it will download a minimal CentOS 6 image, Puppet 3.7 and all it dependencies
You can also use use the official Oracle Linux 6.6 docker image, just do the following
- wget
- docker load -i oraclelinux-6.6.tar.xz
- docker run --rm -i -t oraclelinux:6.6 /bin/bash
- Change the first line of the Dockerfile to FROM oraclelinux:6.6
The Docker image will be big, and off course this is not supported by Oracle and like always check your license to use this software
Configures Puppet and use librarian-puppet to download all the modules from the Puppet Forge
- Oracle Database Standard Edition
- Service name =
- username sys or system
- All passwords = Welcome01
- Demo schemas
Optional, you can add your own DB things, just change the puppet site.pp manifest
- Add your own Tablespaces
- Add Roles
- User with grants
- Change database init parameters
- execute some SQL
Download the following software 12.1.01 from Oracle and Agree to the license
- file 1 & 2 ( )
Add them to this docker folder
docker build -t oracle/database12101 .
Maybe after the build you should compress it first, see the compress section for more info
default, will start the listener & database server
- docker run -i -t -p 1521:1521 oracle/database12101:latest
with bash
docker run -i -t -p 1521:1521 oracle/database12101:latest /bin/bash
- /
- ID=$(docker run -d oracle/database12101:latest /bin/bash)
- docker export $ID > database12101.tar
- cat database12101.tar | docker import - database12101
- docker run -i -t -p 1521:1521 database12101:latest /bin/bash
- /
Probably you will run out of space
- Resize boot2docker image
VirtualBox forward rules
- VBoxManage controlvm boot2docker-vm natpf1 "database,tcp,,1521,,1521"
Check the ipaddress
- boot2docker ip