My name is Felipe Fronchetti. I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Louisiana State University. In my account, you will find tools and replication packages for the papers I've published over the past few years. Each of my repositories is *usually* named with the initials of a conference and a year of publication, so it's easy for other researchers to explore my work.
My research interests lie in Software Engineering, where I investigate alternatives to improve how humans write code for industrial robots. Among the technologies that I am using in my studies are robots like GoFa and YuMi, and other high-end devices such as the Microsoft Hololens. My favorite programming language is Python, but I also use C#, JavaScript, and domain-specific languages (e.g., RAPID) all the time.
A great example of a project that I have been working on is Duplo (New video), a block-based programming language for two-armed collaborative robots, designed to assist users without experience in programming. If you are interested in our work, don't hesitate to send us a message.
Although I love to work with robots, my career as a researcher started with OSS communities. For more than six years, I investigated topics such as the integration of newcomers in open-source projects, the differences between employees and volunteers in open-source communities, and the benefits of social coding platforms like GitHub. Most of these papers are publicly available on my Google Scholar profile. If you feel interested in this part of my work, please visit one of my most recent tools on Streamlit, where I show you how I created a supervised NLP model from scratch.
Note: I am always open to sharing my knowledge and experience with others, so please feel free to send me a message if you want to start a conversation! Feedback on my projects is also highly appreciated.
Discord: fronchetti, E-mail: [email protected]