Hi there 👋, I am
(read as frozone programs)
Here is a brief overview of my repos:
- Projects: A few random projects I embarked on to enhance or practice my skills
- NTUC Internship 2023: A compilation of the code I used mainly for EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) during my internship with NTUC-ARU in 2023
- SkillsFuture Internship 2024: A compilatiom of the code I used mainly to experiment with machine learning, deep learning and using LLMs through their APIs during my internship with SkillsFuture Singapore in 2024
- trainingwheels: a private repo for now, as it is a work in progress
- CS3244: A compilation of code used for the Machine Learning module I took in school (it is private to ensure confidentiality of my work as it is a recurring course)
- Programming languages: Python, SQL, R
- Technical knowledge:
- Machine learning with scikit-learn
- Deep Learning with PyTorch, Tensorflow
- Open-source APIs (mainly ChatGPT)
- Data Cleaning and Visualisation (R and Python)
- Video Games (I don't really have much of a preference for any genre, some of my favourite games include: Star Wars Battlefront, God of War 2018, God of War Ragnarök, and just to prove that I really don't have much of a specific taste, I like Cities Skylines a lot)
- Browsing the Apple store to look at Macs I wish I could own
- Watches and Timepieces
- Spending time with my friends
- My personal email address: [email protected]
- My LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/shane-bharathan