Neural Machine Translation with Pseudo-Source Discriminator.
This implementation is based on the Theano version of Nematus.
The Machine Translation model is trained on natural parallel data (the source is a human translation of the target), as well as pseudo-parallel data (the source is an automatic translation or a copy of the target). These two data types have a separate encoder and are used in a Generative Adversarial Network scenario. The output of both encoders is fed to a discriminator that is optimized to distinguish the encoding of natural and pseudo sources. The discriminator feedback is used to optimize the pseudo-source encoder.
See the Nematus repository.
to train a model.
The arguments are the same as in Nematus, augmented with the following:
parameter | description |
--pseudo_data | parallel training corpus with pseudo-source |
--pretrain_pseudo_src | pretrain pseudo source encoder before NMT training starts |
--generator_start_uidx | update number to start generator training (default: 10000) |
--nmt_start_uidx | update number to start NMT training (default: 10000) |
--pseudo_src_noise | introduce noise in pseudo source (drop words and make permutations) |
--d_lrate | learning rate for pseudo-source discriminator (default: 1e-05) |
--g_lrate | learning rate for pseudo-source generator (default: 1e-05) |
Inference is run just like in Nematus.
Franck Burlot and François Yvon, Using Monolingual Data in Neural Machine Translation: a Systematic Study. In Proceedings of the Third Conference on Machine Translation (WMT’18). Association for Computational Linguistics, Brussels, Belgium, 2018.