A concept study for ANSI capable mud server to interoperate with the BalcCon Badge.
TODO - connection manager / world task
In order to allow multiple users access the mud we need some sort of concurrency. The main models to choose from are:
OS threads
Easy to use, however has a big overhead and needs us to deal with synchronization problems.
Not well supported and not ideal for server code.
Event-driven programming
Usually results in non linear control flow. Data flow and errors are hard to follow.
Actor model
Divides concurent calculations in actors. Actors communicate through fallible messages. Unclear how to address flow control and retry logic.
Rust Async
Performant for high amount of parallel operations with high latency (especially I/O operations). Not ideal for parallell computations.
(DECISION) The async model will be used. The software will be implented in Rust using tokio as the engine for async.
- General considerations message format: Type |
- Command message format: CMD
- Data message format:
AI Actors:
- Run in own thread each like a simulated player
Misc stuff:
- Client keypair: Must be ed25519
- Calling from a client: ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no localhost -p 2222
Support for the following clauses:
(sbuject implied as self) verb Examples: - Look
(subject implied as self) verb - object. Examples: - Look at object - Read book - Open port
(subject implied as self) verb - adjective - object Examples: - Look at old book - Read yellow paper - Open rusty port
verb - object - preposition - object Examples: - Attack ICE with exploit - Examine port with portscan
verb - adjective - object - preposition- adjective - object - Attack black ICE with weak exploit - Use ancient glasses to read old book
In order to develop a language that the programm understands, we need to develop a syntax and semantics.
We provide the syntay in BNF as a basis to build the parser. The BNF can be tested at BNF Playgound
// TODO - maybe just allow one adverb for simplicity sake
<sentence> ::= <action> | <command>
<action> ::= <verb> <blank> <adverblist> <blank> <object> ("." | E)
<command> ::= "help" (<blank> <topic> | E) | "inventory"
<adverblist> ::= <adverb> | <adverb> (","+ <blank>* | <blank>+) <adverblist> | E
<adverb> ::= "quickly" | "slowly"
<do> ::= "do"
<verb> ::= "look" | "read" | "enter" | "connect" | "access" | "open"
<object> ::= <article> ("port" | "ram bank" | "quickhack")
<article> ::= ("the" <blank> | E)
<topic> ::= "verbs" | "inventory" | "combat"
<blank> ::= " "+
Terminal cursor movement Test\r\n\x1B[0;0HThis is a test" See also: https://docs.rs/termion/latest See also: https://www.lihaoyi.com/post/BuildyourownCommandLinewithANSIescapecodes.html