be obtained. Write tests Create a Pull request to the OWC repository
If you have questions about or suggestions for this plugin, please contact Holger Peters from Gemeente Buren.