Fredrik Nerol Beilegaard Im a product devoloper working at the soil biology department at NMBU. Main areas of work and experience: Electronic Design and production Sensor design Cad Design Data Visualization Programming Currently Working on: Parametric Antenna Designer - Parametric antenna designer and optimizer, utilizing OpenEMS FDTD solver. Soil Moisture Probe - Zigbee/BT5.0 battery driven 76mhz capacitive soil moisture, electric conductivity, and temperature probe. Methane Sensor - LTE-M Methane sensor for detecting methane emissions from manure cellars Opensource projects: uPLC - IOT Wifi relays for smartifying every dumbdevice i own. Eikgeiger - Small form factor geiger counter, usb powered with a 1200v power supply, uses SBM-20 tubes SPImux - daisy chainable 16 channel eurocard mux device FFR-Analysis - Collaboration project with u/larsmolstad where i contributed GUI additions and visualisation tools ERT interpolation script - Script to interpolate heights for ERT measurements based on lidar maps from hø