My computing environment setup expressed in code.
Execute the bootstrap script from $HOME
bash <(curl -fsSL
This will prepare the computer to continue the installation of software and configuration files. This script will:
- Set bash as the default shell.
- Install XCode command line tools, if not already installed.
- Clone this repo.
- Set a new hostname (I don't like the default
Changing the hostname requires a reboot. After rebooting you can continue the
setup process from the workenv
bash ~/code/fredym/workenv/
The most relevant configuration files are stored in this directory and symlinked
from $HOME
There are some simple tasks I often run but for which there is no command line tool yet available so I just create one and add it here. These tools are designed and built to run on macOS, although I've managed to run them on Windows and Linux with a few tweaks.
Displays on screen a report of the current status of:
- Docker machines
- Default Docker machine disk size
- Docker images
- Docker containers
Depends on: docker
Searches the term specified in the first argument in the Diccionario de la lengua española. As an Spanish native speaker this comes in handy when doing some writing.
Depends on: lynx
Usage example
$ drae diccionario
Del b. lat. dictionarium.
1. m. Repertorio en forma de libro o en soporte electrónico en el que
se recogen, según un orden determinado, las palabras o expresiones de
una o más lenguas, o de una materia concreta, acompañadas de su
definición, equivalencia o explicación.
2. m. Catálogo de noticias o datos de un mismo género, ordenado
alfabéticamente. Diccionario bibliográfico, biográfico, geográfico.
Real Academia Española © Todos los derechos reservados
Displays on screen a report of the current git repository:
- Local branches
- Last 10 commits for the curren branch
- Index status
- Stash status
- Remote origin status
Depends on: git
A password generation tool. Based on the generator written by Benoit Mortgat and published by Simon Sheppard. Asks for a master password and a key to produce a twenty-character string. This way I can have different passwords for different services instead of using the same one every time. The best of all is that I don't need a secure storage to keep my passwords safe.
Depends on: perl
A convenient way to manually backup important files into a safe place. This can be scheduled when needed.
A convenient way to manually restore important files from a safe place. I don't use this frequently, mostly when I'm setting up a new workstation.