Releases: frost-byte/QuickBoardX
Support for 1.16.1
1.1.0-SNAPSHOT Player List Teams
Per Player Scoreboards now include customizable Player Tab List Teams.
Tab List Teams are defined and configured in plugins/quickboardx/teams/teams.default.yml by default
Additional team configs can be added to that folder.
Each config can define whether the teams apply to all of the defined Scoreboard configs of QuickBoardX or to a list/subset
Setting a player's Tab List teams requires calling a PlayerTeamUpdateEvent with the player's UUID and teamName as it appears in a teams config file
Adds Support for 1.15.2
Changed Repositories for Dependencies
1.0.0-SNAPSHOT v2
Includes Commands for Listing, Adding and Removing Enabled Worlds for Scoreboards
Includes a README with documentation for the plugin.
Compatibility with 1.8.8, 1.12.2 and 1.14.4