- Download R from this website for free: https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/
- Download R Studio from this website (also for free): https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/#download
- Provides an interface that’s easier to work with
- GTFS data
- calendar.txt
- trips.txt
- routes.txt
- stop_times.txt
- stops.txt
- Existing and candidate depot sites
- A .csv file with data on existing depots. The file should have at least the following columns:
- A column titled “id” with the ID #'s of your depots
- If the depots do not have ID’s, they can simply be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.
- A column titled 'lat' with latitude coordinates of your depots
- A column titled 'lon' with longitude coordinates of your depots
- A column titled “id” with the ID #'s of your depots
- A .csv file with the candidate properties you’re considering. The file should have at least the following columns:
- A column with the name or address of the properties
- A column with the ID #'s of the properties
- If the depots do not have ID’s, they can simply be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.
- A column titled 'lat' with latitude coordinates of the properties
- A column titled 'lon' with longitude coordinates of the properties
- A .csv file with data on existing depots. The file should have at least the following columns:
- Open R Studio
- Paste the following lines in the Console (default bottom-left panel) and press "enter":
runGitHub("depot_locator", "karagtodd")
- This will download and run the app.R script in this repository
- Follow instructions in the app window to upload data files
- Progress outputs and any error messages will be printed in the Console
- When the app is finished running, click "download" to save the .csv file of the new vehicle assignments
- Download "app.R" script
- Open R Studio
- Open “app.R” script
- Click “Run App” in the top right corner of the script panel
- Follow instructions in the app window to upload data files
- Progress outputs and any error messages will be printed in the Console (bottom left panel)
- When the app is finished running, click "download" to save the .csv file of the new vehicle assignments
NOTE: The output on cost savings will not be saved. Please copy and paste this text into a separate file for your records. If you forget to save the text, the same values can be easily recalculated from the output in the .csv file.
- Error message: “The following highway types are present in data yet lack corresponding weight_profile values: road, corridor,”
- This will not stop the code from running. It is just a warning that some travel time estimates will be less accurate than others.
- Error message: “NAs introduced by coercion”
- Problem: This is likely due to the formatting of your input for hourly wage and/or operating cost. It should not stop the app from running but will probably result in “NA” values in the output text instead of calculating cost savings.
- Solution: Ensure that only numeric characters are used in your cost input. For example, 15.25 is acceptable, but $15.25 will result in this error message.
- Error message: “Warning in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote, : incomplete final line found by readTableHeader”
- Problem: The program is unable to read one of the input files. The problem is most likely in one of the .csv property files.
- Solution:
- Open the .csv file in a simple text editor (Notepad, TextEdit, etc.)
- Place your cursor at the end of the last line and press Enter.
- Save the file and re-run the app.
- Download R and (optional) R studio as per the directions above
- Paste the following code in the console and press "enter"
shiny::runGitHub("depot_locator", "freyja-bt", "challenge")
- Click the checkbox "Load files from the MARTA case study" at the top
- (Optional) Scroll down to the bottom and choose to include residential roads, if desired
- Click "Submit" at the bottom