- Load VRM models with URL
- Get meta information of VRM models
- VisionOS Support (Shaders will be replace with Unlit untill official shader support. Build with Polyspatial)

# Install openupm-cli
npm install -g openupm-cli
# Go to your unity project directory
# Install package:
openupm add com.from2001.vrm-visualscripting-nodes
This Visual Scripting Graph shows how to load VRM with URL and attach animation as well as getting meta information of the VRM model. LoadVRM node only works with Coroutine checked in On Start Event triger node.
Notice: Check "Coroutine" in the "On Start Event" triger node.
These samples can be imported.
- Load vrm
- Attach animation
- Get meta information
Implement features of VRM-1.0 APIs
LoadVisionOS Support (Partially supported)Improve Shader replacement for VisionOS Support- Expression
- LookAt
- Gaze
- SetYawPitch
Set target location
Add some useful features
Cache data in local storage
Materials are replaced with PolySpatialEnvironmentDiffuseShader shader materials on visionOS
If you want to use glTFast Visual Scripting Nodes and VRM Visual Scripting Nodes in a same project, add two Scripting Define Symbols in Project Settings
> Player
> Other Settings
> Script Compilation
> Scripting Define Symbols