make, c-compiler, java
This will download and build redis
This will start:
- 1 Redis master
- 2 Redis slaves
- 1 HTTP Frontend
Create a tiny url:
- curl -d "URL=" http://localhost:8080/create
Test a tiny url
- curl -v http://localhost:8080/lookup/7c7fea
- Paste http://localhost:8080/lookup/7c7fea into a browser
Solution returns HTTP 302 if lookup is successful, 404 if not
Edit frontend/src/main/resources/application.conf
finagle_address - Bind the web server to this address, e.g. localhost:8080
public_address - Address sent to the clients, e.g. http://localhost:8080 => http://localhost:8080/lookup/abcdef
hash_size - number of characters in the generated tiny URL
redis_master - host:port to the Redis master, writes will happen here - example localhost:6379
redis_slave - semicolon separated list of slaves, lookups will go to these - example localhost:7777;localhost:8888
- Check for hash collisions, if that happens, use a one char longer hash
- If the master redis server failes, promote a slave to master
- If a slave failes, mark it as bad, maybe just for a while.
- Make it possible to shard/partition the writes over several masters