PowerModelsReliability.jl is a Julia/JuMP/PowerModels package with extensions for reliability management based on security-constrained OPF. Building upon PowerModels, the code is engineered to decouple problem specifications (e.g. Power Flow, Optimal Power Flow, ...) from the power network formulations (e.g. AC, DC-approximation, SOC-relaxation, ...).
Core Problem Specifications
- Optimal Power Flow with Phase Shifting Transformers and On-line Tap Changing Transformers (tfopf)
- Optimal Power Flow with Phase Shifting Transformers and On-line Tap Changing Transformers and Load Shedding (unittfopf)
- Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow with Phase Shifting Transformers and On-line Tap Changing Transformers and Load Shedding (scunittfopf)
Core Network Formulations
- See PowerModels documentation
Network Data Formats
- Matpower ".m" files
For further information, consult the PowerModels documentation.
The developers thank Carleton Coffrin for his support
This code is provided under a BSD license.