__ __ _ _
/ _|_ __ ___ __ _ __ _ _ _ / _| ___| |_ ___| |_
| |_| '__/ _ \ / _`|/ _`|| | | | |_ / _ \ __/ __| '_ \
| _| | | (🐸) | (_| | (_| | |_| | _| __/ || (__| | | |
|_| |_| \___/ \__, |\__, |\___, |_| \___|\__\___|_| |_|
|___/ |___/ |___/
hi, this is froggyfetch ✨, the cutest open source system fetch for linux, written in rust 🦀
now with frog facts! 🐸 (use the --fact flag :3)
1: install a nerdfont for characters to display correctly in your terminal
2: build the package from source:
git clone https://github.com/froggy-jpg/froggyfetch
cd froggyfetch
3: enjoy your really cool system fetch :3
add main system info like kernel, operating system and such ⭐add package readout for packages 📦add total and used system memory readout 🖥️add cool frog ascii art for printing as a logo 🐸add a make file 📝add cool facts about frogs 🤓- add package to the aur 📘
- ClaireRoush for helping with a lot stuff 💚
- Joan Stark for creating frog ascii 🙏